Predictions on Voom subscriber numbers

No I am not going to fine them. The reason is that the regualtion was different then. The requirement was scaled basck in phases over several years. It was originally 90 days, then 75 and now 60. As usual you post before investigating.

I note that I never made a prediction. I just said that there is no reason to assume that the sub numbers will be there. They are not a requirement of the filing process. Franklly I would have expected them to be there. Just as I would have expected them to be announced today. But since they weren't announced I think it is appropriate to point out that they might not be.

You keep trying to put words in people's posts.
MarcelV said:
I have to agree with Geronimo this time. There is no value for the stockholder in teh number of subscribers now Cablevision made the decision to sell the assets.
A proper description of the business is due the stockholders. The number of subscribers *is* a defining part of the business, along with the $661.4 million dollars that part of Cablevision lost.

And, as noted in the pres release, the sale of Rainbow DBS assets to Voom HD LLC is NOT a done deal. It was part of the company for the entore reporting period of 2004, and it is still part of the company.

Geronimo said:
No Ia m not going to fine them. The reason is that the rwgualtion was different then. The requirement was scaled basck in phases over several years. As usual you post before investigating.

I note that I never madea prediction. I just said that there is no reason to assume that the sub numbers will be there. You keep trying to put words in people's posts.
I keep expecting words to be in other people's posts. :rolleyes:
Ia m rwgualtion basck madea?

But there isa lot of subjectity in what is a defining part of the business. We all expected the sub count,. But it is not there. You can argue till the cows come home that it has to be in the 10K or that a 10k is the same as a 10Q, or point out that they announced on 3/15 last year. But none of that changes the facts about what has to be announced and when.
justalurker said:
The longer they delay the more I believe that 20k would be a high guess.


What gives you the idea that anyone cares? :haha

I do, however, care about your avatar (it looks sad :river ). Spend some time with it. Feed it. Pat it. It will make you a better person :love
It may very well be true that they did not give ius the news (in part) because it is not good news. But I am unsure when or if wew ill get it. Just wait for the 10 K and see if it is there. It might be. It might not.
I predict more than 1 and less than 1 million. :D Seriously, if Cablevision won't answer question regarding VOOM, then don't expect to hear VOOM subscriber numbers until after the sale of Rainbow DBS/VOOM assets. Hmmm. Since VOOM HD LLC is a privately help company, they may be under no obligation to report subscribe numbers.
"If Cablevision were proud of the subscriber count they would release it. The longer they delay the more I believe that 20k would be a high guess."

It doesnt make a lot of sense to report subscriber growth from a section of the company your about to sell off. They have no reason to report anything at all about Voom anymore.
riffjim4069 said:
Since VOOM HD LLC is a privately help company, they may be under no obligation to report subscribe numbers.

You are correct don't expect numbers on Voom at all, until they start making some money.
Perhaps the Count knows and he just ain't tellin'

I would like to see some growth....and I think the newest deal has helped them grow a bit more. A DVR would help things also.