New channels coming soon?

Dalbrit said:

I'm afraid I am one of those potential customers asking for "our" SD channel to be added. The thing is, I really can't justify the expense of having two satellite providers, even if one does offer a ton more HD. The second they add BBC America, Dish will be getting the big heave-ho.


Exactly...If people want Voom to survive they need to realize that for people to switch they need these SD channels. Yes Voom is a HD service BUT as you said Dalbrit the average person/satellite viewer can not justify have two or even 3 service providers.

So I look at adding 4 or 5 SD channels as a much better thing then 1 HD channel.

Voom can also distingush itself by adding SD channels that D* & E* don't have, such as (but not limited to) Lifetime Real Women CNN International (only used for example)
I think that C. Dolan will do everything he can afford to do to make VOOM the best, most irresistable HD provider. I don't think he has taken this situation to this extent with the idea of doing this half-assed. With a little time and patience I think we will get most everything on our programming wish lists... and a DVR.
I can understand why VOOM is adding more SD "cable favorites"; however, VOOM has a good opportunity to punch D* in the face by adding ESPN2-HD now. Come on VOOM, go for it!!!
dash2004 said:
It is not a choice for Voom. The providers sell the whole package including HD and SD feed.s I am pretty sure ESPN demands Voom to carry SD feed along with HD feed.

I can't understand why they would do that? Would anyone watch the SD version of a channel when the HD version is also available? :confused:
yanks2402 said:
So I look at adding 4 or 5 SD channels as a much better thing then 1 HD channel.

If one views the past marketing tack that Voom has used as a failure(some do) and realizes that you can't cater to an HD exclusive market niche, then from a purely business standpoint it makes sense to expand your channel lineup as broad as possible. Sell yourself as a full-service DBS and reach out to "better" distribution partners, such as the better brick and mortar electronics companies.
Voom4Me said:
I can't understand why they would do that? Would anyone watch the SD version of a channel when the HD version is also available? :confused:

Based on the most recently reported figures, less than 5% of DirecTV customers are HD customers(500k figure quoted in latest earnings report). Do you cater to the sub 5% or worry more about the 95+%?

Granted those are DirecTV numbers, but it gives some insight into the demographics at this point in time.
Voom4Me said:
I can't understand why they would do that? Would anyone watch the SD version of a channel when the HD version is also available? :confused:

Business wise, I think they are trying to move away from the
"only HD provider" to a more "Satellite Provider" thus more potencial subs without an HDTV...
cfarm said:
Based on the most recently reported figures, less than 5% of DirecTV customers are HD customers(500k figure quoted in latest earnings report). Do you cater to the sub 5% or worry more about the 95+%?

Granted those are DirecTV numbers, but it gives some insight into the demographics at this point in time.
You Got it, but those 5% want everything from VOOM and Can't wait a extra Day, just a thought?Oh I forgot they want everyting except paying the price, " FREE, or Keep Thee "
whtsantafe said:
1. G4 TECHTV ;)
2.NBATV :p
3.FSN :yes

TechTV was the reason I moved over to VOOM from DirecTV. After Comcast bought TechTV, they removed all "tech" and it turned into a gamers network. I stopped seeing any value for myself, and made the jump to VOOM. Don't miss it at all.
BUT...if it will bring more people to VOOM...ADD IT!!!

bryan27 said:
It would be nice if they could drop the SD simulcasts of TNT, ESPN, and the premimums to clear up some space for a few more HD & SD channels.

I want all the HD channels, not just for me but for those who want them. The one I really want is Wealth TV, but I can wait. That goes for the missing SD channels too. I'm content with what I have, but add them for those who want them :)
You have it today, with the HD INfo and this, keeping posting you're on today, " why have HBO HBOHD", or any of the other's.Keep up the Good Work>
THe SD versions of the HD channels is a waste and someone at VOOM should attempt to renegotiate this.

If they explained to the holders of these channels that the VOOM STB CAN display all channels on SD only sets now, even the HD channels! I use the svideo out all the time to a second set.

Also, remember, VOOM announced and showed prototypes of SD only voom boxes, half the size of the current ones.

Let's let them get past 3/31 before we gripe and groan so much

Voom4Me said:
Do you mean an HD version of channel 328 - Outdoor Life Network? I'm a huge cycling fan and OLN is one of my favorite channels this time of the year. I would love an HD version… :D
No I mean The Outdoor Channel and Outdoor Channel2 HD. These are totally different than OLN. It shows a lot more ATV programs, Jet ski programs and Boating programs. OLN is ok for RV Today.
rasecane1 said:
Most of us want more HD and could care less about SD programming. I'm ecstatic thqat some of your wives will be happy now but isnt it all really about HD ?

I disagree, I believe most of us want something to watch that we individually enjoy and I'm sorry but to me watching paint dry in HD ain't for me. If it wasn't about content then you could get by on one channel in HD...

For now there are only so many things filmed in HD so for me I will take my channels in SD all day long and enjoy. Tomorrow I as well hope it is all in HD.
dash2004 said:
D* has been carrying CNN International for years as far as I can remember (I've had D* for 10 years).
If you ever watched CNNI it is because the programming was on the same channel as CNN FN which was recently shut down. CNN tried to get everyone to carry CNNI full time but neither dish or direct wanted to carry CNNI full time.
Take a look:
I am really pleased to see the addition of BBC America. That was the one remaining channel I needed to switch away from D* - without it, I may have had to drop Voom, as I wasn't prepared to pay for two services. However, I still can't as I need--and I do mean NEED--a DVR. However much I like HD, I woud rather watch a DVR'd SD than a live HD. I honestly have no idea how people manage live tv: firstly, I can never get to sit down at a certain time; never don't get interupted; and absolutely hate commercials and time-outs in sport events.
Stuart-B said:
I am really pleased to see the addition of BBC America. That was the one remaining channel I needed to switch away from D* - without it, I may have had to drop Voom.

Whoa...when did VOOM add BBC America ?!?!?!?!
I agree with DucTape, content is king. I've tried watching some of the movies on the Voom originals, but the majority of it is so bad that I'd rather watch a movie on TBS or any SD channel. I think adding any of the SD channels that are missing is vitally important before Voom could gain mass market acceptance. Personally, they have to add Fox Sports Southwest to be able to get Big12 football for the fall.
Voom4Me said:
I can't understand why they would do that? Would anyone watch the SD version of a channel when the HD version is also available? :confused:

Yes, if they don't own a HD set yet.
To all of you SD fanatics......go to your local cable company and ask for a gray cable box. Take it home and put a voom sticker on the front. Plug it in and be happy. Cause wont know the difference.

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