New channels coming soon?

No yous missed my point completely. If Voom turns itself away from HD to please all the SD fanatics then it will loose all of its HD fanatics like me. And again....i have a right to my opinion as much as YOU trolls hate it.
Nayl said:
Sad a few trolls have to come here post insults at others and there wifes/families to make them somehow feel superior.You want your HDTV? well guess what if voom does not get more subscribers its going in the toilet what part of that do you guys not understand? They have pushed the hdtv only stuff for along time now and its NOT caught on like it should have.

Well said. Clearly nexus (aka Joshua Lewis) fits the full definition of troll. Within his first day of posting he has contributed nothing but managed to fling insults at women, gays, mental retardation, and several long standing members of this forum. I shall add him to my ignore list as others should until Scott adds him to the banned users list. I feel sorry for the guy, the closest thing he probably has to a relationship is through his viewing of PlayboyHD. :shocked
Amphicar770, its a good thing we dont sling insults isn't it. I guess that doesn't apply to you.
nexusonya said:
No yous missed my point completely. If Voom turns itself away from HD to please all the SD fanatics then it will loose all of its HD fanatics like me. And again....i have a right to my opinion as much as YOU trolls hate it.

As much as I hate SD Voom has shown the HD business model doesnt work without first attracting all of the Joesix pack subs that want their QVC shopping channel etc. Just look at D*. So stop calling names.
nexusonya said:
No yous missed my point completely. If Voom turns itself away from HD to please all the SD fanatics then it will loose all of its HD fanatics like me. And again....i have a right to my opinion as much as YOU trolls hate it.

1-I suppose you think HD programing is being grown on trees and awaiting Voom's approval for release.
2- There is somewhere in a bunker under area 51, millions of hours of HD programing being withheld due to the fact that there simply isn't enough Voom fanatics awaiting it's arrival.

3- Yes you do have a right to your opinion, but not to insult people.
Amphicar770 said:
I feel sorry for the guy, the closest thing he probably has to a relationship is through his viewing of PlayboyHD. :shocked
Umm wouldn't "his hand" be a better analogy?
OK OK OK.....get over it and move on! geeez. but just before....
1 - That would be super cool if is a bunker at area 51 and there is no proof that there isn't.
2 - HD programming doesn't grow on trees that I know but there is programming avail. out there.
3 - hehehe i got a 3 hehehehe
If and when you ban someone I think it's worth a mention. So here goes: nexusonya you have been accepted into my ignore club. Congratulations...
Sean Mota said:
Two posts deleted. There are customers who will welcome these channels for various reasons. Those that are not interested in these channels and want to complaint, please create another thread with your dissastifaction, but don't spoil this thread with your dissastifaction. Thank you all.

I "yawned" on the first page about the SD and you deleted it. This nexu clown calls people that like SD "trolls" and his posts stay?
thank you so very much all. Its a good thing that you all need to practice what you preach.
Let's all try to act a little adult. No one likes the idea of losing a major HD content provider, even the thought of it is demoralizing, but let's all try to have a rationale debate without involvement of personalities.

Debate can be heated, compelling, and even ignore plain facts as long it is not juvenile.
Just to add what Tim posted. Various posts have been delete that did not add anything to the topic. Anyone who does not like these SD channels is invited to open up another thread and express your dislikes. Thank you all.
I love HD, but I must admit that I am not a HD snob. There are still many old programs and movies that I love that are still SD. I have a teenager who thinks black and white is inferior because it is b&w (she is a color snob). I do not think that there are enough pure HD fans out there to make Voom work as a mostly HD service. Also probably not enough HD content, especially true HD content. There may be as few as a half dozen SD channels, that if added to Voom, could draw in thousands of new subs. Once these new people see what HD can really be, then they will become fans and HD supporters and promoters.
This is an excerpt from the VOOM Nov. 22, 2004 press release,

" Rainbow Media Enterprises, a subsidiary of Cablevision Systems Corporation (NYSE:CVC), announced today that its year-old VOOM satellite service will dramatically expand in March of next year from its current 130 channels covering the continental U.S. (conus), including 39 high-definition channels, to an industry leading 350 full conus channels, including more than 70 high-definition channels."

It seams to me that even with the ten or so channels the CSR mentioned that we are still a few hundred channels short. I'm not sure what losing Rainbow I (if we lost Rainbow I) did but it seams like we should be getting more than ten SD channels. And even if we get the ten known remaining HD channels that is still twenty short of what VOOM has promised.

I'm not criticizing VOOM in the least. I'm just trying to get everyone, especially the newbies, to expect great things from VOOM. Us VOOM veterans know that VOOM may not always be on time with their promises but they have kept some pretty amazing promises.

When I first signed on with VOOM back in November of '03 VOOM promised to have 39 HD channels by February of '04. When February 1st rolled around VOOM was struggling to get 30 HD channels on the air. VOOM gave credits to us early adopters that stuck it out and now we have the 39 HD channels.

I'm a HD junkie just like most the other people in this forum. I want all those new channels just as bad as everyone else but I seldom anymore have difficulty finding something I want to watch in HD because of VOOM. VOOM is the best it's ever been and still outclasses any other service provider. Hopefully, VOOM will continue to stretch the envelope and give us the best HD service.
I would be very happy to get ESPN2 HD. I really don't know why this one hasn't come to us "automatically". As far as the Outdoor Channel HD is concerned, they are currently in test mode and will be until July so they are not really available for consumer consumption.
Dan Berndt said:
When I first signed on with VOOM back in November of '03 VOOM promised to have 39 HD channels by February of '04. When February 1st rolled around VOOM was struggling to get 30 HD channels on the air. VOOM gave credits to us early adopters that stuck it out and now we have the 39 HD channels.

Do we have 39 HD channels yet? I didn't think that we did?
More is coming and a few HD channels are on the horizion.

This weekend you may even "discover" more new channels on VOOM, that is unless your not going to spend your weekend in England just to watch the BBC.

(Man I feel like the Riddler from Batman when I write these) :D