Dog6869 said:We are sooooooooo far behind the rest of the world with this
That statement got me thinking. Are we really that far behind the rest of the world. We are way behind with digital broadcasting. Germany for example no longer transmits television in analog as with a few other European countries. But I have my doubts that the rest of the world is far a head of us when it comes to HDTV since HDTV was really an American development after the European system was well in place. Europe has a 15 year lead, but HDTV wasn't known and everyone has what in the US we would call a SDTV set or STB for their old analog TVs. BTW Germany actually subsidized STBs so that every German household would have at least 1.
To quench my curiosity's thurst I went to the satellite charts just to see how much HDTV there is in other areas of the world. Basically in the US we have about 50 HDTV channels. Here goes:
Astra HDTV--English
HF Forum (tests)--French
HD 1 TV--German
SBS South East--English (Aus)
SBS Queensland--English (Aus)
SBS South--English (Aus)
Hum, Interesting I would say the US is the HDTV World Leader with Canada a close second