NCAA Football 2007-08

Salsa -

I'm still here. Smarting a bit after the drubbing my boys took this weekend, but hoping for good news from the bowl fairies!

Look at my prediction from prior, and tell me how "boisterous" I am. :)
Jimbo...stop, you are sounding like the girl that complains she can't get a date on saturday night...but yet get's all the attention because she is one of the better looking girls in the neighborhood...!! QUIT BELLY ACHING!!!:rolleyes:;)

I have never seen a fan of a team that is IN THE TOP 5 bitch so much about OTHER TEAMS. Do you REALLY MISS Florida teams THAT MUCH??!! Again, it is not ALWAYS up to the school where they go to a bowl. There is the bowl you WANT to go and there is the bowls you will REALISTICALLY go. In the end, ALL SCHOOLS go to the bowl that will offer the most....come on..say it with me:

CHA-CHING $$$$$$!!!!!!

Even YOU should know that. Now quite crying, AT THE VERY LEAST, you are going to the Rose Bowl....things could change and you could be heading to the BCS CG.....

Gee, I guess you can't handle a ROAD game after all
:eek: Would any of you Bucknut fans care to respond? :)

Sure, BACK into the game ????
The Buckeyes won the games they had to and they are being blamed because they end thier season sooner than some others ???

Would it be BACKING in IF they had played Michigan this weekend ?

Lets make it a level playing field, everyone plays 12 games and everyone ends thier season on the same weekend.

Why is it that they cannot play 12 straight weeks again ?

Do away with the ONLY for MONEY conference Championship games too, their only there to make more money, but somehow OSU gets blamed for that too.

:eek: Would any of you Bucknut fans care to respond? :)

I have been very critical of the Big 11 all year, but I DO think that the best team in conference, Ohio State is very entertaining. Well coached with very good athletes. Their play calling could be a little more imaginative, but then again, that conferece has always been very tradtional.


Think that might begin to change if Les Miles goes to Michigan? He seems to be a little more run and gun, don't you think? And Zook looks like he may have things heading in that direction at Illinois.

Several years back when a coach ran this offense (spread ) it was considered a fluky offense that could not possibly win with. Now that someone has won with it, it's the new hot offense that no one can stop.

You either run that offense because you have a very good team or a very bad one and want to try to get by on winning a game that the defense has no idea about.
Actually, IF OSU lands the QB from Pa, I hope he gets in there alot and we DO run the spread offense, I like it, it's quick and fun to watch ...
I just don't know how to stop it.... nor do many other teams for that matter.

I still think with a healthy Dixon , Oregon is the best team in the country.

Yeah, I thought Oregon was pretty good. If Dixon would have not gotten injured and won there last games we would have another BCS mess...

It's kind of a mess anyway. Not as bad as other years, but still...
Yeah, I thought Oregon was pretty good. If Dixon would have not gotten injured and won there last games we would have another BCS mess...

It's kind of a mess anyway. Not as bad as other years, but still...

Closer to an actual playoff , small that it will be, but a playoff at least....
I would want 6 games/ is SO easy to set up a playoff. These BCS freak jobs think we could not live without it....but let's be honest, IF you are not in the Top 5 the final two weeks, you really have no chance in hell for a Championship....those days of a #4 jumping to #1 after beating the the #1(ala Miami vs. Nebraska in 1983) are LONG GONE!

The more I think about it and read your post here, the more I like it :) If your not in the top 5 your not going to win anyways ....
I think I might be able to go for a 8 team playoff ... or we can set it up AFTER the Bowl games are played with the bowl winners.

Gee, I guess you can't handle a ROAD game after all you want a Florida team to take LESS money because you want them to play in colder weather than Florida, Arizona, California, Louisiana or Texas??!! Do you see a little trend there THE MAJOR BOWLS ARE IN WARM WEATHER areas? Of Miami's 5 national championships wins, 3 were in the Orange Bowl(not The U's fault that the Big 12 would send THEIR Champ to Miami), the Superdome in New Orleans(not Miami's fault that the SEC would send their champion there) and one in the Rose, when they finally broke this thing about sending certain teams to certain stadiums. They lost one in the Superdome and 2(well sor of) at the Fiesta Bowl.

I am sure, if OSU had a chance to go to ANY bowl they wanted, they would go where the money and the prestige is at....just like any other school. So that argument that you beat like a dead horse....let it go holds NO WATER.
I'm a Colorado fan, win lose or that lawyer from UCLA a coupla of years ago. Having said that, I really enjoyed Kansas' magical mystery tour this year. I haven't seen a bunch of kids more fun to watch, ever (Including Cliff Branch bombardment of the early 70s)
Actually, I just don't know how to stop it.... nor do many other teams for that matter.

Why not put a quick LB as a QB spy, play man to man on the corners and have a safety play zone deep?

This spread offense is designed to have a QB read a zone D and pick it apart with the option run. Spy the QB will force the pitch, Outside LB moves in on the RB, Safeties cover if RB breaks line.

The key to WVU is forcing Pat White to throw and having your secondary play mistake-free.
Why not put a quick LB as a QB spy, play man to man on the corners and have a safety play zone deep?

This spread offense is designed to have a QB read a zone D and pick it apart with the option run. Spy the QB will force the pitch, Outside LB moves in on the RB, Safeties cover if RB breaks line.

The key to WVU is forcing Pat White to throw and having your secondary play mistake-free.

I believe that many Defenses have taken this aproach, but still have had may problems.

I believe that many Defenses have taken this aproach, but still have had may problems.


You have to have a fast defense AND a defense that can make tackles. The 'spread offense' is about short passes and letting the recievers use their speed. Most are nothing more than 15-20 yard routes. IF your defense CANNOT tackle, then the spread will kill you.
Ya'll are creating one heck of an entertaining and educational thread for a rookie football fan! :up

You have to have a fast defense AND a defense that can make tackles. The 'spread offense' is about short passes and letting the recievers use their speed. Most are nothing more than 15-20 yard routes. IF your defense CANNOT tackle, then the spread will kill you.

Then we should do just fine this year, if you watched the Illinois game, it was the running that killed us.
Also a once in a lifetime performance for Williams passing.

Then we should do just fine this year, if you watched the Illinois game, it was the running that killed us.
Also a once in a lifetime performance for Williams passing.


If you look at the stats between Juice Williams and Patrick White, they are SCARY similar:

White 128/187....1498 yds....69% comp....12 TDs 4 int......rating 153.2
163 carries ....1144 yrds.... 7.0 yds per carry 64 yds(long) 14 tds

Williams 132/232....1498 yds .....56.4% comp....13 tds 10 int. rating 121
150 carries...774 yds....6.2 yds per carry...64 yds(long) ...16 tds

Obviously, White is a more efficient passer with his completions and a much better runner. But look at the total passing yards and the longest runs from scrimmage....EXACTLY alike......WOW!
If you look at the stats between Juice Williams and Patrick White, they are SCARY similar:

White 128/187....1498 yds....69% comp....12 TDs 4 int......rating 153.2
163 carries ....1144 yrds.... 7.0 yds per carry 64 yds(long) 14 tds

Williams 132/232....1498 yds .....56.4% comp....13 tds 10 int. rating 121
150 carries...774 yds....6.2 yds per carry...64 yds(long) ...16 tds

Obviously, White is a more efficient passer with his completions and a much better runner. But look at the total passing yards and the longest runs from scrimmage....EXACTLY alike......WOW!

I thought White was far superior to Williams, maybe they will have a chance.