? offset angle Primestar 1.2m

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Spring is always a long way off in Montana ;) As for building a fire...the planned location is next to the house. Hmmm that might not be a great idea. ;)

It doesn't have to be a big fire, buy a bag of charcoal, and just stand there and watch it while holding a garden hose or fire extinguisher. If you have vinyl siding though, it might not be a good idea. Then you could use and old-school blowtorch, lol.
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It doesn't have to be a big fire, buy a bag of charcoal, and just stand there and watch it while holding a garden hose or fire extinguisher. If you have vinyl siding though, it might not be a good idea. Then you could use and old-school blowtorch, lol.
Apparently I'm not as eager to install this dish as you are. ;) LOL I intend to put it above the roof line out of reach. I need a long pole but not going to buy a new one at $200 :eek So I will scrounge one up somewhere, cheap :) In the mean time I want to play with my new toy before I put it out of everyday reach. I want to compare some LNB(F)s.
Apparently I'm not as eager to install this dish as you are. ;) LOL I intend to put it above the roof line out of reach. I need a long pole but not going to buy a new one at $200 :eek So I will scrounge one up somewhere, cheap :) In the mean time I want to play with my new toy before I put it out of everyday reach. I want to compare some LNB(F)s.

Find an old well driller, and ask if he has any 2" well casing laying around. Works perfectly, though you may have to shim around the mount, depending.
Find an old well driller, and ask if he has any 2" well casing laying around. Works perfectly, though you may have to shim around the mount, depending.
Yeah that's what one of my AJAKs is on, 4" well casing, full 21' stick for $60, cheap :)
The missing sensor pictures ;)
VonWeisSensor 001.JPG VonWeisSensor 003.JPG VonWeisSensor 007.JPG VonWeisSensor 010.JPG
The switch plate is one I fabbed up for an AJAK but didn't space the switch correctly. I cut it up and it works great here. While one of my AJAK 10 magnet wheels looked like it could fit in this VonWeis, it didn't :( So made a slightly smaller wheel with 8 magnets :)
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Some time ago my AJAK fell down and broke its motor. It look like trash, but, if somebody wish to have everything what is seen on the picture, you just pay shipping. Other-ways it will go to the bin. IMG_20171015_193554 (Large).jpg
Some time ago my AJAK fell down and broke its motor. It look like trash, but, if somebody wish to have everything what is seen on the picture, you just pay shipping. Other-ways it will go to the bin. View attachment 128673
Did you ever finish that blue AJAK? I would think that someone with your skills might be the only one to find something to salvage there. Not much left of it for sure. I vote to bin it. ;)
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I have too many started but still not finished projects :coco and AJAK is one of them. From the broken motor I only keep magnet wheel, it is very small so will not occupy much space in the garage. Most likely I will never need it and I will not be able to find it if I ever need it.... but anyway. :amen
Forgot to show the picture of 5 different Channel Master dishes I have. One of them is exactly the same as one in the begging of this topic.
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I noticed the solar cooker dish is sideways. Wouldn't it work better if the dish was oriented correctly? Just saying, if you're going to abuse a dish do it right ;) LOL
I think, in case of solar energy collection, orientation does not really matters. However, in satellite reception case, orientation of the dish is important to reduce X-pol influence.
It looks like the dish is upside down, not sideways. I've used dishes upside down with no difference in signal to when it was right side up. With an offset dish that is not elliptical it shouldn't make a difference if it was side ways, since the lnbf sees a round dish. Your verticals would become horizontal but you should get a similar signal.
Well lets just say right now I have no neighbors. The house on the west is the one the bank owns and can't give away. Should be condemned. The house to the south has been turned into an Air BNB. The place on the east, two town homes, are vacant right now. They are way to much rent money. The place to the north, A big garage with a loft apartment, Just moved out this week. The place in front of that vacated last month. Quiet around here lately, no barking dogs. :)
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I have too many started but still not finished projects :coco and AJAK is one of them. From the broken motor I only keep magnet wheel, it is very small so will not occupy much space in the garage. Most likely I will never need it and I will not be able to find it if I ever need it.... but anyway. :amen
Forgot to show the picture of 5 different Channel Master dishes I have. One of them is exactly the same as one in the begging of this topic. View attachment 128691
What size is the (UK?) dish? The only one that isn't made in the US and doesn't have the size indicated in the casting info.
That is very special dish :). I doubt it is possible to find another one. Perhaps it is only one ever made. Its working area 350x379mm and same offset angle as all CM dishes have- 22.6*.
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I have been able to get a few more things done on this project. The pole of course required the most work. Digging huge rocks out of the ground is not my idea of a fun time.The pole arrived tied to the bumpers under the truck. ;) It's what you do when it won't fit in the truck, on the truck, or on a trailer. Of course it was rusty and would not be presentable in that condition. First I rubbed it down with emery cloth to loosen the surface rust and rinsed it off. More work with a wire wheel and then a scrub down with CLR cleaner. It was now in a condition for some rustoleum :) I built a bracket to clamp it to the rafters and really hold it secure. Lag bolted into four rafters with 3" lag bolts.
pole 002.JPG pole 005.JPG


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