Price Jump from 722K to Hopper

To the OP, if you don't mind mirroring TV1, you may want to check out THIS thread for some ideas. I ended up getting one Hopper and no Joeys to replace my 722k and am ok with the $4 increase for the added functionality. Like you, I couldn't justify $11 for my situation.
What functionality are you talking about? You lost the ability to see a different program on a second tv.
I never cared about that since I always used my 722 in single mode anyway. I gained a sat tuner, better GUI, DLNA (theoretically), speed, PTAT (no more recording conflicts on networks), more recording space, lower power use, better remote, etc. Like I said, it was better for my situation. I understand others would be giving up some things like TV2 and OTA.
Don't let DISH read that!

Yeah, I know. I didn't mean to type "like" twice. ;)

Iceburg had a post that basically said that the Welcome Pack was Dish's way of retaining subs past contract, which is right on the money, I think. Pretty sure they'd rather have my $15/month + Showtime for now (catching up on Homeland) than me signing with D*. And I'll ramp back up for the third time when the NFL season starts, so they win again.

The Hopper's not calling my name, but I'm still pure revenue stream for Dish.

Remote with bigger buttons?

Hopper videos?

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