Review of Manhattan RS-1933

I don't have the data to support this statement but I would guess the number people using FTA boxes for ethnic/foreign language programming dwarfs the number of "hobbyists." Perhaps this is the market Jeff is pursuing and not us?
All of the issues that have been mentioned over and over again like the switch issue are being addressed just as has been said time and time again. That is what I have been told. That is what I am waiting for. As for me? I am happy with my manhattan. I run a system like the fta community was targeted to begin withyYears ago. A big old dish that was worthless but now has life! My receiver is slaved so I have no motor or switch issues. That said, nowadays many do have "farms". I got tired of the hassle so I took my farm down. I can only watch one channel at a time anyway. I picked up a second BUD for another setup. I don't need a hundred dishes for two receivers. I also beam the signal wirelessly to other rooms with a ratshack setup. I can only be in one room at a time.
The FTA community has been waiting a long time for the "perfect" receiver. The top names over the years have failed at providing that. Not to mention that there is nothing that is "perfect" in this world and to expect such is lunacy at best. The fact is the world simply don't work that way no matter how much we want it to.
Pixl, For me, I'm happy. Do I see room for improivement? yes. There is always room for improvement in everything.
Scott, and a few others out there..... Continued beating of a dead horse is flat out stupid. Jeff is aware, he is working on the issues. End of story. I am not a spokesman for anyone. I give all receivers a chance before drawing any conclusions. Hell, I hung hard on Pansat for years before being let down in the end. They been around for over 25 years!
The reason I feel the way I do is because If I was any new FTA receiver maker, after reading all this crap, I would simply say " the H with all of them" They will never be satisfied, they will never be happy, they will never appreciate what they do have. Why should I do something to help a bunch of animals that will only find something to complain about." Why should I bring something to market that people don't have the patience to let bugs get worked out. Again... I still have to see anyone name just one receiver that was bug free when it came out... Comon people... just one.
People that read all the bashing are turned off. A newby that was considering fta throws up their arms and says to themselves.... "All the equipment is junk." So they don't get into FTA. Does the community really need to be turning people off? Are we hobbiests really so arrogant as to not consider that there are people out there screaming for a receiver that they can simply aim at one sat and watch TV? Are we all really that arrogant that we think the "hobbiest" is the only one to make a receiver for?
I challenge everyone to think about questions like that. I also challenge everyone to have a little patience in life. Nothing, weather a new model of car, computer, new version of Windows..... Well lets not go there... They all have flaws when they first come out. Cars have recalls, computer programs have patches. Windows has............ well you get my drift.
First, mouths were kept shut about the Manhattan and people biatched. Then info started trickling out along with the release of the receiver in order to make people happy... People biatched. If I was Jeff, I would draw back all info, quietly work and refine, then toss the info only at one place that would work with me and not against me. Let the people complain because they will do that anyways. In time any receiver will prove it self bu working as intended with no hiccups. Word of mouth would eventually over ride the naysayers. And alot of feelings would not get hurt. Now if anyone can't figure out what my feelings are as far as the FTA community in general goes, Then they have a problem. I can't express myself any better than what I did. And if you think I said something? Show me the quote in the entire context. Please Don't put words in my mouth. maybe others will explain things and attempt to answer questions about this receiver. I am going to wait for the next file, apply it, test it, Then maybe... maybe as long as people are civil, then answer any questions.. Catch ya laters... Now I sincerely wish all a great day!
Stone I appreciate your frustration. As I read this thread it seems that the biggest problem is that the release of the Manhattan was premature. To be frank that seems obvious. I like to get in on the ground floor of things and appreciate that things are not perfect when they arrive, but even at that it seems that the Manhattan was premature. It is true that people will be turned off by reading threads like this, but I would rather know that there are no receivers out there that work well on the S2 side of things than to spend my money and find it out after the fact. As a new person to this 'hobby' it is pretty shocking to find that there does not seem to be a reasonably priced or even expense receiver that actually works as advertised. The lack of working clocks, reception of all available feeds, difficulty in updating firmware, etc. etc. should be common knowledge in the community and not hidden from those looking into it.

I think I am the person that the Manhattan is targeted for. I have one BUD receiving both c-band and ku (I will add additional KU band dishes as soon as it cools down for hard to get satellites). What would I like - well a working clock would be nice, how about Titan TV integration so I can schedule recordings or even view a real guide, I think working switches with motor ability is to be frank a no brainer. You say you are beaming your system wirelessly with a "ratshack" setup whatever that is. Cool lets add DLNA to these receivers so that we can beam them to our gaming units. Everything says these are linux based systems so it seems these niceties are not out of order.

I think the problem people here are having is that this receiver was released with what is perceived to be little beta testing. Basically foisting the beta testing onto the first consumers who respond in anger because their purchased item does not work. If Manhattan takes anything from this discussion it perhaps should be that this beta testing style is not appreciated or wanted by the FTA community. They may not like that or want that but that is at least what I am picking up here. I am glad I did not bite on this premature system because the asking price is a little steep for me and it would be sitting on a shelf as incompatible with my very basic system. I think all involved can understand how frustrating that would be.
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Personally I disagree with them on most features. I actually watch the program, not look to see if its S2 or in MPEG-4. But some people need to know this because,,,,,they do!
This is good and a step forward. FTA is not just watching TV its a community where people share information and finds with each other. Without being able to see stuff like what FEC and modulation scheme its using (DVB, DVB/S2, DVBS2/8PSK) they can't share that info.

I can say Go-Daddy website that we are on,,, sucks! We will change this service when the contract is finished.
I can agree with you on Go-Daddy's hosting. I recommend HostGator for low cost hosting. I have used them for a number of sites for clients (and even one for DISH Network) and they have been great!

But I totally disagree with you that 2 million + people are on your website!
No not 2 million but a good number of them are! Let's give you some facts about SatelliteGuys, last month we served closed to 400,000 unique IP addresses. Unlike other sites we don't require you to log in to read posts here. And if you look you will notice that Free To Air is our second most popular area here, in fact more popular then our DIRECTV areas.

If you added up all the people online at any one time on any so called legitimate FTA American websites their numbers won't equal a tenth of the members we have here in our FTA forum at the same time.

Search Google for the Manhattan 1933 and you will see that you are listed once at the top and then its all information from SatelliteGuys.

The numbers don't lie and when peole want FTA info, help and news they choose SatelliteGuys first. That is something I am proud of. Our success is due in part of the leadership of Iceberg in our FTA area. This guy lives FTA and loves tinkering with all new FTA gadgets. If there is an expert in FTA is Iceberg. The rest of our success is due to our members who are the most helpfull folks you will find on any forum. If you have a FTA issue post it here and these guys will solve your issue within minutes of you posting it.

I spend time with FreeDBS because they asked me. Maybe they won't come to market, but at least they tried to offer something no-one has the balls to do in this market!!!!
I would LOVE to see FreeDBS launch but so far it has been 100% smoke and mirrors. All talk and no action. I and many of my members deal with uplink facilities around the country and none of these uplink facilities have even been contacted by FreeDBS. When the idea first came around (going on two years now) I was very interested and excited and have had my ear to the ground and have not heard anything from inside the industry about them. The only thing we have seen is them posting updates on their website and as you know anyone can get a website at GoDaddy and post what they want. As they say the proof is in the pudding. I haven't had any pudding yet... and I want some pudding!

Frankly people they have the programming. Its just finding the right market to bring it in. The debate of either satellite or over the internet. Costs controls and advertising Scott you know all about, so why not offer your help instead of beating them up!
We did offer them our support. They have chosen not to respond. This has been WELL documented here. Personally I believe they deserve all the flack they have been getting, they did it to themselves. I want to believe in FreeDBS, but I also want to believe iN Santa Clause, The Easter Bunny and The Tooth Fairy as well.
Against my engineers wishes, I engage discussions with people who give me their opinion. But he and others sees a different market than you do and the people on the forum.
No offense, but thats part of your problem, your engineers dont seem to have a clue of what the real Free To Air users in the United States want. Your engineers are not here in the United States and are talking based on what others who do business want who for the most part don't do business in the United States. The US FTA market is WAY different then FTA anywhere else.

In regards to 4.2.2, we talked with the programming engineers and this programing is coming to an end. People HD is here, HD is HD, SD is SD. Numbers don't mean sh*t with is 480, 720 and 1080. Beta is not being fixed to continue.
I understand that 4.2.2 is not possible because the chipset is too slow to run the emulator. For a majority of folks (even us FTA die hards) that is not the end of the world.

Not sure what you mean by "Numbers don't mean sh*t with is 480, 720 and 1080. Beta is not being fixed to continue." something got garbeled there.

You are advertising a quality product and are charging a premium price for that quality, unfortunately that quality is not there yet (my opinion of course) but hopefully you are really listening to what the real FTA community wants and want to make this the quality box is should be.

I hope we can help you make this the quality box you want it to be.
You are advertising a quality product and are charging a premium price for that quality, unfortunately that quality is not there yet (my opinion of course) but hopefully you are really listening to what the real FTA community wants and want to make this the quality box is should be.

I hope we can help you make this the quality box you want it to be.

How about posting what it would take for the Manhattan to be a Quality receiver for you? GregH
Mainly my big ones are Motor and Swtich working together and the ability to see the full info on a channel.

I haven't loaded on the July Firmware (just because I haven't had time to rescan in the arc) which I am told fixed the external hard drive issue.

I am not asking for the world but get upset when its advertised as an American Satellite Receiver created for American FTA users then be told that what I want isn't used by 90% of the FTA users out there. I am sorry I just don't buy that one. Thats the one that set me off.
Ya proper Motor and Switch control is a basic feature in basically all fta receivers out there for what the past 5-8 years, so I do not see this as an advanced user feature but a basic one. I do agree that a full detailed list on the info button is more for us advanced users but hey we are the guys that will by 2-3 receivers not just one :) So we mite be less in numbers but the purchase numbers would be close to the old man that has the tech set it up and only watch whats there on one receiver one tv, probably not even hd hahaha.
Mainly my big ones are Motor and Swtich working together and the ability to see the full info on a channel.

I haven't loaded on the July Firmware (just because I haven't had time to rescan in the arc) which I am told fixed the external hard drive issue.

I am not asking for the world but get upset when its advertised as an American Satellite Receiver created for American FTA users then be told that what I want isn't used by 90% of the FTA users out there. I am sorry I just don't buy that one. Thats the one that set me off.

I told you back in July there were motor/switch problems.
Actually, You can use a 22KHz switch now to control two lnbs with the Manhattan but one of them will have to be scanned using the wrong l.o. frequency. This will result in the transponder frequencies being wrong. The channels and everything else will work like they are supposed to, just the tp frequency would be displayed wrong.

I understand that channel information will be provided in a future update.

I would suggest that you get rid of any July firmware updates that you may have. The file was pulled for a good reason and if you go ahead and update with it then you may have a new set of problems.
Plus, the next firmware release may have the dump feature that people have been asking for. I have attached a picture to show you they are working on this feature.

You can sit here and beat drums or otherwise complain about this receiver. OR You can get behind it and see if you can help improve it. A list of what people here would like to see added to the Manhattan would be nice but it will not be easy to see if it is buried in a 20 page thread. There are several things you could do as a site owner if you so desire....



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Greg, I guess I don't see why I should get behind this receiver. The main man from the company came here and told us in clear language that it is not for this market (referring to this forum) - that it is being produced for a "different market". Still unclear what that market may be, but hearing that from the main man really closed the deal for me. If it is being designed for the passive TV watcher then I guess even someone as simple as I will have to pass because I want more than that. Understand that is fine - it is their choice and a free market. If they want to make a USA box in the USA for single satellite viewing foreign language speakers in the USA (or whatever their business plan is) that is fine. But for now I will just have to wait and see what market it is designed for and/or see if their is a change of position before giving this box further consideration.
Think what you want and read posts the way you want. All I can tell you is there is a list of features and updates that are to be put into the Manhattan's firmware. I have posted pictures of a few of these updates in my last few posts.
Good Evening.

What you say is nice and I am excited by the pictures you post, I really am. But at THIS TIME I can not recommend this receiver to ANYONE because AT THE MOMENT it does not even do basic functions that any FTA receiver sold 5 years ago (or more) could do and do well.

There is no reason for ANYONE to pay a Premium Price when there are much cheeper receivers out there which do the same things and do them BETTER.

However with that said if and when they fix these issues (and your pics show that they are on their way to doing it) then will the box be worth the premium price? I say PERHAPS. But at the moment... not so much.

When you are reviewing products you can ony review based on what it has NOW and whats its missing NOW. And that's totally what I am basing it on to thy to review based on features and bug fixes that might be coming would be unfair to the rest of the Free To Air community and our members.

Hell Jeff wont even send Iceberg a box to review as he wants to wait until these issues are fixed. I feel that's a wise move on Jeff's part because when the Iceberg speaks people listen.

And as this sites owner, I am sure I could do a lot of things, sure I could write up a review and email it to all 170,000 registered members. I could post my review to the homepage so all 400,000 unique ip addresses who read here each month can see why I can CURRENTLY recommend a Manhattan... hell I could even hide some HTML code that users can't see that says "Don't buy a Manhattan now" and while that code can't be seen it would be indexed by all the search engines, so when people search for Manhattan 1933 all's that they get back for results is "Don't buy a Manhattan now" but I am not going to do any of that because even though the box was released half baked I do believe they can take care of the issues.

Again I can only review this box for how it is now... not how it is later. And that's what I did.
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Man Davage you beat me to it! , took me too long to catch up with the thread. Scott while appreciating your inclusion of a Like button (which I most confess I hardly ever use) I think like, Davage said, we also need a Dislike button. Now, back on Topic.

After reading all Jeff's posts here and unfortunaelly as well , listening to the Russian born programmer (I have nothing against Russians but being Cuban I have a predisposition against any non-space related technology they build , spend 10 minutes inside a LADA car or even try to drive it and you will see my point!) several weeks ago on SAT TAlK Radio Show where he insisted switch/motor is not mostly needed then I am even more confussed now like BenGap (sorry if thet is not exactly the user name). Heck , most FTA boxes , built for whatever purposses (including the ones for piracy) have always included motor and switch controls from the start up , grated some did not worked flawless with USALS , but they had thsoe capabilities. Most also give you extra info on the channel like FEC or SR therefore I do not think these are advance capabilities or features for advanced users , these should be standard features on any receiver specially one built in 2011!.

Although I personally agree (even without data to confirm it) that most FTA users are not hobbiest therefore they only simply watch foreing or religious programming and therefore rely on advance users or techs for their FTA installs/setups I find hard to beleive that those same simple FTA users are going to be willing to pay close to 200 USD for just a stb to watch TV. We the hobbiest , are far less , yes , but we are the only ones who acctually need 8PSK or even HD capabilities! since most foreing channels or religious are only SD and using the typical DVB-S standard. HD sets sales are on the rise long ago but I have found that most FTA users just want to be able to watch their foreing country TV stations and even in cases where an HD version is available they tend to not even care for it if it drives the cost of the setup too much, and yes going from 70 to 200 is has almost tripled. So if I am a retired japanese or recently arrived to America (therefore more likely to be on a budget) I will gladly watch NHK in SD only if it saves me 100 dollars!, specially with these Economy and by the time I settle , integrate into society, build up a stable income, get an HD TV set then I will likely just call a paid TV provider and join its 60 million or more customer base instead of staying just with FTA. This is only based on my own personal experience with friends and friends of friends who ask me advice on technology and beleive me they are not only cubans but from diverse countries but they do seem to have 1 thing in common , cost concious or budget or limited economy or simply do not want to spend too much on TV but rather use it on other entertainment choices.

So in my opinion if this box is being marketed as American made in America but for foreingners therefore without bells and whistles or even full motor/switch controls then they should have built a way more simple box for the low end market at the 70 USD mark to satisfy that market and thats it. Stay away from us, The Hobbiest, we have managed over the years using foreing built equipment and I think we would rather keep using it as long as its it built with us in mind therefore with the standard features like switch and motor control and basic channel info but also with our insanly needed advanced info and capabilities like 8PSK or MPEG4 or AC3 or whatever. Heck I hardly ever watch TV (most of the time on this board or Rick's like a crazy man) but you will be hard pressed to find another cuban citizen even counting the 2 millions in Florida , who has spent over 1500 dollars over the years in FTA equipment (including a birdog meter). We the hobbiest are far few , yes I repeat, but we are the only ones with the need and willingness to purchase this kind of equipment simply as a hobby and just to share the info or help others so Jeff Schumman and by extension anyone willing now or in the future to invest or work towards FTA equipment (specially advanced receivers) if you are not going to build that equipment for us , to satisfy or needs, then just simply build a basic receiver and price ir accordingly so the FTA masses can consume it.

And more important , Do not forget !, Do not waste your time and money on Sat Forums and Sat Talk shows because the FTA masses you intend to target for Do not even Know or even care that those Forums and Sat talk show even exist!. There is not a single foreing person I have adviced or helpd with the setup of even motorised FTA systems, even co-workers who are technically inclined, that is even willing to spend 3 minutes reading or listening to such shows. It is us and only us, Hobbiests, the ones who crave almost insanely I most add again, such apetite for such shows or boards , or channel info or "advanced" features, or even advanced receivers.

But then again I just realized that I have just (amount not time) spent over 1500 dollars aver a few years so I guess it makes no business sense to even listen or read what I have to say. Like Stone always says , Have a great day! , but in this case unfortunaelly it might indeed have all the sarcasm that it appears to me it has every time stone types it lately.

Heck took me an hour or more to type only this!.
Scott, How can you compare the Manhattan to a cheaper receiver like the Openbox when you do not have an Openbox to compare it to? Buy one of those ninety dollar Openboxes so you can see the difference first hand instead of second or third party.
Again, I told you bluntly that the firmware needed work and that the motor/switch did not work but you bought the receiver anyway. It looks like you bought the receiver just so you can complain about it.
TheManhattan has better hardware than the Openbox. It has a better built power supply and a better electrical cord than the Openbox. The chances are slim, but if a FTA receiver was the proven cause of a house fire, there would probably be a lawsuit. I think a person would have a hard time suing Openbox, but it would be easier to sue Jeff here in the United States. Better hardware costs more money.
The Manhattan has features that the Openbox does not have. They are listed below. The first two on the list work now, and the second two should be added in the next update.

* The Clock Works
* PID Entry
* Ability To Scan Horizontal or Vertical Transponders
* Universal LNB Settings of 5150/10750 & 5150/10600 for C/KU LNB's

The motor/switch issue is a high priority but it will not be resolved in this next update.

I have spent enough time posting about the Manhattan here in this fashion so I am going to relax a little bit and do some other things. I will post information here about it as it becomes avaiable, but I have had enough of this type of discussion on it because it gets us nowhere. You keep complaining, I keep telling you I told you so...Enuff!!!
It appears from what you have written that you are a bit frustrated and have taken some of this stuff personal. If this is the case, perhaps you can relax a bit too?
The Manhattan is a new receiver. Stuff happens when a new receiver is released. Anole and Iceberg know this...Others do too.
Thanks HD Fan, I agree with most of what you said.

Maybe Jeff could clarify who his market truely is for this box, if it is for the foreign channels and folks then it seems like overkill since I dont know of any S2 foreign channels. To only S2 channels up there really are things like PBS, The networks (which are on C Band) and for RTN feeds, none of which most forign fta viewers will ever watch. For these folks getting programming and news from their homelands is the most important thing for them. This box is too advanced and overpriced for them.

For those of us who are into the technology such as S2 this COULD be a great box but its lacking basic features that ANY other FTA receivers has. For us hobbiests I think we would be willing to pay a premium price for a premium box. As I said AS THE BOX IS NOW it is not worth the extra cost.

I got to admit I was VERY excited about this box ever since Mike Kohl mentioned it for the first time last year the the Sat Talk show. I have known Mike for about 20 years now and have always trusted and valued his opinion and expertise in this industry. But have been disapointed to hear all this praise for the product that is lacking such basic FTA receiver features. And was more disapointed when I poked around on the Manhattan website to find that Mike is an employee of Manhattan (Manhattan-Digital: Contact Us) in addition the only other two places you can buy the Manhattan is from Mike Kohl directly via his Global Communications company, or you can buy it from Skyvision whom Mike also works for. (So basically the only place you can get it from is Mike Kohl.)

As our old friend Gary Bourgois used to say all the time "follow the money trail."

With that said I can't blame Mike for what hes doing, times are tough right now and he is doing what he must to put food on the table. But I do think what I said here should give you food for thought when you are trying to decide what to spend your hard earned money on. We have a great group of members here and this is where you will find the honest reviews from the guys who know best.

As I said in my previous message my review is based on the Manhattan RS-1933 as it is today using the firmware that is available today (I never loaded the pulled firmware on my box). My opinion on any piece of equipment is just that... my opinion. I am not going to give you a review based on what may be coming, thats the only way we can and should review something. I think one of the old golden rules still holds true today and that is honesty is the best policy.
Scott, How can you compare the Manhattan to a cheaper receiver like the Openbox when you do not have an Openbox to compare it to? Buy one of those ninety dollar Openboxes so you can see the difference first hand instead of second or third party.
I never compaired it to a Openbox, as I have never had one, but others have and based on their feedback I will still say that at this time if you are thinking of buying a new box, you are better off with an openbox.
in addition the only other two places you can buy the Manhattan is from Mike Kohl directly via his Global Communications company, or you can buy it from Skyvision whom Mike also works for. (So basically the only place you can get it from is Mike Kohl.)
As our old friend Gary Bourgois used to say all the time "follow the money trail."

Actually Scott, if you will look under the "sales" link at the Manhattan website, you can get the Manhattan from Skyvision, Mike Kohl, Volunteer Satellite Distributors out of Nashville, Rick Caylor, and Grandview Communications out of Phoenix. There are also two Canadian dealers as well.
Thank you Bob, I stand corrected! (Told ya I am not 100% correct 100% of the time.)

Anyways I look forward to the next update, lets see how they can make this puppy shine!

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