Review of Manhattan RS-1933

Well, the Manhattan has an accurate clock. That enhances the PVR capabilities. Only time will tell whether ALL the advertised functions of the Manhattan will work CORRECTLY . The functions of the Openbox DO NOT work correctly, but they work well enough, considering the price. :)
The Manhattan receiver price is way off the FTA hobbyist range, when there biggest competition is the OpenBox that is selling for half the price with the same features.

I for one am tired of seeing this stupid comparison of "half the price". Ricks Satellite has the S10 for $139 with free shipping and the RS1933 for $179 including shipping. Looks like $40 bucks to me. That is for a receiver with more potential and the obvious extra bang for the buck ($40). :confused:
The manual PID entry is a good feature but not for $100 extra, There is going to be many new receiver that will hit the market in the near future like the OpenBox and the Manhattan, i just got a new Coship Mpeg 4 receiver that i am playing with.
Check other sites and not ripoff rick.

Almost picked up a S10 new for $100 last night

That is not the point. Skyvision wants $200 and $20 for shipping. How much was shipping for you $100 deal? The point is people are acting like the difference in price is astronomical but I think what everyone is irritated about is that they are being charged more for a CLONE. So is it a clone or not? If it is truly not a clone and provides a usage above and beyond the price difference be happy people, I paid alot more for alot less in satellite receiver equipment.
How much was shipping for you $100 deal?
well lets see.....I've owned 3 of them (yeah I sold all 3.....for various reasons)
1st one I was part of the original shipment of Solomend (Sathawk)...Shipping was free but paid $169
2nd one I paid $110 and was free shipping
3rd one (S10) I paid for shipping...$11...but the unit was $82 so paid $93 total :)

I paid alot more for alot less in satellite receiver equipment.
So have I whats your point?
I have worked with PLENTY of s**t receivers out there and have paid more for "less" as you put it

$60 for a 10 transponder, no blind scan, no edit, no motor unit back in 03
$170 for a Pansat 1500....but yeah it had blind scan
plus a bunch of crap in between
couple good ones in the bunch like a Coolsat 5000 (still use it to this day)

If it works pretty much how I want it to thats all I care about.
The only thing that the Manhattan does which the openbox does not do (or so I am told) is manual PID entry.

I have not tried this myself though so YMMV.


The improved hardware in the Manhattan is what caught my attention to buy one. Twice as much memory and faster processor gives it 100 sat capacity and 7000 ch's. If you can scan the entire NA arc you need more than the 64 sat capacity the open box has. I'm tired of deciding which sat to kick out when I want to scan in a new one. The extra hardware performance also changes screens much faster than the OpenBox, especially the TP menus where the OpenBox has quite a bit of lag. So there are improvements worth considering for the extra $.

To everyone else:
There are a lot of unqualified comments from people that don't even own a Manhattan. Please think about holding back on your opinions.

We should ask to send the Manhattan back to beta testing instead of bashing what appears to be promising hardware. Just been a mis-understanding as to what a "FTA hobbyist" is and how they would use it.
Can you see 100 satellites here in the US?

As I said before I think Jeff has some good ideas and I am looking forward to seeing where they go from here.
No, I don't think there is 100, but my OpenBox maxed at 64, I've had to throw out about 6 sats to make room for others, so I could use at least 70 of those positions. Lots of room for new finds with 100!
Yes , BUT, you can't currently get the channels out of the reciever ! Next version hopefully. You CAN edit the file before you load it into the receiver, I've done that, but it's not lilke we want it, just yet . :)
Yes , BUT, you can't currently get the channels out of the reciever ! Next version hopefully. You CAN edit the file before you load it into the receiver, I've done that, but it's not lilke we want it, just yet . :)

Thanks Brent, sounds like that one will happen in time. I think that most of what we consider serious hobbyists would consider that functionality a necessity.
The suggestion with having HD resolution, S2 and FEC information. Even though I don't like it, this will be added. My question is where to put it. Do you want it on the channel bar, or on the info (i) button.

Info button. I like that feature of the Openbox that I also have so to have it in my Manhattan as well would be great because it's where I'm used to seeing it and it's only an "info" button press away!

In regards to marketing. I always thought that sales should go through the dealers.

It appears you mean dealer (no "s"). As far as I can tell, only one dealer imports the Manhattan and then resells to another who wants to sell it. I can understand why you don't want multiple dealers to import it because you could get into a nasty pricewar over selling the receiver. Having only one dealer import it helps keep the selling undercut price close to the price the importing dealer is charging for it on their retail website.

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Well, the Manhattan has an accurate clock.

I'm starting to disagree with that statement that you and others make. I am feeling the clock is only as accurate as the uplinker you are watching since it seems that clock (at least the GMT part of it) is set based on the time feature in the uplinked signal. My manhattan clock was correct (GMT time from uplinker plus my GMT offset) and then I watched a feed and my clock got off. I watched another feed and my clock is back to accurate. It appears an occasional uplinker doesn't uplink enough (or doesn't care) to have the time part of their uplink signal correct so it can set your clock wrong while many seem to have accurate time portion of their uplink.
Check other sites and not ripoff rick.

Almost picked up a S10 new for $100 last night

Anything in that price range is probably a clone - I paid $110 delivered and it seems very much to be a clone after looking at the chip ID with 4 different firmwares. My s10 has its quirkiness with power/standby but otherwise works great. The only site I found that claims not to sell clones (but who knows if they really do sell a legit one) seems to be selling them for about $130 dlvd. Big plus about the Manhattan is that it hasn't been cloned yet! ;)

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