This does not include the actual channels listing and it also has my single DVR fee (yours may vary) but the base costs between america's top and dish america is quite drastic.
I didn't factor 120+ and Everything package because I have no interest, the cost/channel uses the base cost minus DVR or any other fees.
I'm looking to see if the quality of the channels is really that different. If someone has an HD channel breakdown between all the packages that would help to see the differences in channels. I'm not concerned about SD.
The reason for the $10 and $15 credit is because apparently the base offer is a $10 credit but some people seem to be getting a $15 credit.
I may have it narrowed down between silver/gold or top 200, silver is a $5 increase, gold or top 200 is a $15 increase (if I can get a $15 credit that is). I'm not totally decided yet.
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