New channels coming soon?

nexusonya said:
To all of you SD fanatics......go to your local cable company and ask for a gray cable box. Take it home and put a voom sticker on the front. Plug it in and be happy. Cause wont know the difference.

There always has to be one in the crowd. Nobody is an SD fanatic as you so eloquently labeled us we are content fanatics. Perhaps you could insult folks somewhere else, enit.
We are not SD fanatics.
We all realize that for V* to stay in business they have to grow their customer base.... Period!!! And the only way to do that is to add the channels that other competitors are carrying today. The thing that will set them apart tomorow (not literally speaking, but after the SD channels are added) is their leadership in the HD channels. With the HDTV market starting to take off, people will want something to maximize their experience and their investment. Which is where V* will step in with their HD lineup...
nexusonya said:
To all of you SD fanatics......go to your local cable company and ask for a gray cable box. Take it home and put a voom sticker on the front. Plug it in and be happy. Cause wont know the difference.

You waited almost two months after joining this forum to post your first reply and this is what you contribute? Sorry guys… Had to vent… :D
Anyone who would rather watch lifetime than a HD channel has a scew loose. You especially must like the Divine channel. But i guess you would rather watch it in SD. very sad. If you SD fanatics want SD.....there are many other options for you. Don't press your pathetic SD wants on a good HD provider.
nexusonya said:
Anyone who would rather watch lifetime than a HD channel has a scew loose. You especially must like the Divine channel. But i guess you would rather watch it in SD. very sad. If you SD fanatics want SD.....there are many other options for you. Don't press your pathetic SD wants on a good HD provider.

Actually very sad is what consumers like you are and I'm hoping you easily amused type's are in the half percentile.
Obviously he's bored watching E* or D* version of HD and wants some real action so he came to the real site to see that it belongs to V*.... LOL.. Just ignore him..
Alto101 said:
This is my opinion. The only way for Voom to compete with cable, Dish and Directv as a standalone service is to offer the majority of the channels that those services offer. If Voom is missing even 1 or 2 popular SD channels, it will prevent a certain number of potential subscribers from getting Voom installed since most people do not want or will not pay for 2 providers.

Here is my plan for the financial success of Voom:
1) Continue to expand SD channel line-up until 99% of people can say that all of the SD channels that they watch are offered by Voom.
2) Get a functional DVR out quickly with a reasonable lease option.
3) Begin and complete the service calls necessary in order for us to see Rainbow-2 (this will have to be done regardless of what happens with Rainbow-1). Also install the MPEG-4 card at this time.
4) Offer HD or at least SD pay per view. I am assuming that this is a money making service for providers.
5) Offer TYORK a job as quality control manager for all Voom installs:) The installation problems must be decreased.
6) Add all HD channels that are available to them.
7) Change marketing strategy to get the message out that Voom offers everything that Direct/Dish/cable offers + 3X more HD channels. Current marketing strategy has limited appeal to casual viewers.

I think this is a workable expansion strategy. VOOM is based on a very progressive vision, but is suffers from being TOO FAR ahead of its time. Sat TV consumers are still grounded in SD programming, since HD offerings are just not yet diverse enough (due mostly to bandwidth availablity issues on MSO's as well as DBS) to justify a primarily HD-based service. I think if VOOM allows itself to expand by the bootstrapping method you suggest, they can grow to formidability against DiSH and DirecTV in addition to havng their obvious head start into the future of HD. THAT would have been shrewder!
Very funny. Most consumers want HD. I dont see how you cant get that through your head. Its consumers like you that keep good HD programming away with your pathetic whining. It about time the vast majority of VOOMERs took a stand and voiced want they really want.....HD. If one channel is keeping someone away from voom then they aren't really wanting HD. And I sure hope....and pray....that I am in the more than half percentile of people wanting HD over SD. You have the right to your opinion and so do I. But I just thought i would offer "better options" for yous that just cant get enough SD.
nexusonya said:
Very funny. Most consumers want HD. I dont see how you cant get that through your head. Its consumers like you that keep good HD programming away with your pathetic whining. It about time the vast majority of VOOMERs took a stand and voiced want they really want.....HD. If one channel is keeping someone away from voom then they aren't really wanting HD. And I sure hope....and pray....that I am in the more than half percentile of people wanting HD over SD. You have the right to your opinion and so do I. But I just thought i would offer "better options" for yous that just cant get enough SD.

1- Actually it's the programing providers that keep HD programing away from us and I don't whine, I make sense, which seems a light area for you.

2- I never said I wanted SD over HD, you did.
nexusonya said:
Anyone who would rather watch lifetime than a HD channel has a scew loose. You especially must like the Divine channel. But i guess you would rather watch it in SD. very sad. If you SD fanatics want SD.....there are many other options for you. Don't press your pathetic SD wants on a good HD provider.
Hey nexusonya,
Are you saying my wife has a screw loose and has pathetic desires. The lifetime channels are for women and VOOM needs to start appealing to this audience becuase it is the men who have brought the service into the home. Since you are such a big man, why don't you come down to Arizona and say this to my face, I will gladly make you see another point of view. My wife just wanted me to let you know that there is life after HD and the majority of men do have a brain which you are obviously lacking. BTW, I have been with VOOM since Oct '03. Why don't you get off this board unless you have something useful to contrinute. Oh, by the way, I am a very non-violent individual, it is just people like you that blast other people's likes/dislikes that irritate me.

Please take me up on my offer, or shut up!!!
You know there is a saying.....people who get mad from message boards are like people in the special olympics.....when its over......your still retarded!
I agree I want my HDTV!!!!!!!! We are sooooooooo far behind the rest of the world with this because Hollywood is worried about Copy rights.. I am not a pirate I just want my HDTV and a Firwire, So I can record the programs I want to High def DVDs(when we get them) or an Digital VHS tape.... I am on the road a lot A DVR is Ok for short term time shifting.... But some times A DVR will fill up and I will need to archive shows till I get home and time to see them..
This is my thread, so listen up. If you don't like the new channels being added LEAVE and go start up a complaint thread. As for the new channels being added there are only 6 channels that I'll barely be watching, but I'm glad that their there so that VOOM can add to their subscriber base.

kfried001, why doesn't your wife join? We could use some more women here.
kfried001 said:
Hey nexusonya,
Are you saying my wife has a screw loose and has pathetic desires. The lifetime channels are for women and VOOM needs to start appealing to this audience becuase it is the men who have brought the service into the home. Since you are such a big man, why don't you come down to Arizona and say this to my face, I will gladly make you see another point of view. My wife just wanted me to let you know that there is life after HD and the majority of men do have a brain which you are obviously lacking. BTW, I have been with VOOM since Oct '03. Why don't you get off this board unless you have something useful to contrinute. Oh, by the way, I am a very non-violent individual, it is just people like you that blast other people's likes/dislikes that irritate me.

Please take me up on my offer, or shut up!!!

Somehow I doubt he or she would take you up on your offer, doesn't seem the type to stand up to scrutiny, or a punch in the chops for that matter.

Removed derogatory remark for Nex
IM excited to see the new channels being added cause this is a move in a positive direction.Yes of course we all want more hd first but sd ones im sure are easier to throw in first.My only question is are they adding a few channels every few days to keep our attention?I was told specifically when i ordered voom 3 months ago that by end of march there would be around 70 hd's which would be about 33 more channels added and about 200 more sd channels all by end of march.After going through all this financial mess im sure we may not get all those right away but at least there taking a good step in that direction.I was also told dvr would be here in june so if they complete all they said i will be greatly surprised.I believe in charles dolans vision more than anyone i hope he succeeds and is able to slap his son and the board members who are against him and all the negative media he gets for voom in the face.I would be in voom heaven is this all happens this year.OH and plus get locals via sat instead of ota antenna cause im way out in country....thanks santa i was a good boy this year i hope you heard this ,,,lol
Sad a few trolls have to come here post insults at others and there wifes/families to make them somehow feel superior.You want your HDTV? well guess what if voom does not get more subscribers its going in the toilet what part of that do you guys not understand? They have pushed the hdtv only stuff for along time now and its NOT caught on like it should have.

If you do not like that voom is tryig to bring in subs keep the service alive and then add in more HD when they can your not being much of a supporter if you canot understand Charles Dolan has went out on a limb here to try to save this service they need more sd like it or not point is if you do not like it go watch E* or D** stop whining because the man is trying to save the service.

And Nexus if you cannot learn to post in a adult manner shut your mouth and do not post if you wanna come insult people if not then I hope Scott or Sean will take care of it themselves.
Nayl said:
Sad a few trolls have to come here post insults at others and there wifes/families to make them somehow feel superior.You want your HDTV? well guess what if voom does not get more subscribers its going in the toilet what part of that do you guys not understand? They have pushed the hdtv only stuff for along time now and its NOT caught on like it should have.

If you do not like that voom is tryig to bring in subs keep the service alive and then add in more HD when they can your not being much of a supporter if you canot understand Charles Dolan has went out on a limb here to try to save this service they need more sd like it or not point is if you do not like it go watch E* or D** stop whining because the man is trying to save the service.

And Nexus if you cannot learn to post in a adult manner shut your mouth and do not post if you wanna come insult people if not then I hope Scott or Sean will take care of it themselves.
Well Done - Bravo Bravo :clap
Yeah BigMark I'm with you on that list.

In order for them to bring us more HD it must be filmed in HD somewhere first and this is whats holding up more HD when it comes down to it.

Yet I cannot imagine what that will cost me having 70 or so HD channels and 200 SD channels.. I can hear my wallet shrinking now!! :yes

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