I have been able to get a few more things done on this project. The pole of course required the most work. Digging huge rocks out of the ground is not my idea of a fun time.The pole arrived tied to the bumpers under the truck.It's what you do when it won't fit in the truck, on the truck, or on a trailer. Of course it was rusty and would not be presentable in that condition. First I rubbed it down with emery cloth to loosen the surface rust and rinsed it off. More work with a wire wheel and then a scrub down with CLR cleaner. It was now in a condition for some rustoleum
I built a bracket to clamp it to the rafters and really hold it secure. Lag bolted into four rafters with 3" lag bolts.
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Here's what I use for my poles, antenna mounts, and old antenna towers. You can also buy it by the case: Rust-Oleum Professional 20 oz. Flat Gray Cold Galvanizing Compound-7585838 - The Home Depot