Does make you wonder,what if Brady were get a season ending injury?
they do have a good back up correct? i don't remember now

and no i'm not talking about %$#@&()^

Does make you wonder,what if Brady were get a season ending injury?
Does make you wonder,what if Brady were get a season ending injury?
Ahh yes Mallet,almost forgot they had him.Will the real number 15 please stand up.
They're sold out now. Skip Bayless just placed his order for an entire warehouse.
Broncos release RB Willis McGahee
Now that all the Pat haters had their say... This is a very good move by BB and the Pats. No risk, high, versatile player. Am sure BB's going to mold him right into a prototype Patriot and make you all eat crow!
don't know if you're including me in that but one, i don't hate the pats and two, my comments are all about tebows inabilities as a qb, not as a person, not even as a football player. i'm sure he's good at something else and if so, bill will find it. i don't make these things personal. at the end it's just a game for me, can't speak for anyone else and don't care.
Check out this grill.
Darnell Dockett unveils intimidating facemask during Cardinals' FanFest
Of course you know Goodell will put a stop to this.