New channels coming soon?

thegrod said:
ESPN2 HD. anyone know why it's not on VOOM?

I think that this is an important point. How many people out there will not switch to Voom because it lacks one particular HD or SD channel that they or their spouse cannot live without? I do not believe that people need 200 SD channels because that number is just too large to manage in order to determine what to watch. But somewhere there are the right number and combination of HD and SD channels that could cause Voom to reach critical mass and really begin to move up.
What would be really funny (and a big slap in the face of D*) is if voom added this channel first after D* had the big announcement at CES saying they would have it.
My thoughts on ESPN2-HD: No need for it until they have more programming than ESPN-HD can handle. My guess is that ESPN is trying to charge providers an arm and a leg to carry it -- and that's why hardly anybody gets it. They're intentionally putting compelling programming on that channel (when they could/should put it on ESPN-HD) to create a demand for a channel for which there is no need. Instead of complaining to Voom for not carrying it, I complain to ESPN-HD for not putting the best possible programming on ESPN-HD. I applaud the providers for not giving in to this bullying.

That being said, if Voom decides to add it I'll gladly watch that Yankees/Red Sox game. Ain't hypocrisy grand? :D
elocs said:
I think that this is an important point. How many people out there will not switch to Voom because it lacks one particular HD or SD channel that they or their spouse cannot live without? I do not believe that people need 200 SD channels because that number is just too large to manage in order to determine what to watch. But somewhere there are the right number and combination of HD and SD channels that could cause Voom to reach critical mass and really begin to move up.

I don't see the point of ESPNHD2. It is rare to see any HD on ESPNHD1. I understand they want a place holder for the future, but why not just make ESPN1 better for now?

Scott Greczkowski said:
More is coming and a few HD channels are on the horizion.

This weekend you may even "discover" more new channels on VOOM, that is unless your not going to spend your weekend in England just to watch the BBC.

(Man I feel like the Riddler from Batman when I write these) :D

Thanks for the not-too-cryptic tip. I would take any new channels IN HD.

rvsixer said:
The HD channels are viewable on an SD set. Absolutely no need to carry duplicates imho.

This suggestion has surfaced innumerable times. The unfortunate answer is that channels that offer HD and SD feeds write up their contracts so that providers like Voom, DirecTV and cable companies are obligated to carry and broadcast the SD signal even if they only really wanted to get the HD feed.
jnardone said:
Do we have 39 HD channels yet? I didn't think that we did?

VOOM says we do but we have a couple of VOOM channels that come and go like NFLHD. With all the local HD channels I actually get closer to 45 HD channels.
Sean Mota said:
Just to add what Tim posted. Various posts have been delete that did not add anything to the topic. Anyone who does not like these SD channels is invited to open up another thread and express your dislikes. Thank you all.
Sean, can you make a sticky and lock it with the new channel listing?

Then allow mods to update with channel and channel number as they come on line. It is a PITA to have to wade through "I wish" and "why not channel xx" bullsh!t. :rolleyes:
klen said:
I don't see the point of ESPNHD2. It is rare to see any HD on ESPNHD1. I understand they want a place holder for the future, but why not just make ESPN1 better for now?


I don't either, but it evidently is important to somebody. Everybody has something that is important to them, but others may see no value in it. One person's treasure, must-have channel is trash and useless to another. There needs to be a balance of HD and SD channels to bring in more subs. Not everybody can get everything they want, but there must be a mix that is optimal.
I take much enjoyment in reading everyone's posts in these forums. I learn allot from you all. Sometimes I get a good laugh at the same time. I just want to add my 2cents of little or no value.

1. For some to suggest dropping duplicated SD channels all together. The truth is that not everyone who has an HD setup has them throughout the house yet. So while you can view a HD channel on an analog 4:3 screen. The broadcast looks very clear but obscure because the HD broadcast is formatted for a 16:9 format. Just a reminder. I'm sure you were aware of that.

2. I love my Voom. Don't mistake that when I say that although the thought of adding more SD and HD channels will bring the Direct* subscribers over and grow the Voom customer base. The truth is they have a very, very tough road ahead of them because millions will not switch simply because they love their sports particularly NFL too much to sacrifice it for more HD content and less SD content. So even if they continue to add more SD it will continue to bring more people over to the light. It simply won't fill the void and fixation that many Americans have with football. Look how many of you continue to say ESPN2 HD, ESPN2 HD, ESPN2 HD. When we already have 11 or so sport channels. I think the addition of that and any HD channel would be great. It just adds value to my point.

If they could it would be great to see the expanded line of video music channels such as:

VH1 Classic
VH1 Country
I get upset when I turn to ESPN HD and see that is all SD. I agree, why do we need ESPN2HD or get rid of ESPN HD. Make ESPN2 HD all HD sports all the time.
Scott Greczkowski said:
More is coming and a few HD channels are on the horizion. This weekend you may even "discover" more new channels on VOOM, that is unless your not going to spend your weekend on England just to watch the BBC.
Okay, Scott, you got me smiling! :D

Nice discussion in this thread. Here is a spin I haven't seen yet...

Nearly every seasoned Voomer agrees -- it is hard to go back to watching SD after all the HD on Voom.

But Voom prospects don't know that!

So, the new SD channels are not really for the 50k seasoned Voomers. The new SD channels are for the millions of Voom prospects who will not consider Voom unless Voom carries them.
subdude212 said:
This suggestion has surfaced innumerable times. The unfortunate answer is that channels that offer HD and SD feeds write up their contracts so that providers like Voom, DirecTV and cable companies are obligated to carry and broadcast the SD signal even if they only really wanted to get the HD feed.
But no other provider except VOOM can say that EVERY customer they have can see the HD channels because every STB they provide will downrez any HD signal to an SD set.

The content providers just want to make sure their channel can be viewed by all customers, not just HD customers. This happens with ALL VOOM customers even if the channel is being viewed on an SD set.

So on VOOM these duplicate channels really are a waste of bandwidth and they should not be under the same contract restraints IMHO.
I'm an NFL Nut! But the NFL Sunday Ticket on Directv is not what it used to be! Let me explain. I paid X number of dollars last year, as I have for the past 8 years to Directv to watch the Ticket. But last year, they kicked in their "Black out Policy," which basically says that if the "local" station is to air the game, the NFL Sunday Ticket won't let you watch it from DirectV. Now, since I can't get any local channels over the air at all, I missed the first five of the six games of my favorite NFL team. When I contacted Directv they told me to subscribe to "cable." That was my only option.

Bye Bye NFL Sunday Ticket. What is more, bye bye Directv eventually!

These new SD stations are great! I think their addition will continue to draw people to VOOM. DTV and E* have their faults, which gives reason for people to drop them. They aren't perfect in their programming either.
I know there are alot of NFL fans that subscribe to VOOM, but if I am not mistaken....doesn't the NFL have a contract with D* exclusively when it comes to a package of games for every sunday?
IM not sure if anyone noticed but i think i had a new channel ahow up thats not on my list.its 342 sunsports.It used to say i had to subscribe but now its there for the viewing.Let me know if im just seeing things anyone.Also can anyone agree with me that if voom wants to save money and use it towards bigger abd better things that they should drop some of the voom originals except rush,equater,rave,possible monsters and kungfu as well.MOst of the rest are sorta unwatchable but it could be my age and that i think runway models and gallery photos and westerns are a boring source of tv.JUst an opinion not sure who agrees with me on that.Also one more thing on the espn2hd issue.Im am also an nfl nut and college football nut and when football season comes around i will be in heaven when i can see college games in hd on 2 different channels whoo hoooo...
salsadancer7 said:
...and if that is the case....that is one advantage D* will ALWAYS have over VOOM.....damn that evil empire!

D* does have an exclusive but they paid tons of money for it (I think it was in the billions for 10 years). They wont recoup that if people start dropping because lets face it between your local CBS/FOX/ABC/ESPN your not missing but a few games in your area over the whole year. Paying 200 bucks for a few games isnt worth it and I have a feeling at the end of 10 yrs D* will not have recouped the money they spent and wont make the same mistake of paying for it by renewing the contract.
bigmarkhd said:
IM not sure if anyone noticed but i think i had a new channel ahow up thats not on my list.its 342 sunsports.It used to say i had to subscribe but now its there for the viewing.Let me know if im just seeing things anyone.Also can anyone agree with me that if voom wants to save money and use it towards bigger abd better things that they should drop some of the voom originals except rush,equater,rave,possible monsters and kungfu as well.MOst of the rest are sorta unwatchable but it could be my age and that i think runway models and gallery photos and westerns are a boring source of tv.JUst an opinion not sure who agrees with me on that.Also one more thing on the espn2hd issue.Im am also an nfl nut and college football nut and when football season comes around i will be in heaven when i can see college games in hd on 2 different channels whoo hoooo...

No, you aren't seeing things. I am getting this channel(342) now too. Either it's a mistake or it is free now. I agree with getting ride of one or some of the VOOM originals if it means I get my Fox Sports West. FSW broadcasts in HD too. Althought I think only certain games. I would love to see ESPN2HD but FSW is my number 1 channel I want.

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