The bowls are owned by the NCAA and ESPN/Disney/ABC (all except the ones you see on FOX, NBC, and CBS) and they have no interest in the games being of any quality, they are just whoring out to get the $$$$$. The current bowl setup is a joke, you have to have a non-losing season to get sent to a joke "bowl" game. Two sad schools playing each other is not the makings of a good bowl game and has taken from the original intent of the games.
Want to improve the quality of the bowl games overall? Make the absolute minimum wins 8 games of 12 or 9 of 13 to qualify to play an additional "bowl" game. There would be so many "bowls" without teams to play in them (the Harmonica (aka Music City) Bowl comes to mind) that there would be enough bowl games open that we could have a playoff system for the top 32 teams, easily.
The introduction of the new NY stadium bowl is a joke. It will be played between who? The 19th place team from the BigEast and the 14th place team from the Big12?

When I read about the new "Toilet Bowl", I had to laugh as their choices of conferences was so "interesting." I can see why the BE would be interested, but the Big12?????