New channels coming soon?

Dog6869 said:
We are sooooooooo far behind the rest of the world with this

That statement got me thinking. Are we really that far behind the rest of the world. We are way behind with digital broadcasting. Germany for example no longer transmits television in analog as with a few other European countries. But I have my doubts that the rest of the world is far a head of us when it comes to HDTV since HDTV was really an American development after the European system was well in place. Europe has a 15 year lead, but HDTV wasn't known and everyone has what in the US we would call a SDTV set or STB for their old analog TVs. BTW Germany actually subsidized STBs so that every German household would have at least 1.

To quench my curiosity's thurst I went to the satellite charts just to see how much HDTV there is in other areas of the world. Basically in the US we have about 50 HDTV channels. Here goes:


Astra HDTV--English
HF Forum (tests)--French
HD 1 TV--German


SBS South East--English (Aus)
SBS Queensland--English (Aus)
SBS South--English (Aus)

Hum, Interesting I would say the US is the HDTV World Leader with Canada a close second :cool:
freezetime said:
... getting ride of one or some of the VOOM originals if it means I get my Fox Sports West. FSW broadcasts in HD too. Althought I think only certain games. I would love to see ESPN2HD but FSW is my number 1 channel I want.

I personally couldn't give a s*** for Fox Sports. If I really did, I would choose another provider.

From a marketing perspective, what separates Voom is the HD Exclusives. I had stopped watching TV with Dish. Now I watch TV, but only the exclusives. Very good mix, a bit for everyone (and yep, either age or too much sports - Gallery is actually a GREAT channel, try it, you might learn something:-) , as far as the fashion channel, no, it is not for "big" guys with baseball shirts on :D , but it is prettier than football, and more entertaining for many :D :D :D

Bottom line is, if Voom drops the exclusives and packs in the channels (one wants Fox Sports, another the Fishing Channel, another ..., etc.), it will loose the PQ quality and its appeal, and then..., well D* & E* will always pack them even more.
Ronald_Jeremy said:
Sean, can you make a sticky and lock it with the new channel listing?

Then allow mods to update with channel and channel number as they come on line. It is a PITA to have to wade through "I wish" and "why not channel xx" bullsh!t. :rolleyes:
Perhaps you should try the channel listing on your tv if you're so bothered by discussion (or "bullsh!t", if you prefer) on the forum. All the channels are listed there, and if you occasionally press the "Voom" button they will tell you when they add new channels and what channels they are with no discussion ("bullsh!t") whatsoever. Then the rest of us posters of "bullsh!t" - a majority, perhaps? - don't have to wade through your "bullsh!t" to read the "bullsh!t" we're interested in.
Sean Mota said:
Just to add what Tim posted. Various posts have been delete that did not add anything to the topic. Anyone who does not like these SD channels is invited to open up another thread and express your dislikes. Thank you all.

And I thought my replies to nexesonya were eloquently written and also on topic. ;)
bryan27 said:
That statement got me thinking. Are we really that far behind the rest of the world. We are way behind with digital broadcasting. Germany for example no longer transmits television in analog as with a few other European countries. But I have my doubts that the rest of the world is far a head of us when it comes to HDTV since HDTV was really an American development after the European system was well in place. Europe has a 15 year lead, but HDTV wasn't known and everyone has what in the US we would call a SDTV set or STB for their old analog TVs. BTW Germany actually subsidized STBs so that every German household would have at least 1.

To quench my curiosity's thurst I went to the satellite charts just to see how much HDTV there is in other areas of the world. Basically in the US we have about 50 HDTV channels. Here goes:


Astra HDTV--English
HF Forum (tests)--French
HD 1 TV--German


SBS South East--English (Aus)
SBS Queensland--English (Aus)
SBS South--English (Aus)

Hum, Interesting I would say the US is the HDTV World Leader with Canada a close second :cool:

Yeah but Asia is far ahead in equipment tech and availability, for instance you can buy an HD-dvd burner now for about 2500.00 and have been able to for quite a while as well.
Also wanted to add I saw a program on a company that is already working on Ultra High Def and has the cameras to film in and equipment to play in 4000x4000 res. They said when they showed a group of test subjects the 20 minute video several got motion sickness because to their eyes is was totally perceived as real. Imagine eh. :yes
1080iBeVuMin said:
Okay, Scott, you got me smiling! :D

Nice discussion in this thread. Here is a spin I haven't seen yet...

Nearly every seasoned Voomer agrees -- it is hard to go back to watching SD after all the HD on Voom.

But Voom prospects don't know that!

So, the new SD channels are not really for the 50k seasoned Voomers. The new SD channels are for the millions of Voom prospects who will not consider Voom unless Voom carries them.

Huh? Perhaps you mean people new to HD programing.

So what your saying also is that nearly every seasoned Voomer would be willing to pay 80 to 120 a month for 40 or so channels eh? Hmmmm
Voom4Me said:
Do you mean an HD version of channel 328 - Outdoor Life Network? I'm a huge cycling fan and OLN is one of my favorite channels this time of the year. I would love an HD version… :D
I am a HUGE cycling fan also I would love to see the spring classics in HD and the major tours ..... I belive that they are in HD in Japan already...
freezetime said:
No, you aren't seeing things. I am getting this channel(342) now too. Either it's a mistake or it is free now. I agree with getting ride of one or some of the VOOM originals if it means I get my Fox Sports West. FSW broadcasts in HD too. Althought I think only certain games. I would love to see ESPN2HD but FSW is my number 1 channel I want.

We have got your point. You want Fox Sports West...there is no point to KEEP complaining, it is not going to get added soon so I think it is time you found a new provider! :yes
I honestly thing that no matter what SD or HD channels are added people will keep bitching for more.

I guess the HD is that damn good. :D
Scott Greczkowski said:
I honestly thing that no matter what SD or HD channels are added people will keep bitching for more.

I guess the HD is that damn good. :D

Yes, I don't get all the complaints. I am very happy that BBC will be here soon. (Because I'm not flying to the UK to watch) This is one of my favorite channels and yes, it is SD. I've been with voom since 2/04 and have been very happy with the service and the growth. I've had my experience with billing problems, etc. but would not leave because of it. Yes, add more HD - that will be great - add more SD - everyone has their favorites. Keep ahead of the rest - VOOM is a quality service in it's infancy but is growing fast - must be on steroids - the HD kind. :)
DucTape said:
Yeah but Asia is far ahead in equipment tech and availability, for instance you can buy an HD-dvd burner now for about 2500.00 and have been able to for quite a while as well.
Also wanted to add I saw a program on a company that is already working on Ultra High Def and has the cameras to film in and equipment to play in 4000x4000 res. They said when they showed a group of test subjects the 20 minute video several got motion sickness because to their eyes is was totally perceived as real. Imagine eh. :yes

I'll agree with you on that one. Asia is far ahead of equipment tech and availability, but its been that way for the past 3 decades with just about anything. I like watching the Asian shopping channels. They have some really cool things, and bizare ones too. Once I was mesmerized with a vegitable washing machine. It literally had an agitator and the vegitables moved around and around.

Interesting with the 4000X4000 res. You can actually have too much of a good thing. I don't think many would want to turn their living rooms into an IMAX vomit room :)
Patience is a virtue...

gross67 said:
Yes, I don't get all the complaints. I am very happy that BBC will be here soon. (Because I'm not flying to the UK to watch) This is one of my favorite channels and yes, it is SD. I've been with voom since 2/04 and have been very happy with the service and the growth. I've had my experience with billing problems, etc. but would not leave because of it. Yes, add more HD - that will be great - add more SD - everyone has their favorites. Keep ahead of the rest - VOOM is a quality service in it's infancy but is growing fast - must be on steroids - the HD kind. :)

All the complaints puzzle me, too. True, there has not been full delivery of all the things that have been promised...some for many months past. :no

But don't the complainers get the fact that VoOm has been and still is in a life and death struggle since the end of December? :confused: :confused: :confused:

It looks to me like they have been working valiantly to move forward on all their promises, and under the circumstances, I think they're doing a pretty admirable job.

The new channels will help attract more new customers, and this is imperative to grow the customer base. They've got to get some synergy going, and that reqires more folks (SD as well as HD watchers) in the sub base.

This is a case of "gimme, gimme, gimme...have you got...". They have just achieved a reprieve on the death penalty...they're still delivering things we've said in the past we want...I feel sure that the additional HD will not be long behind.

But, nooooo...the moment we start getting the first things we demanded, suddenly it's I didn't want that, I demand this, I'm leaving if you don't give me the other...

Some people are starting to sound about as ungrateful as Chuck Dolan's son! Geez, cut them a little bit of a break...It's mighty hard to serve up any kind of fine food when you're pumping blood out the aorta all over the kitchen. Be thankful for what's been delivered so far, and quit banging the silverware on the table, and complaining about the appetizers. There will probably be enough entree entries on the menu for most before long. :)
Dog6869 said:
I am a HUGE cycling fan also I would love to see the spring classics in HD and the major tours ..... I belive that they are in HD in Japan already...

The Lance Chronicles on OLN last year were filmed in HD and you could watch the shows in HD on INHD. VOOM only showed the SD versions.
Scott Greczkowski said:
I honestly thing that no matter what SD or HD channels are added people will keep b****ing for more.
Even E* and D* SD only customers with hundreds of channels and over 130 markets with locals on each service want MORE. It's the American pasttime. :D

39 HD channels is cool --- but doesn't everyone want more HD content on those channels and less repeats? It seems that there are four realms of HD production:
1) Movie libraries converted from film to HD - Available on Voom21 and the movie network's HD channels.
2) Sports Programming produced in HD - Available on a limited basis as HD grows.
3) Special Productions in HD - Documentaries, News, Demos and other stuff that is new and in HD because someone had the budget.
4) Television Shows in HD - The major networks get the first run of new HD dramas. It seems that only Universal HD is getting this HD to satellite subscribers.

HD production is there, but without a ton of repeats or SD upconverts devoting transponder space to additional HD feeds is costly. I do NOT agree with where E* left off on their HD additions, nor with D*'s use of HDLight to bitrob the quality from HD - but that is how they balanced the question of HD content vs bandwidth.

I'm glad the tread was posted with all the C-Band available HD channels. It shows that there really is NOT a lot of HD missing from Voom that can be added. The best addition would be more TV Shows in HD ... but that just isn't in the sky ... yet. A good "Sports in HD" channel would be good if they could get the rights.

justalurker said:
Even E* and D* SD only customers with hundreds of channels and over 130 markets with locals on each service want MORE. It's the American pasttime. :D

39 HD channels is cool --- but doesn't everyone want more HD content on those channels and less repeats? It seems that there are four realms of HD production:
1) Movie libraries converted from film to HD - Available on Voom21 and the movie network's HD channels.
2) Sports Programming produced in HD - Available on a limited basis as HD grows.
3) Special Productions in HD - Documentaries, News, Demos and other stuff that is new and in HD because someone had the budget.
4) Television Shows in HD - The major networks get the first run of new HD dramas. It seems that only Universal HD is getting this HD to satellite subscribers.

HD production is there, but without a ton of repeats or SD upconverts devoting transponder space to additional HD feeds is costly. I do NOT agree with where E* left off on their HD additions, nor with D*'s use of HDLight to bitrob the quality from HD - but that is how they balanced the question of HD content vs bandwidth.

I'm glad the tread was posted with all the C-Band available HD channels. It shows that there really is NOT a lot of HD missing from Voom that can be added. The best addition would be more TV Shows in HD ... but that just isn't in the sky ... yet. A good "Sports in HD" channel would be good if they could get the rights.

I'll be in trouble for this: What point are you trying to make: 1. Voom is not good?. 2. someone else has better:, or none of the above
Forgive me guys, I have been swamped at work and need a quick update.....(please don't flame me to hard)

Are we getting any new HD channels soon? There is so much to read....please help me out.

DucTape said:
Huh? Perhaps you mean people new to HD programing.
Well, certainly people new to HD programming and also people who have "HD lite" (D* and E*) who have not been emersed in HD the way Voomers have. Don't you recall all the Voom forum posts saying "I don't watch SD anymore"? That surprised me a year ago. Then I got Voom and soon felt the same way. Whenever I try to watch something in SD, the fuzziness bothers me so much I have to go back to HD. The content in SD better be really, really compelling, or why bother?

DucTape said:
So what your saying also is that nearly every seasoned Voomer would be willing to pay 80 to 120 a month for 40 or so channels eh? Hmmmm
Maybe they WANT and they ask for an extra 200 SD channels. But how many SD channels do they actually watch when they have 40+ HD channels? Yes, effectively they are paying 80 to 120 a month for mainly the HD channels.


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