NCAA Football 2007-08

Looks like it's a good thing that Florida is not in a SEC Championship game.
Tebow has a broken hand (non throwing, butI am sure the time off will be good for him.

Q. Why is it the Florida teams always play bowl games at home ?
Doesn't that give them a huge advantage ?
IF they are not at home they are right around the corner.
They are talking about a bowl game in either Tampa or Orlando... sheeeesh.

ESPN - Gators' Tebow has broken hand; likely OK for bowl - College Football


Come on Jim....again with this? Does it not register that MOST bowl games are either in the south, Arizona or lovely California....who the F**K wants to play in north AFTER December 1st...??!!:confused:;)

My buddy went to the Super Bowl in Detroit a couple of years back and he said it was either the game, your hotel room or freeze your ballz off....Personally, for a Super Bowl or a bowl game, I would like ALOT more options and ones that does NOT include some or ANY body part freezing to the point where it turns blue or just breaks off....;)

I was not going in that direction .....
I simply meant that you play your bowl games 20 minutes from home, as does LSU if they were to get into the NC game, which we know won't happen this year.
Why can't the Florida team play like in the Fiesta or the Rose so it's not a HOME game, thats all.

I'm just saying that the Big East and the Big Ten are the worst of the 6 BCS conferences, and neither of them have a championship game.

That is a dumb argument if I ever heard one. College football DOES NOT HAVE A PLAYOFF SYSTEM to determine the championship...but has that stopped YOU, me or anyone else from watching? :rolleyes:

YOU guys FINALLY get a whiff of a possible championship and your bitching....LOL...dude...relax and enjoy the ride.....;):eureka
I'm just saying that the Big East and the Big Ten are the worst of the 6 BCS conferences, and neither of them have a championship game.

The ACC isn't better than the Big 10 or even the Big East, and someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the Pac ten has a championship game either, and USC were powerhouses for how many years?

Everyone thought USC was the greatest team in the past few years, this is the first in how many years they aren't ranked in the top 5.....well with LSU and Kansas losing they might pop the top 5(No number 8)......I just think this is the first year in how many years your team has a chance to go to the championship game, and your afraid they might lose to Oklahoma, so you have to complain about WVU and Ohio State.

Hell your team is number 1 in the BCS rankings.

1 Missouri
2 West Virginia
3 Ohio State
4 Georgia
5 Kansas
6 Virginia Tech
9 Oklahoma
10 Florida
Don't put down WVU, I hate to say this, but they are a good team. If your team can beat Oklahoma, then they will deserve to play WVU, if they lose, well then I guess they weren't that good after all.:rolleyes:

If Missouri wants to be in the BCS Championship game, then they better play like a championship team. WVU still has to play Pitt, they could lose that game, the backyard brawl and all, who am I kidding......they wont lose to Pitt.:(

missouri HAS been playing like a championship team all year. no doubt though
you have a 99.99% chance of your team winning ( cant ever say 100)

our odds not as good, but, i think we will win. man i hope so!!! lol

then see you in the big easy!!
Wow, MU is number 1? Really? Where would I be without you?:tux:

You guys don't want a playoff???:eek:

If you've been reading this thread, you know that alot of us have wanted a playoff for years now, I even had a Playoff thread in the beginning of THIS year, but it got shuffled to the bottom of the list (unfortunatly never got Sticky'd)

Didn't a Florida team play their bowl game in Phoenix last year? I don't remember any opposition showing up, but I seem to remember a Florida team playing. :D

Well theres a 1st !

This year there will be NO Florida teams in the BCS.

Where oh Where is Florida now ?

btw, they WILL more than likely play ANOTHER bowl game in the state of FLORIDA, another HOME bowl game.

Of course the bowl projections have not come out yet, that was pure speculation.

I'm just saying that the Big East and the Big Ten are the worst of the 6 BCS conferences, and neither of them have a championship game.

This time of year it's about the teams , not the conferences, at least the way I look at it.
I would take WV Offense against about anyone. Nothing wrong with WV in the Big East.
Like I said, the best TEAMS should be playing, not the best Conferences.

Well theres a 1st !

This year there will be NO Florida teams in the BCS.

Where oh Where is Florida now ?

btw, they WILL more than likely play ANOTHER bowl game in the state of FLORIDA, another HOME bowl game.

Of course the bowl projections have not come out yet, that was pure speculation.


Jimbo...stop, you are sounding like the girl that complains she can't get a date on saturday night...but yet get's all the attention because she is one of the better looking girls in the neighborhood...!! QUIT BELLY ACHING!!!:rolleyes:;)

I have never seen a fan of a team that is IN THE TOP 5 bitch so much about OTHER TEAMS. Do you REALLY MISS Florida teams THAT MUCH??!! Again, it is not ALWAYS up to the school where they go to a bowl. There is the bowl you WANT to go and there is the bowls you will REALISTICALLY go. In the end, ALL SCHOOLS go to the bowl that will offer the most....come on..say it with me:

CHA-CHING $$$$$$!!!!!!

Even YOU should know that. Now quite crying, AT THE VERY LEAST, you are going to the Rose Bowl....things could change and you could be heading to the BCS CG.....
I'd say that Ohio State has a pretty good chance to play in the BCS championship. OU has already beaten Missouri once, and with the championship game in San Antonio, I expect them to do it again. If the game was in Arrowhead, I'd probably favor Missouri.

The Big-12 and the SEC have both beaten themselves up to the point where none of their teams can get back to #1.
I don't have a problem with West Virginia. They are pretty fun to watch. I would just hate for Ohio State to back in to the Championship. It's about entertainment, and Missouri-West Virginia would be a better game.
:eek: Would any of you Bucknut fans care to respond? :)

I have been very critical of the Big 11 all year, but I DO think that the best team in conference, Ohio State is very entertaining. Well coached with very good athletes. Their play calling could be a little more imaginative, but then again, that conferece has always been very tradtional.
Their play calling could be a little more imaginative, but then again, that conferece has always been very tradtional.


Think that might begin to change if Les Miles goes to Michigan? He seems to be a little more run and gun, don't you think? And Zook looks like he may have things heading in that direction at Illinois.

Think that might begin to change if Les Miles goes to Michigan? He seems to be a little more run and gun, don't you think? And Zook looks like he may have things heading in that direction at Illinois.

And yet there has been the 'hating' toward Ron Zook...could it be that he is trying to take the Illini out of that "ho-hum" offense up north....??!! good call:up
And yet there has been the 'hating' toward Ron Zook...could it be that he is trying to take the Illini out of that "ho-hum" offense up north....??!! good call:up
All that 'hating' goes away when you win. Before Bob Stoops came here from Florida, everyone was calling for the return of the Wishbone Offense. Not any more.