NBA Lockout thread

This has turned ugly on both sides now... have on side pissed off at an owner that said little nothing and getting fined $500,000. Then you have today's developments:

This union is threatening to implode, the push and pull of people wanting to cut a deal and those willing to keep warring over the final percentage points. Within the NBPA, the frustration with Hunter is this: Hunter knows where the deal will be made, but he's engaged in a smear campaign to frame Fisher as a sellout to the league. For Hunter, the end game is simple: Divide and conquer, and ultimately try keep his own job beyond this labor agreement. This is a lousy deal for the players, and Hunter wants the blame everywhere else.

Yes, this has created doubts about Fisher, but it's hurt Hunter far more. Once, he had the stars on his side, and that's rapidly dissipating.

Hunter wants everyone to believe he's the last holdout on going to a 50-50 split, that everyone else – especially Fisher – is dragging him there. Suddenly, he's the tough guy standing alone. Suddenly, everyone else is caving and cutting side deals. Once it was the agents who wanted Hunter out. Now, there are star players lining up for a piece of him. They won't move until there's a deal done, but when they do, it will be swift, unruly and unpleasant.

"Right now, everyone has to choose sides: Billy or Derek," one player involved in the labor process told Yahoo! Sports. "How the [expletive] did it come to this?"

For starters, it comes from an unseemly brew of hubris, ego and insecurity. On every level, this has been a disgrace, an embarrassment for the players, and it's threatening to unravel the entire union. Most of all, the clock's ticking on getting a deal done. November's been slashed in the NBA regular season, and December's on deck.

Stern is holding back the hawkish owners who want to pull the 50 percent offer off the table. The hardline owners are indeed pushing Stern to drop the league's offer back under 50 percent as games are missed, but as one high-ranking official said: "The others realize that if you do that, you will lose a season. If the players will not take 50 now, they will not take less than 50 until they sit the whole year."

Hunter's actions in NBA labor talks weaken union - NBA - Yahoo! Sports
I think it's safe to say that this season is over.

As much as I think it would help for the season to be Canned, I don't think it will happen.

As pointed out mostly by Sandra all along Stern and the owners are in the driver's seat.

Players better understand 50/50 is going to be the best deal that can be had. The longer they hold out out on any possible agreement only increases the very real chance that the 50/50 deal will only decrease as time goes by.

I thin because there is a war within the players going right now. As I posted, the players with the real $$$ want to hold out, though they have MORE to lose in regards to actually money, they think the Fisher has sold them out....siding with Hunter. The other players, though, they know that Fisher has not sold them out...also know Fisher has busted his a$$ to work out the best deal possible. The ALL know that '50-50' is not really that...they also know that the owners have yet to concede ANYTHING while the players...if they go down to 50-50, have given hudreds of milions of dollars in concessions(it is estimated that that for every 1% of BRI, they have given up around $100,000 million...going from 53% to do the math)...but with all that said, they know Fisher has done the best that he could considering the pressure he is getting from the high end $$$ players and from everyone else.

So NOW you can throw in the fact that we have two factions in the NBPA and two factions amongst the owners. For the player

Players look like they may be at war with each other very's already started. This is historically the first sign of a strike/lockout ending.

As I've been saying all along, the players have no leverage here. Some players have grasped the reality of that more quickly than others. More will come around...the only question is 'When'.

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cosmo_kramer said:
Most of the players "need" their paychecks. There are very few who could go without one for an entire season, and the owners know this...

But isn't this an assumption on most of our ends without knowing certain players spending habits are?
Generally speaking, without diving into the different spending habits of 360 NBA players (which is as impossible as it is silly), a percentage of them will need a paycheck....probably soon.

The question is, at what point will enough of them need a paycheck so that they sway the union in their favor, and away from those who do not need a paycheck soon.

That's the only point.


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