Guess VOOM subscriber number's

I was told this evening from someone that was at NAB that the number of current subscribers as of today is over 10,000. May 15th is when the numbers are supposed to be published again so expect a number over $10,000 for subscribers.
10,000 is a little disappointing. I thought the no commitment offer would bring in more than that. I know that is a 5 fold increase, but I hope it's more. I am also curios if we'll get a churn rate.
cyuhnke said:
10,000 is a little disappointing. I thought the no commitment offer would bring in more than that. I know that is a 5 fold increase, but I hope it's more. I am also curios if we'll get a churn rate.

When you look at this number, we have to put it in perpective. VOOM is not attracting subscribers like E* or D*. First, most people that subscribe to VOOM are owners of HDTVs. HDTVs are still expensive and has not hit the immediate average person. In my case, people tha I know (family and friends), I am the only one who owns a HDTV.

Right now, the general public is not even well educated about HD. We are in a transition period and a very difficult market to tackle. Also, Sears has not done a great job in trying to get the VOOM out to the masses. It is good that now VOOM has their own people at Sears selling and educating people. Yes the number does not look very significant but if you put everything in perspective, I think it is moving well.

A lot of people try to compare this number with D* and E* who have HDTV and that's not fair. It took D* and E* over 10 years to get a base of subscriber of 500,000 HDTV owners. VOOM may have SD channels but the people that are subscribing are those HDTV owners.
Only people who are totally set up for hdtv , have tried other services and found them lacking;are the ones who are flocking to VOOM. I consider VOOM to be an expensive addition to my regular service. Nobody with a family is gonna get VOOM as thier main provider. No locals, no basics, no PPV. Voom is strictly (at this time) for hard core dedicated HDTV fans who have no problem spending 60,70,80 $$ more for those 30-50 hd channels.
mattyro, I disagree. I have Voom as my main provider right now. I am fortunate that I can receive all of my locals in digital and analog, so I have a choice on how to feed my home. I have 2 Voom stb's, one hooked to a home theater and the other to a 27" analog TV. I have the Basic Voom package for $39 and also carry the Dish HD Pack and Dish locals for PVR purposes. Once Voom comes out with their PVR, the Dish locals and 501 are history and if Voom ever gets HDNET, I can stop paying for Dish 6000 service and just use if for locals.
Yea, I disagree, too. Voom offers all the channels I need, both HD & SD, and at a lower cost than the other guys with higher quality and more HD content. What more could I ask for? (I get my locals off-air with the antenna.) I'm certainly a lot happier all the way around then I was with Dish. My only complaint is not enough new content on Rave. I want to see some new concerts & videos :).
mattyro said:
Only people who are totally set up for hdtv , have tried other services and found them lacking;are the ones who are flocking to VOOM. I consider VOOM to be an expensive addition to my regular service. Nobody with a family is gonna get VOOM as thier main provider. No locals, no basics, no PPV. Voom is strictly (at this time) for hard core dedicated HDTV fans who have no problem spending 60,70,80 $$ more for those 30-50 hd channels.

You're completely wrong. :p

VOOM is my main provider and I DO have a family.
I get locals OTA with VOOM supplied antenna
I did my numbers and the VaVaVOOM package was the most economical way to get the channels I wanted. :)
I have a family and D* and cable in addition to Voom. However, I will cancel D* entirely because we haven't watched anything on D* since we got Voom (other than doing some A/B tests of PQ). I will keep cable because I need my local FOX sports channel.