What are Voom's subscriber numbers now?

Bruce brought up a valid point. VOOM's own SEC filings say that current customers need a new dish to pick up Americom-6, the satellite that VOOM's own press release says the new HD channels will be on. VOOM CSR's (and now installers too) are saying that no additional equipment will be required to pick up the channels from Americom-6. Only one source can be correct and I put my money on the SEC filing.
bruce said:
See what I mean, vurbano I have never called you a name or attack you in anyway ever, I have already said I was considering Voom, and have answered a lot of questions t-nite in this thread and others, please find where have I bashed in any way, I know I have given honest answers without being negative about Voom, but you keep attacking people, I and others, Voom and this forum is not a private club and I know I am following forum rules, are you with your constant rudeness.

Don't feel bad Bruce. I too have noticed that if you don't agree with the majority around here you are branded a heretic.
Same like it is at AVS when you talk bad about D*..... every place has bias and this IS a VOOM ONLY forum.

Speaking the bad is fine but theres no need for you to be here unless you have voom or are interested in voom.... us voomies can give the new people the good and bad just fine.
There is no way the 18' dish is going to pickup 61.5 and 72; not gonna happen. Heck, my signal drops 5 points if I move the dish less than a quarter-inch. Unless we're provided with a motor-drive or an indentured servant to manually swing the dish back-and-forth between the two sats, then we're going to need a much bigger dish!

Off-topic question: Has anyone pointed their dish at 72 and tried to manually tune channels?
TYORK said:
Who was your installer that was at your house?

I am terrible on remembering names but I think it was Jason? Or possibly Jeremy. One of the two. He drove a full size white van with no markings.
Various posts deleted as they were either personal attacks or off-topic. Please keep focus on the topic at hand. Thank you for your cooperation.
Indy said:
I am terrible on remembering names but I think it was Jason? Or possibly Jeremy. One of the two. He drove a full size white van with no markings.

Thanks for the info