Review: Sonicview SV-HD8000

Just picked on of these up

I just purchased an SV-8000HD off of Craig's List for $100 - - - can't wait to get it home to play with it.

Bet you anything it had hack code installed
Hello Gents
Regarding the power supply on this STB I read there is a known problem with the power supply going out, If the front display goes out and you only see a orange light every time you press any key on the remote, there is 2 capacitors in the power supply that go out, C10 AND C24, you need to replace them with a 1000 mf caps, voltage 16 to 35 volts dc. make sure they the same size, they cost about 1 to 2 dollars at the local electronic store
hope this helps
See if you can find some of the higher numbered factory firmware files. I believe I am running 4.43 which I downloaded from the sonicview website. They later removed it from their site but you can probably still find it floating about on the net. I've used the file currently on their website and it stinks.

While other folks on this forum are forced to enter hd channel id's manually with their stbs the sonicview has scanned them right in for me.

Does someone have the offical 4.43 that they could post - - - I agree the 2.50 version that is currently posted as the official firmware is NOT VERY GOOD!

Many Thanks
Just keep in mind guys that most firmware fixes for any STB receiver are usually not entirely about "hacking". Some long term bugs and outstanding issues are often fixed along the way. Nobody forces you to use firmware features, you consider questionable. In fact, as I remember reading, regardless of firmware version Sonicview STBs are harmless for signal "hacking" without some sort of extra devices. More, same extra devices were reported to have legitimate use as well. Try using the latest firmware version you can find, and if not satisfied, switch one step back...Just make sure to avoid stealing sub signals. Unless, of course, you intend to ship the STB for warranty repairs right after you bought it. :)
Finally I got some info on NIM tuners used in Sonicview 8000HD:

DVB-S QPSK Digital Satellite NIM Receiver:
Sharp BS2F7VZ0295 Tuner (Specs are the same as for smaller size BS2F7VZ7395) with built-in Sharp Demodulator STx0288

ATSC (8VSB) & NTSC & Clear QAM Digital & Analog Terrestrial / Cable TV NIM Receiver:
Samsung DNVS263QV261A OEM Tuner with built-in Samsung analog NTSC & digital VSB / QAM demodulator S5H1410:
Ports: RF Input & RF Loop Through

One can connect coax cables from both Cable TV and Terrestrial Antenna to the ATSC Tuner's RF IN port via an A/B Switch, and loop it through to your other TVs. The channel file may need to be edited manually with ChannelMaster to save both Cable and OTA digital channels. I doubt that SV8000 is designed to process Analog NTSC signals from this tuner, but it needs to be tested.


  • Sonicview 8000 HD Tuners.jpg
    Sonicview 8000 HD Tuners.jpg
    36 KB · Views: 565
  • Sharp DVB-S NIM Tuner Specs.jpg
    Sharp DVB-S NIM Tuner Specs.jpg
    45.8 KB · Views: 539
  • Samsung VSB-NIM Receiver DNVS263QV261A.pdf
    Samsung VSB-NIM Receiver DNVS263QV261A.pdf
    922.8 KB · Views: 529
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OK - - - I changed my mind - - - Love this receiver

I finally got this receiver working like I thought it should - - - took some work.

First, I finally found the old "GOOD" Factory Firmware - - (Uploaded here because it was so hard to find). I would highly recommend this firmware over the version 2.50 currently hosted on the SonicView web page.

Second, as someone suggested I made my VisionSat IV200 Primary and hung the SonicView SV-HD8000 off as secondary. This allowed me to let the SonicView "learn" all the motor locations using DiSEqC 1.2 and once it learned these locations USALS works but now quite as well as on the VisionSat.

The picture is great - - - especially on MPEG4 1080i feeds that I have found.

I'm still getting everything setup, but now I'm SOOO glad I picked this up from Craig's List. :up

I will post some PIX later.


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thanks for sharing

glad to hear your getting good use of it. might give this firmware a shot on mine see if can put some life back in it. thanks for sharing it.
still $ for $ i got my use out of mine already. and the best box i ever bought.
have you tried the PVR yet ?

ps. you might want to edit your other post if you can. keep forgeting the time limit here.
should fix that. at least allow small edit whenever.
It's a solid performer, unfortunately limited in a few ways.

I've had mine for a couple of years. Although the factory firmware seems to work well now, before the latest version came out, I did have to load non-working "hack" software to get it to display right.

I can't imagine a better performer for peaking dishes.

I guess Sonicview has two possible ways it can go now. It can fold up shop as the criminal and civil prosecutions proceed, or it can put out some modules and/or firmware that will allow it to get S-2 and 4.2.2 - maybe even blindscan those.

I think it will be closing up, though. I can't imagine an investement when attorneys cost so much. Enjoy it while you can.
I guess Sonicview has two possible ways it can go now. It can fold up shop as the criminal and civil prosecutions proceed, or it can put out some modules and/or firmware that will allow it to get S-2 and 4.2.2 - maybe even blindscan those.

Well since Sonicview has new models as SV360, you can problaly expect a new 360HD one too.. that can prob have DVB-S2 and or 4:2:2 .

Dream On I guess :D
glad to hear your getting good use of it. might give this firmware a shot on mine see if can put some life back in it. thanks for sharing it.

as it turns out the ku dish for the 8000 had moved on the pole really the pole moved.
so it can now move the dish via the usals just button.
but it will not store/remember position.
guessing the memory is full/over loaded. have a small sat list loaded 44 sats 61-129. is there any memory clearing software patch out there ?
have tried everyone i have.
thanks for reading

ps. heard Sonicview had a new HD box in R/D last year but i wonder if we will ever see it. would be nice.
I remember seen mentioned on the web somewhere "SonicView SV-8000HD Factory Reset and System Clean" files. They should possibly contain instructions on how to reset and clean up your system from a pirate soft, and install the latest legit factory soft after that.

Hi Guys.

I have owned a SV8000 almost as long as they have been on the market, so if anyone needs Factory Files or System Clean File Sets, Sat lists or any help, pm me.
I for one think they are an awesome box:), un-like my last purchase:(.
If you wish to read about that, just search for posts by me.

It's a solid performer, unfortunately limited in a few ways.

I've had mine for a couple of years. Although the factory firmware seems to work well now, before the latest version came out, I did have to load non-working "hack" software to get it to display right.

I can't imagine a better performer for peaking dishes.

I guess Sonicview has two possible ways it can go now. It can fold up shop as the criminal and civil prosecutions proceed, or it can put out some modules and/or firmware that will allow it to get S-2 and 4.2.2 - maybe even blindscan those.

I think it will be closing up, though. I can't imagine an investement when attorneys cost so much. Enjoy it while you can.

They will most likely fold up shop after the court ruling is released, similar to what happened with Coolsat. Hate to admit it but Sonicview's business model is strictly based on satellite piracy and they don't care about legitimate FTA use. This is too bad as the box is a good piece of hardware with lots of potential. I hope that once Sonicview goes bust, they release the source code for all their boxes as Coolsat did for their 4000, 5000 and 6000 models. At least then usability bugs can finally be fixed and support for S2 and 4:2:2 be enabled.

From what i've been told, the only thing they have working as of now in that domain is the south american provider Telefonica at 61W. They are still using Nagravision 2 but are currently in the process of upgrading to Nagravision 3 which will most likely coincide with the court ruling.
SV 8000 Files.

Good evening.
For the benefit of this boards users, I am hosting files for the SV 8000HD, just pm me for what you need and I will send you the link.

Do No
t ask for hackware, I don't have it.

Sorry, I don't post links in the open.

If one of the mod's what to pm me with a different setup, I am all ears.


I tend to agree with you, except I think its too early in the game to predict the court ruling. There's a big difference with Coolsat case. Coolsat owner was caught paying hackers to buy a microscope to analyze DN CI card chip, which handles N3 decryption, as was explained. In Sonicview case, the allegations are, the devices they supply are primarily intended for TV piracy. Its a much softer claim after all. Work may hopefully be underway to make iHub network device, mentioned in the allegations, do things like AZBox does. I red that a lot of people use SV 8psk Boards to watch clear 8psk channels, which is legal. Certainly, a lot more people use SV receivers to watch a variety of clear channels with a motorized or stationary dish setup than watch piracy stuff. So its hard to say, if everything about Sonicview brand is so bad, or the court will find it 50/50. :)
I tend to agree with you, except I think its too early in the game to predict the court ruling. There's a big difference with Coolsat case. Coolsat owner was caught paying hackers to buy a microscope to analyze DN CI card chip, which handles N3 decryption, as was explained.
This was Viewsat and not Coolsat.

In Sonicview case, the allegations are, the devices they supply are primarily intended for TV piracy. Its a much softer claim after all.

Sonicview receivers are designed strictly for Satellite TV piracy. The 3rd party and factory firmwares for all their receivers are actually using the exact same software but the piracy features are commented out in the code when the factory firmwares are compiled. If you don't believe me then open any so called "factory firmware" with a hex editor and you will see some very interesting information. ;)

Earlier this year, Sonicview posted a factory firmware for the SV8000 with piracy features enabled on their main corporate website by mistake. A coder had apparently forgotten to comment out these features before compiling the firmware. The firmware was on their website for over 1 month until I noticed it and informed them. They gave me a free SV360 Elite in appreciation for letting them know but alas, it was too late as Echostar had already noticed this.

Work may hopefully be underway to make iHub network device, mentioned in the allegations, do things like AZBox does.

The only thing the iHub can do and will do in the near future is connect to Sonicview's public Internet Key Sharing (IKS) server in order to gain access to their shared Dish Network subscription. The advertised capabilities for the iHub are the playback of MP3 files and pictures over the network along with the ability to automatically install firmware upgrades. However, even after being available for sale since June now, none of these features are currently enabled in any receiver's firmware.

I red that a lot of people use SV 8psk Boards to watch clear 8psk channels, which is legal.

The SV 8psk boards only work on DVB-S Turbo 8PSK channels which are only used by Dish Network and Bell TV. The only clear channels available would be ones that Dish Network forgot to encrypt.

Certainly, a lot more people use SV receivers to watch a variety of clear channels with a motorized or stationary dish setup than watch piracy stuff.

This would be true if their receivers did not have so many outstanding bugs, especially the SV8000. However, Sonicview staff have their hands full making their IKS server working properly and banning people who complain on their forums so no bugs will be fixed anytime soon!
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Yes, indeed, I was talking about Viewtech, sorry for the typo. "Forget to encrypt" line with regards to DN HD clear ad channels broadcast for a long time to attract new customers, as other reported, doesn't sound trustworthy. If the legit and pirate software versions closer look the same, as you say, they were possibly developed by the same team, but may have been ordered by different people - who knows...Why it wasn't mentioned in the posted DN complaint copy? How would you know, what advertised iHub features will be implemented by SV in the near future? One is expected to show a reasonable doubt unless any allegations are proven in court, otherwise nobody is protected. That's the only way to follow this document.
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If the legit and pirate software versions closer look the same, as you say, they were possibly developed by the same team, but may have been ordered by different people - who knows...Why it wasn't mentioned in the posted DN complaint copy?
Page 11 of attached complaint copy reads...

.... some or all Sonicview receivers contain embedded coded that is proprietary to DISH network. Versions of this factory-installed software and firmware come pre-installed on Sonicview receivers and are also distributed on Sonicview's website.

But what's not included in the complaint copy is a screenshot of a FACTORY sonicview firmware file opened in a hex editor showing the Kudelski copyright notice from a Nagravision 2 smart card dump!

How would you know, what advertised iHub features will be implemented by SV in the near future?

It doesn't matter what features will be implemented in the future. What matters is that for about 7 months so far, iHubs sold are only capable of doing one thing, to pirate Dish Network programming.


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