Opinions Needed!! Cust Serv, dish upgrades, etc...


New Member
Original poster
Jul 23, 2004
If you have hdtv, you have to love Voom. But after endless attempts to get the 6.10 upgrade, I finally did and while there are some new features, I find it mostly just a new look, and a few buttons to push, compared to what I thought it would be. Ive heard so many people talk about their upgrade to a larger dish. HOW did you do it? Customer service never knows anything or denies the existence of everything we all talk about on this forum, even the existence of a larger dish. When I brought this to Wilts' attention, I got an email saying he'd look into it. But thats the reply I get everytime, and nothing has been done. Theres also a woman Voom rep whose name I wont meantion, who promised me the moon also, but I cant get her to respond to my inquiries. In other words, a whole lotta smoke. Ive even threatened to drop my service, but as if that would do any good. Im wide open to ideas fellow Voomers! Ive had several successes as I know many of you have, but lately there seems to be more bark than bite. Besides, I promised Wilt if I didnt get action, Id post the results. Think he'll notice?
kjs58 said:
Ive heard so many people talk about their upgrade to a larger dish. HOW did you do it?
If I were you, I wouldn't upgrade at this point. A newer dual-satellite dish is expected within a couple of months...
Most people who have received an upgraded (bigger) dish, have done this to combat the problem of rain fade. In some areas, rain/cloud fade can degrade your signal by 20 points or more, and some people lose the signal entirely. The upgrade is done to negate that problem. The way they get the upgrade is to call customer service and let them know about the rain fade problem.

I still have the original 18 inch dish. In 8 months, we had only 1 rainstorm that came close to knocking out the signal, and we've had some doozies. I'm interested in a bigger dish, but will wait for the dual-satellite upgrade, whenever that happens.
I believe Voom lease will begin in October 2004 for the other satellite. So they really will need to start upgrading existing customers now. I haven't heard any news, which I think Voom should notify everyone when this is going to take place.
jimmykce1 said:
I believe Voom lease will begin in October 2004 for the other satellite. So they really will need to start upgrading existing customers now. I haven't heard any news, which I think Voom should notify everyone when this is going to take place.
It might just be that they can't tune to the new satellite properly to adjust a new two dish unit until they have access to the satellite themselves... a.k.a. a signal to lock on, etc...
voomvoom I Believe Your Probably Right. I Would'nt Be Surprised If No Dish Upgrades Until The Second Sat. Is Online. I Bet They Dont Need The Extra Transponders Yet.

Whats the deal with the program guide? (and other stuff).

I Stayed Home Sick Today So.....

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