NCAA Football 2008-09 Season

Iowa's Shonn Greene, Javon Ringer, and Moreno.

I'd pick Ringer- had a better year in touchdowns, and actually outrushed Greene in their head-to-head matchup.

Thats it ?
Thats the list ... only 3 RB's ?

If I had to vote on the list I would go like this:


There are others out there that should have been on the list as well.

Doak Walker Award (best RB in country) were announced today, and Donald Brown was NOT a finalist, which I'm sure will send hancox into a rage.

IMO, Knowshown Moreno may be the most overrated player in the country. In the two biggest games of the year, against Florida and Alabama, he did NOTHING.

He mopped up against the little guys, but did nothing against the big boys.
I have to give the benefit of the doubt to Moreno in those games. Alabama was up 31-0 at half and the Florida game was also a blow out. Not exactly the time for a running game when you're playing catch up.
Moreno over Brown is a travesty. If Brown played in the SEC or B12 or B10, he'd be a finalist for both this award AND the Heisman.

He's back next year, so hoping an even bigger season for him pushes him over the top of this BS.
While noting that this is irrelevant to the Doak Walker Award conversation,
NFL Rep's will also tell you that Moreno is far better than any of the other RB's mentioned above.

Not even close.
While noting that this is irrelevant to the Doak Walker Award conversation,
NFL Rep's will also tell you that Moreno is far better than any of the other RB's mentioned above.

Not even close.

Moreno is a the best NFL ready RB out of the 3 Doak Walker recipents? Great. Most NFL Scouts will tell you Chris (Beanie) Wells is the best NFL ready RB in all of college football.
Let's look at the Friday games (I know plays Texas plays Texas A&M, but the Aggies will get annihilated):

Any reason I should care for LSU/Arkansas, Colorado/Nebraska, Pitt/West Virginia?
Good to see the "Usual Suspects" of the "Buckeye Nation "woulda, shoulda, coulda" faction" out in force.

Thankfully we will all be spared the littany of excuses and what could have been this season after the playing of the BCS championship game absent Buckeye Nation.:)
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IF they were all healthy, Chris Wells would be the WALK AWAY WINNER.


He will be the first running back taken, most likely, but Moreno will also be a top 10 pick. He is great receiving back.

Donald Brown, nice college running back, not that great of an NFL prospect, see Mike Hart.
Good to see the "Usual Suspects" of the "Buckeye Nation "woulda, shoulda, coulda" faction" out in force.

Thankfully we will all be spared the littany of excuses and what could have been this season after the playing of the BCS championship game absent Buckeye Nation.:)

Maybe , maybe not .....


Try posting once in a while when you don't bash someone ... this way you might build just a little credibility before you bash someone.

Us Buckeye fans are not the ones that brought up the subject either....

btw, Who's your team again ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Maybe , maybe not .....


Try posting once in a while when you don't bash someone ... this way you might build just a little credibility before you bash someone.

Us Buckeye fans are not the ones that brought up the subject either....

btw, Who's your team again ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????


I don't hate the Buckeyes. As a matter of fact I've been complimentary of their program in the recent past. They are to be respected and admired for the status of their program. Quality school and Quality Program.

What I detest is the wing of Buckeye supporters here in this forum(not indicative of all Buckeye fans) that whine and constantly make excuses for their team's constant flameouts in Big situations.

As for bashing, my bashing has mostly been directed at the Big East Conference in Football and have been proven correct in the statment that they are by far the weakest BCS conference. I've even refrained from that mantra by and large as of late. I also bashed Texas Tech (mid season) and then admitted I was wrong about them as Sabres can attest.

As for whom brought this up, the OP made a statement about the three finalist(s) for the Doak Walker award. He commented, and then I commented about the three running backs and their perceived NFL potential.

Nowhere did I, nor anyone else insert Beanie Wells into the thread(no reason) to whatsoever). I commented that Moreno was the better NFL prospect of the 3 and then someone had the snarky line:

"Great! Moreno's better than the 2 other RB's but can't hold a candle to the all world Beanie Wells". (paraphrasing, but that was the sentiment)

No reason whatsoever to mention Wells in this thread, he wasn't a finalist nor did he deserve to be.

As for my team, Tennessee, I said 8-4 possibly 7-5 before the season started, they bombed, and the Coach has rightly taken the fall. Difference being ,no excuses for poor performance or complaints about the officiating or revisionist history from me as seems to be the case from a few(not all) here when the Buckeyes falter.
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Mc Nabb's Yard Vandalized

Alonzo Mourning retires
