New Channels Added! (BBC, Noggin, etc...)

SpeargunHDTV said:
I don't doubt that VOOM is airing CNNI. I'm just perplexed as to WHERE they're getting it from, unless they're allowed to use Canada satellites to receive it in the USA.

Is there anybody with up- or downlink info who could tell me where the CNNI feed for VOOM may be coming from, and whether cable systems may be able to carry it, too? RSVP. :0)

I'm watching it right now.
justalurker said:
CNN made a push when CNNfn went off the air asking providers to pick up the CNNi feed in its place. It is available to systems that want it.


Thank you for the info. CNNI is probably the one channel that can make a huge difference in the number of analog-to-digital upgrades on MSO's.

As for the issue of whether iNHD and iNHD2 should be offered to VOOM or any other DBS, and not just MSO's, that's entirely up to iN DEMAND how and to whom they want to make carriage of their services available. If they don't want to offer iNHD to VOOM (but rather only to Comcast, Cox, or Time-Warner Cable), then they can't be forced to. It's "squatter's rights".
SpeargunHDTV said:
...If they don't want to offer iNHD to VOOM (but rather only to Comcast, Cox, or Time-Warner Cable), then they can't be forced to...
Yeah, they can say: "VOOM, WE DON'T WANT YOUR MONEY!"

Makes sense to me! !sadroll
KostaVan said:
Showtime Beyond is worthless if it's not HD. If I wanted more SD channels I would have gone with DirecTV or Dish. But I'm a VaVaVoom customer and want more HD.

ESPN2 HD, INHD, HDNET, HD PPV, or maybe some major networks over Satellite but PLEASE no more SD. I wouldn't mount a dish and antenna on my freakin roof if I wanted that crap. Take away 200 SD channels to free up bandwidth for 20 HD channels and i'll be happy.

Start sending the music channels in 5.1 instead of stereo. That would be nice too....but the more SD they send...the less of the good stuff we will receive.

The few ppl like you and a few others would be the sole reason Voom goes belly up if they listen to you.They NEEDED to add these sd's and still need to add a few more sorry Mr.I want my HD NOW NOW NOW but for them to survive they have to do things to gain customers whether you like it or not.Grown sick of hearing ppl like you on forums whining who apprently have no buisness sense at all because if you did you would see the things they are doing now will help ensure there is a voom in the future and more new customers to help bring you more HD.If you do not like it then well freel free to take your hd set and move it to E of D** and see how much sd you get in comparion if not then stop whining and being like a impatient child.
who_the said:
They'll get at least one HD slot April 1st when EncoreHD fades into oblivion.

I'd also like some insight into Voom's current bandwidth utlilization. Anyone?

Are you for real? Looks great on this end. Either your TV or your eyes.

They could have a few more slots by getting rid of LAB, AUCTION, ULTRA etc...
LAB is a joke in my book.... Not really an HD channel... More like the 70's acid trip channel for hippies... LOL.....
who_the said:
They'll get at least one HD slot April 1st when EncoreHD fades into oblivion.

I'd also like some insight into Voom's current bandwidth utlilization. Anyone?

Are you for real? Looks great on this end. Either your TV or your eyes.
Yes I'm for real. If you think what Voom is pushing to us now looks good, then you have never seen true HD.
Nayl said:
The few ppl like you and a few others would be the sole reason Voom goes belly up if they listen to you.They NEEDED to add these sd's and still need to add a few more sorry Mr.I want my HD NOW NOW NOW but for them to survive they have to do things to gain customers whether you like it or not.Grown sick of hearing ppl like you on forums whining who apprently have no buisness sense at all because if you did you would see the things they are doing now will help ensure there is a voom in the future and more new customers to help bring you more HD.If you do not like it then well freel free to take your hd set and move it to E of D** and see how much sd you get in comparion if not then stop whining and being like a impatient child.

Has anyone noticed that the only people who seem to like all of the new SD channels are newbees? I am really afraid of what Voom is becoming and these newbees are just loving it. Voom will soon be just another D or E with lousy PQ. Boy I sure long for the old days of Voom.
I am a NEWBIE to VOOM but have been an HD nut for years.... I can really care less about the SD channels but us NEWBIE'S are what is going to keep VOOM in business.... With out newbie's and back to the good ol days of VOOM will get you a whopping 10k subs...

I would NOT have voom if they did not have cartoon channels (SD) for my son... So while I can care less about the SD they are essential in getting and keeping new subs...

Just the 2 cents of a NEWBIE....
ram1220 said:
Has anyone noticed that the only people who seem to like all of the new SD channels are newbees? I am really afraid of what Voom is becoming and these newbees are just loving it. Voom will soon be just another D or E with lousy PQ. Boy I sure long for the old days of Voom.
Great point! I think you are right... to an extent. But Voom has to attract people from other services who are afraid to give up their existing SD programming. Once they become Voomers and see how great a lot of HD can look, and see how fuzzy their old SD stuff looks, they will become like you and me, and they will give up their SD channels. But Voom needs all those popular SD channels to attract those subscribers! ;)
Just a thought but I am thinking that when VOOM carries a channel such as Food Network, I would think that it would better nogations when the channel goes HD. I'm also thinking that VOOM is making it's contracts open for when that channel goes HD they're going to be first in line and when all of the contract obligations are up they'll drop the SD feed and keep the HD.

Please remember if that it wasn't for the VOOM21 then VOOM would only have about 13 hd channels. I think that one of the biggest money drainers for VOOM has been the the VOOM21.

Just my $0.02,
what about content?

If there are many old tv shows and movies that I enjoy, do I just give up on ever seeing them until if or when they are in HD? I like HD as much as anyone here, but until there is far more HD programming and content then there is now, I refuse to become an HD elitist and claim I will not watch ANYTHING until, or unless, it is HD. There is still far too much content out there in SD that I enjoy watching. Let me go out on a limb here and say that I do not think the the average joe or josephine tv viewer out there really gives a damn about HD and most of them do not have HDTVs. They need their SD content if they are expected to jump through the HD hoops.
Too many positive posts for someone trying to catch up on things...for me to agree with each individually...Just want to say YES!! Especially to those who acknowledge the need for SD as well as HD additions... :)

As for the negative posts...well, you probably already know what I think, also. :yes Vicki
I spent most of the day watching Voom on my 27" analog TV because I have my daughter for spring break and we were watching lots of SD stuff. I don't dare waste any of my pj bulb life on the Voom SD channels because they are essentially unwatchable at 110".

To get to the point, the PQ was total crap on my 27" TV. We watched mostly Travel and TLC today. As stated before, the picture looks good until there is movement, but come on people, isn't that why they are called "MOVIES", because they MOVE? As soon as there was movement, it was sawdust time.
To me, the HD channels are just a bonus right now. I am a sub to VOOM because I know that HD is still a year or 2 off before it becomes normal and VOOM offers me the MOST HD right now. I am not going to complain about the PQ or mention channels I want(FSW)until VOOM says ok this is it, we are done, this is how it is going to be. VOOM knows about the PQ taking a hit but they didn't really have a choice. They NEEDED to add more SD channels because VOOM wants our business. They don't want to be a "second" choice. The CSR told me they are launching more Sats so we all just have to be patient.
I watched VOOM most of the day and did not see any problems.. I read where some are reporting audio problems on RAVE... I am listening/watching RAVE now and have been for about 45 minutes with no audio/video problems at all.....

Makes me curious as to why some are having PQ and Audio problems and some are not...... I am using Bose 3-2-1 for audio and have a Hitachi 50V500 LCD that is set to 720p using DVI...
LunkHead said:
I watched VOOM most of the day and did not see any problems.. I read where some are reporting audio problems on RAVE... I am listening/watching RAVE now and have been for about 45 minutes with no audio/video problems at all.....

Makes me curious as to why some are having PQ and Audio problems and some are not...... I am using Bose 3-2-1 for audio and have a Hitachi 50V500 LCD that is set to 720p using DVI...

I watched Voom for 4 hours tonight and i did not see no problems at all i think Voom is still tweaking and we need to be patient i don't understand some of you guys complaining give me a break there working on it give them some time. :D

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