Review of Manhattan RS-1933

By george we have a winner!!! There is someone that actually understands!!! Most of them are half baked anyways.....
ICE you are a hope to mankind..... If Jeff said he would... I am confident he will. I am still waiting on the new firmware along with the others that are playing with this box. We will get it Tested and then it will be released. That's all I know.
Thank you Stone.

I agree with you on this as well.

This box has the ability to be the best box ever, I honestly believe that... but not as the way it is now.
So basically Stone are you saying "yes this box is a piece of sh*t because its not done yet" and "Wahhhhhhhh"?

When a product is released then it is time to be judged. PERIOD.

This box was released and was judged, and since you dont like what people (myself included) about it because its half baked and because we are telling the truth about our HONEST feelings about the box you are saying your taking your ball and going home.

Of course missing from all this is Jeff who is still hiding... Come out come out whereever you are Jeff.

Mann I give up.... Where did you ever get that I don't like people like you????? Where did I say that the Manhattan is S**t? Show me the quote. I give up. With that kind of attitude, I hope Jeff stays out of site! Reread my post. I'm done here... Can't explain anything without getting attacked........... Have a great life.
Ok time for a time out!and keep this from getting out of control.Lets give the Manhattan a chance!its the new kid on the block and will have its good and bad points.I can see why some here have been a little negative on the Manhattan so far.Call it frustration!!Seems like every new receiver coming out repeats the same short falls as the one before.Doesn't the programming team see whats happening here and correct problems before the product is released!!!.I guess its like alot of electronic products these days!Just get it on the market and let the public find any problems and have them corrected at a future date.I guess i was hoping the Manhattan team would release it when it was good and ready but from we have seen this isn't the case.Dont get me wrong I'm not picking on the Manhattan!its just the way things seem to be done these days.I like playing computer games!But they release them too early most of the time and rely on its customers to find errors so they can release sometimes several patches afterwords to make the game enjoyable and playable.I haven't commented much on the Manhattan and willing to give it some time to iron out its flaws before i give a opinion on this product.
As far as I can tell, the Manhattan works. True, it doesn't support Switches and Motors at the same time, but it works. As long as future software improves on it's current condition, it will be just fine. Maybe it won't be the "dream receiver" that we all imagine ( the new Pansat, if it had 4:2:2 support, might be THAT with it's polorator control), but it's quite competent right now, but limited by the switch/motor issue. It fits my basic needs right now, but it won't handle a dish array and it won't handle both a Gbox and USALS motor, seperated by switches at the same time.
What do we need ?
1. Diseqc 1.1 support
2. Any combination of Diseqc switches , 22 khz switches and motors should be supported.
3. Capability to dump current firmware, configuration and channels to usb stick.
Anybody have anything to add to the list ? Let's be positive and specific. :)
.....Anybody have anything to add to the list ? Let's be positive and specific. :)

A few, off the cuff......

Ability to scan just horizontal, or just vertical.

Ability to define range of frequencies to be scanned.

Ability to distinguish between remote controls (being able to have more than one Manhattan in the same room and operate them independently).

Icon to denote when a signal is DVB-S2

Linear-responding quality meter (it may already have this?)

Manufacturer website with regular updates to inform users what is up. :)
I am sorry, but have gotten a number of offers for the S10 for $99.

But that does not matter, a $79 difference or a $40 difference there is still no extra value that I can see in paying more for a half baked Manhattan. I would tell people who are going to be buying a box to wait on getting one and HOPE that someday the software becomes usable. This box was released unfinished and that it the truth pure and simple. All the benefits of the Manhattan that have been told so far are just fairytales.

Another thing (and don't take this the wrong way Stone I REALLY appreciate your help on things) but where the hell is Jeff Schumann? Why is he hiding and making you act like the corporate spokes person for his product? Come on Jeff we know your reading, if you really want to support this product like you say you do then then start posting. You need not worried that your not a sponsor, I don't care about that... I care about the FTA community.

So Jeff if you really believe in this product and want to see t grow you are going to need to start participating here and walking the walk instead of just talking the talk.

Again as of TODAY (and I hope this changes very soon) the Manhattan is NOT worth the extra money... period.

Any update on the Manhattan? This is one I am interested in and depending on the reviews am considering one to replace my AZbox which has started doing goofy things lately.

I just dont want to spend $200 on one to find out I am a beta tester and that the features we want are coming "soon"

Been there and done that on a number of boxes.


I will be blunt. The receiver needs firmware work.
It appears they changed form a 2MB receiver to a 4MB receiver and they probably were not fully prepared for this.
This receiver change has left them with a good basic firmware without manyl bells and whistles. As an example, you cannot currently use a motor and a switch. The Solomend had this same problem back in early 2010. Now we will see how quickly this issue is fixed in the Manhattan.
I have seen a lot written about the Manhattan being a clone. I beg to differ since the Manhattan is being coded from scratch.
You can scan Horizontal or Vertical transponders with the Manhattan.
You can add an individual channel with the Manhattan.
The Manhattan has a Dolby Digital Logo on the front and Dolby licensing information written on the back.
The Manhattan has a North American wall plug so no adapter is needed.
The clock works on the Manhattan.

Work is being done to fix the firmware and make it very desirable, but there will not be much more information available on this receiver until some new firmware is released. Wait a little while and see what happens. GregH

Scott, I told you the receiver needed work before you bought it so why are you complaining?
And Jeff should come here and post just because you bought a receiver that you are not happy with??? Good luck with that one.
It would be a good idea if you bought one of those S10 receivers for 90 something dollars. Then you could compare the hardware on the two receivers and you might see that somebody is trying to give us a decent receiver in the higher priced Manhattan. The power cord is a lot thicker Manhattan. There are other hardware differences too. GregH
There has not been a receiver released since the old analog days that didn't have bugs and growing pains. These days the beta testers are the consumer. The Manhattan is brand new and needs a chance to work out it's problems. Give them a chance to make things right before going off the deep end.

Digital is a step backwards because its more problem prone than analog ever was. :eek:

The Manhattan is a true FTA box and has no piracy in mind. I don't think they will be disappearing like so many other manufactures have due to piracy. Some boxes were pretty good but never received updates because the doors were closed. This is one thing we don't need to worry about with the Manhattan.
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As I said before I do believe this receiver could be a good receiver with software updates, but was released half baked. This made by Americans for Americans receiver seems to be missing a lot of features that American's would use such as motor and switch support.

Ultimately the extra cost for this receiver is unwarrented at this time as it dosent really give you anyting additional for that money.

I got to be honest I dont really get the extra memory feature of this box. Scanning just C Band I get only 140 channels... I never had any memory issues on any other box and that was scanning in both C and KU band.

Will it be worth the extra money in the future? Maybe, but I am kind of nervous when this box is not working up to where it should be yet and I see Stone and others already discussing the next generation of this box. Let get this brand new box working correctly first before even starting talking aboutthe 2nd generation version. That talk alone would have me thinking twice about buying the 1933.
Scott, please don't do this again. If you have an issue with the unit, send me a note. Iceberg has my email address as I will be still sending him a unit to test shortly. All of this is on the Manhattan website.

There are some issues that we are addressing for more advance users and advanced systems that people are using. We are testing new firmware as we speak to address these issues. For the people who have suggestions, we welcome your input. I have been busy with other projects including my house getting flooded and these firmware updates. My apologies for not coming onto the forums and spending more time with you. In the last 6 months I have not a day off! So I'm getting bitchy too! So is my wife, if you know what I mean!

We will be introducing new products, like PLL LNBFs and antennas that are going to be made in the USA again. We will see these in the next few months. Plus I have spent a great deal of time with FreeDBS and other DTH programming to bring to the market. This all takes time well into the night!

New firmware is being tested as we speak and more is being discussed and written. If it desired by the users and possible to implement, we will try to compile a solution. This comes at an expense, but that is not the issue. A lot of this new firmware will not be embedded into the receiver. We have found that 90% of the users are not interested in more advance firmware or needed for them to view their programing. But will offer the firmware for people who want more advance features and can download them to their desire. But most important they understand the featuresthat they want to have. Some people are not capable of understanding and that I appreciate the people on the forums in helping people, not bashing or calling them out like school children.

What we do offer is a compliant unit with the technology sector. The service repair and support are here and will continue in the future. Something most of our competition does not offer. We are a USA base company and a global partnership with our affiliates. If Scott you need your other box fixed, I think we can help you with that as well. Our goal is to help build the industry, not dismantle it for the sake of another business. Which I believe the mythology of this bashing!

The issue is you Scott going off on a rampage, which we all do from time to time. But to call me out like that is not the solution. Drop me a note to come by and address some concerns. I did get several emails yesterday to your post, which they asked me to reply. To your understanding this rant turns people off! I answer all me emails and calls, that is all it takes.

You owe Stone a huge apology. For a person who volunteered his personal time to help people. That is not called for, by anyone. That is called a cheap shot and Iceberg should send you to the penalty box! At least he offers sound advice, not the ranting you display.

I greatly appreciate the people who support us and for those who choose not to, I will support you in any-way to win over your business.

Let's stop the bashing and move forward in a positive way and as we offer these more advance features to advance users.


Jeff Schumann

First off welcome. Its good to see you here. I have emailed you a few times and even asked to meet with you last year at CES and didn't even the courtesy of a reply.

But if there is anyone who owes an appology it is YOU for selling these half baked receivers.You say "We have found that 90% of the users are not interested in more advance firmware or needed for them to view their programing." I find this to be BS, welcome to SatelliteGuys.US Aericas Largest Satelite site where I would say 90% of our FTA members ARE interested in the advanced features. WE ARE YOUR MARKET... THE ONES YOU ARE TRYING TO SELL TO. Since posting my issues and feelings I have been contacted by many of our members agreeing with me but not wanting to start a war in the public forum because they like me believe that your product CAN become a very good product.

I dont know how you did your market research, but obviously you didn't do it well. (My opinion of course, but I think that opinon is shared by a number of our members.)

With that said (and I have said this before) this box could be so much better with the firmware updates. Its just a shame that you released the box in a non finished state for many satellite hobbiests here in the United States. I do hope this changes soon as I would LOVE to sing the praises for your box (and no I am not seeking you to be a sponsor) people in this industry value my opinion and I am always open and honest and I don't care if my comments offen anyone. You are going to get my 100% honest feelings... (And I will also be the first to note that sometimes my feelings are not always correct, I have made mistakes before and I am sure I will again in the future.)

I will give you the floor and let you find out from our members what THEY want to see from the Manhattan. I know many want 4:2:2 which is not possible on the 1933. But there are a lot of other things that can be added to this box which can make it shine.

I took a look at your PLL LNB idea and for me I wouldn't use it as I am not KU only, but for others it might be good. I am however interested in new American Made Antennas, especially C Band dishes. I am asked a few times a week where people can get a good quality NEW c band dish here in the united states and I don't have an answer for them. While not a big market I do see the interest in C Band picking up again... and with a receiver like yours which can pick up the DVB-S2 signals which are found more on C Band then KU Band this could help your sales overall.

Don't get me started on FreeDBS, I would love for it to be real, but like most of us here I am in the I will believe it when I see see it frame of mind. (And I still don't understand why a service called "FreeDBS" will need a smartcard to view it since its free.) Again dont get me wrong I would LOVE to see FreeDBS, but my gut tells me I have a better chance of hitting the lotto jackpot then by seeing a true FreeDBS service.

Now on to Stone, first off anyone with a Red Green Avatar is cool with me. At least I know if I hurt his feelings I can fix them with duct tape. (Thats a joke)

From where I sit he has been coming across as an official spokesperson for Manhattan Digital, even going as far as apologizing for some of the bugs. If you read his postings is sounds like he is speaking for your company. I appreciate him trying to help but when he appears to be the spokesperson from his writings and is the only actually posting any news about the product he unfortunately becomes the fall guy. (Hey I have been that position many times myself, so I know the feeling.) But from where I sit his attitude was that I couldn't / shouldn't say anything bad about the product. Sorry I don't play that way I have a big mouth. But with that said sometimes typed text is not READ the way it was meant when typed, so because of that I do appologize to Stone who was only trying to help.

But as I lets see how we can work together to make your product better for everyone.

As I said to you in my emails and also other open posting I did here at SatelliteGuys to you Jeff, we are here to support the satellite community and the satellite consumers who call SatelliteGuys home. If there is anything we can do for you let me know I am willing to dedicate our resources to supporting you and your product. After all we are America's Satellite Information Source.

Again welcome!
An improved file will be released soon that has some updates that will help some of us.
LNB Universal settings of 5150/10600 and 5150/10750 have been added. This will allow people to use the combination C/KU lnbs more efficiently. It will also allow people to use a 22KHz switch to connect a C and KU system. This is nice!!!
Individual polarity has been added to the scan. You will have the choice of scanning Horizontal, Vertical transponders. You can also scan both H &V transponders automatically. GregH


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An improved file will be released soon that has some updates that will help some of us.
LNB Universal settings of 5150/10600 and 5150/10750 have been added. This will allow people to use the combination C/KU lnbs more efficiently. It will also allow people to use a 22KHz switch to connect a C and KU system. This is nice!!!
Individual polarity has been added to the scan. You will have the choice of scanning Horizontal, Vertical transponders. You can also scan both H &V transponders automatically. GregH

That will be nice Greg!

Thanks for sharing!

I can handle honesty. To the 25 people who I sent out units too there were not honest and offered no response. I believe the beta testers that work with me now are people are offering good advice. Personally I disagree with them on most features. I actually watch the program, not look to see if its S2 or in MPEG-4. But some people need to know this because,,,,,they do! So we will make the changes people want and they can load what features they want and make the receiver theirs!

People on the forum and other can offer support and advice. That is what I praised the site from the start, people helping people!

But I totally disagree with you that 2 million + people are on your website! Every foreign language person wants advance features? Then why are the programmers asking for less features and a more simple remote. We are actually going to redesign another unit for a large programmer with less features. Those 50k people are looking for what? Their programming and nothing more! They don't even want volume on the remote! Not everyone want everything. In the end they just want to watch the program!

In regards to email. I have never received any email from you. But I'm not saying you didn't send me one. I was at CES and would have met you. But that is over and my email is if you ever want to send me one. I can honestly say that I answer all me emails that I receive. I think the 100+ emails I sent to people in the last couple of weeks, they can verify this. But there are few people who have called me to indicate that is not the case. I can say Go-Daddy website that we are on,,, sucks! We will change this service when the contract is finished. If that was the issue I apologize and will offer my personal email to you if you to eliminate that as an issue.

Against my engineers wishes, I engage discussions with people who give me their opinion. But he and others sees a different market than you do and the people on the forum. I want everyone to enjoy their experience with our products, not a hassle. Yes, we will continue to work at upgrading the unit. But let's offer some civility to the conversation not just rant about ones short-comings. At the end then criticize me for what it is, not someone who enjoys it, because he does and disagrees with you. The person with the loudest voice does not win here!

Stone just enjoys this more than others and I cannot express my appreciation towards his honesty, concern and his strong words for wanting change. I did not ask him to do this. Like I said he does this on his own free time. I spend some of my time on other forums, because they asked me from the start. He and the people on the forums are enjoyable people and I appreciate that. If you want me to address an issue personally on this site, all you need to do is ask! Issue is resolved, let's move forward!

I spend time with FreeDBS because they asked me. Maybe they won't come to market, but at least they tried to offer something no-one has the balls to do in this market!!!!

It's easy to criticize someone or a potential service. Where I come from you pitch in and try and help. If all fails, in the end at least you tried! Others from this industry had offered their help and we have seen progress.

Frankly people they have the programming. Its just finding the right market to bring it in. The debate of either satellite or over the internet. Costs controls and advertising Scott you know all about, so why not offer your help instead of beating them up!

If there is an issue or feature you would like to see. Send me a note and I will discuss this with the beta people (Iceburg) to see if it will work out. In regards to 4.2.2, we talked with the programming engineers and this programing is coming to an end. People HD is here, HD is HD, SD is SD. Numbers don't mean sh*t with is 480, 720 and 1080. Beta is not being fixed to continue. For now it's there, but the future is HD in a CAS set-up.

Scott I thank you for any support you can give us. I thank you all for your support and wish you well.

Folks, enjoy the programming not the numbers!

Take care,

Jeff S.
Jeff, I guess I am confused. Is this receiver being marketed for the FTA market? If so, those are the very people who frequent this forum. I could careless about 4:2:2 but find it hard to believe that this market does not want a receiver than can uses both switches and motors. After reading your explanation I am more confused than before. Also, I am not sure you know this but I think Scott owns this site and Iceberg moderates under his authority - I am new to all of this so I may have it wrong. So what "different market" is there that your engineers see? There is FTA, 4DTV, pizza dishes and those who steal from them. It seems that the Manhattan is made for one of these unless I am missing something. Inquiring minds want to know what this "different market" is. Also I am curious if you are affiliated with the Manhattan receiver company in the UK (just ran across it when doing a google search for your site and was wondering).
First, I would like to thank Mr. Schuman for posting in here.

Here is what I would like to ask at this point to the members...

Do we have some one who has a Manhattan and likes it as is??
I'm an advanced user and I need switch 1.1 and motor control.
But it has been stated that 90% of the users out there just want to watch tv.
So could we hear from one of those people to put me in place and tell me they don't need switch and motor options and that the Manhattan is just the right box for them.

EDIT: I should mention I own a Manhattan, I am thrilled with the 100 sat capability, manual pid input, separate horz or vert setup, faster processor and memory with no lag between screens. I just can't use it at this time with my 13 dish farm.
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I have the Manhattan and it works well at the moment , handling my Gbox and Cband dish. However, I'm eagerly awaiting what we regard as "full functionality" . From Jeff Schumann's post , I gather he's looking for the North American TV market, but not necessarily us ( who happen mostly to be hobbyists, who play with the hardware more than we watch TV). I'm certainly willing to give them time to give us more options, though I feel bad for Pixl, who absolutely must have Diseqc 1.1 support. I feel a little bit sorry for Jeff, because we haven't seen the perfect receiver yet, but still we're demanding it from him... :)
If Jeff was just making a box just for the TV market he would not need a EJTAG port on the motherboard. I cannot find a port like this anywhere on my Openbox receivers. GregH


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