Losing HD Absolute. Any suggestions?

Couldn't pay my bill on line

With the up coming programming change & the fact I just dropped SHO & Starz from my package I was unable to use the pay on line feature.
Here is a convo I just had w/ Chat to pay my bill.
Please wait while we find a representative to assist you...
Welcome to DISH Network Chat.
(03) Agent: How may I help you?
Me: I can't pay my bill, every time I try I get some kind of notice saying to contact support
(03) Agent: I am sorry to hear that you are having an issue. I'd be happy to resolve that for you.
(03) Agent: Are you able to access your account online but it will not accept the payment?
Me: yes
(03) Agent: You can also make a payment by remote at channel 100 with a phone line connection, or by using our automated phone system at 1-800-894-9131.
Me: No way that will eat up cell mins. I have no landline
(03) Agent: I can process the payment for you.
(03) Agent: Are you going to use a debit card or credit card?
Me: Yes
(03) Agent: Can I get the name as it reads on the card?
Me: Part of the problem may be that I changed my programming. I kept Absolute HBO AND THEN DROPPED SHO & STARZ
(03) Agent: Oh, okay.
(03) Agent: let me check that.
Me: Sorry about the caps I was just try to cap HBO & missed the caps lock button.
(03) Agent: It's all right.
(03) Agent: I also make mistakes like that sometimes.
(03) Agent: There might be a system maintenance right now that's why you cannot pay online.
Me: Have tried 3 or 4 times since the change get the same error
(03) Agent: I understand.
(03) Agent: I'll go ahead and process it for you.
(03) Agent: Can I get the name as it reads on the card?
Me: My name was here. :D
(03) Agent: What is the card number and expiration date? For security reasons please do not use spaces or dashes with the card number. You will see #'s after you enter the card number.
Me: How much will the bill be?
(03) Agent: The balance which is $36.46.
Me: ################(I'm not gonna show any of my numbers here. They got the number & left the last 4 showing)
Me: exp date is 03/11
(03) Agent: Okay.
(03) Agent: Normally a $5 Agent Assistance Fee would apply for me to perform this transaction, which could be done at on our website or automated phone system at no additional cost. But I see you are one of our most valued customers, and I will be waiving this fee for you today.
(03) Agent: I already processed the payment.
Me: Is that programed into a hotkey?
(03) Agent: What do you mean?
Me: The speech about waiving the fee
Me: Is there an easy button to use to send it
(03) Agent: Yes.
Me: Had a felling
(03) Agent: We have a canned response for that.
Me: So we good to go until the package change hits 2-1-11?
(03) MKtech Fahren V.Z0V: Yes.
Me: I got the letter today and the forums are lighting up about it.
Me: Most of the response are not pretty.
(03) Agent: I understand.
(03) Agent: We really don't have an update yet about the changes on February 1.
Me: All ABsolute customers lose that package on the 1st. We will be moved to top 200 w/ HD for life free then free Platinum for a yr and I think a credit for yr of 10 per month.
(03) Agent: Okay.
(03) Agent: We don't have those information yet.
Me: I'm planning on dropping all premiums if it goes thru. I think many will do much the same plus quite a few are already look at Directv.
(03) Agent: I can assure you that we still offers lower rate compared to Direct TV.
(03) Agent: I do understand your concern.
Me: OK now you have more info than before. So the payment is done and all is OK?
(03) Agent: Yes, I already processed the payment.
(03) Agent: Is there anything else that I can assist you with?
Me: Thanks I'll copy the text & it will be on the forums in a few minutes. You have helped and I really couldn't pay the bill on line. I didn't contact you just to find out if you knew anything yet.
If a local retailer can give me the exact same deal, I'd really have no problem going through them. I think you can save shipping and handling if you go online, but if the local dealer has them in stock, do you still get charged? I don't know.

what do you mean? You'd get the same deals through the retailer as you would D* directlyt
Our transition to Direct TV was for the most part, flawless. Dish wanted to do NOTHING to keep me as a customer and they certainly didn't say anything about loosing the Absoulute HD pkg.

The Official AVS Dish DTVPal DVR Topic! - AVS Forum

Here's a link for the Dish Pal dvr;; I bought one about 5 months ago (Ebay), I believe the Channel Master is the same item, only priced higher than
the Dish branded version. It uses the ota TV Guide, it does not do name based recording, but there isn't any other ongoing fee. I'm very satisfied
with the performance of the unit.

We have the Absolute pack, haven't decided what the next move will be when the plug is pulled. I'm seriously thinking about giving Direct a whirl, it's not a bad deal for the first two years (with the rebate), then see what's available when the Direct contract is up. Yeah, I'm disappointed losing Absolute, figured something was up when we didn't get a price increase the last two years. I recall our bill pre-Absolute was around $80 for the old AT200 + Hd, sure don't wanna try and squeeze that amount in the budget again.
I have spent the last 4 hours comparing everything. I feel so naive that I only paid attention to what I was paying for TV instead of everything as a whole. I pay $112 for TV, Phone and Internet between Dish and ATT. If I do uverse TV, Phone and Internet I will get more channels and faster internet for $20 more ($35 after 6 months). I'll be able to record more than 1 show or watch something while something is recording! The start of many fights around here! There's rumors out there you can get 12Mbps from UVerse for $25. I pay that for 3Mbps now. So if I can get that deal, it's only and extra $5 for all those extras.

Good riddance Dish. Good thing that I paid $99 to have my dish moved a few months ago when I moved so I didn't have to sign a contract.

EDIT: The downside is now I have to deal with an install. From AT&T =(
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what do you mean? You'd get the same deals through the retailer as you would D* directlyt

Cool. I didn't know if you get other discounts strictly by going online or not. I guess you could always compare by printing out what you get online vs what they want you to sign a contract for locally. I've never actually used a local retailer, I just always bought it online.

Although if DirecTV would just let you pick the exact model of receiver you want, none of this would be needed. :)
Since I own my receivers, does anyone know if programming saved to an external hard drive is still playable on a Dish VIP722k after your Dish subscription lapses? I have 10 terabytes of programming that will keep the LCD humming if this is the situation.

Anyone know the answer to this question? I'm in the same situation.
Well, Dish has officially lost me as a customer. DirecTV is being installed on Tuesday.

For other people potentially in the same situation:

Thanks to the person who suggested looking for AAA discounts on DirecTV. There is currently a 20-month $10 credit available to AAA members. Note: this does NOT stack with the current "bonus" 12-month $5 credit being offered at on DirecTV's website.

I am getting an HD DVR, a 2nd HD receiver, whole-home DVR service, and Choice Extra.

Total equipment cost: $21.70 (shipping fee + tax). This is free on the DirecTV website, but the AAA offer doesn't include free shipping.

Programming costs after various credits, since they have different durations:

Months 1-12: $39.99/month
Months 13-20: $44.99/month
Months 21-24: $54.99/month

Even at its highest in months 21-24, it's still cheaper than what Dish was willing to do for me, since the only credits they would offer me lasted only 12 months.

The equipment, package, and options I'm getting are exactly as shown below, but with the above pricing when all is said and done.

I have spent the last 4 hours comparing everything. I feel so naive that I only paid attention to what I was paying for TV instead of everything as a whole. I pay $112 for TV, Phone and Internet between Dish and ATT. If I do uverse TV, Phone and Internet I will get more channels and faster internet for $20 more ($35 after 6 months). I'll be able to record more than 1 show or watch something while something is recording! The start of many fights around here! There's rumors out there you can get 12Mbps from UVerse for $25. I pay that for 3Mbps now. So if I can get that deal, it's only and extra $5 for all those extras.

Good riddance Dish. Good thing that I paid $99 to have my dish moved a few months ago when I moved so I didn't have to sign a contract.

EDIT: The downside is now I have to deal with an install. From AT&T =(

Speed of your i-net will vary. The more you dwld for Uverse the slower your net will run. This is my understanding; all of it is coming down the same pipeline so things will have to slow down somewhere.
I got the dreaded letter today and didn't have a very good experience with customer service at Dish so I'm thinking of switching to DirectTV as well. When I do it online, I don't get that $14 bill credit for months 13-24, though... how'd you get that? Is that a location specific thing maybe? I also have AAA and'll probably switch as well.

Well, Dish has officially lost me as a customer. DirecTV is being installed on Tuesday.

For other people potentially in the same situation:

Thanks to the person who suggested looking for AAA discounts on DirecTV. There is currently a 20-month $10 credit available to AAA members. Note: this does NOT stack with the current "bonus" 12-month $5 credit being offered at on DirecTV's website.

I am getting an HD DVR, a 2nd HD receiver, whole-home DVR service, and Choice Extra.

Total equipment cost: $21.70 (shipping fee + tax). This is free on the DirecTV website, but the AAA offer doesn't include free shipping.

Programming costs after various credits, since they have different durations:

Months 1-12: $39.99/month
Months 13-20: $44.99/month
Months 21-24: $54.99/month

Even at its highest in months 21-24, it's still cheaper than what Dish was willing to do for me, since the only credits they would offer me lasted only 12 months.

The equipment, package, and options I'm getting are exactly as shown below, but with the above pricing when all is said and done.

Why has everyone made this sound so difficult.

Directv has always charged $5 addtional receiver fee.
It went up 1 dollar. Its now $6 for addtional receiver Fee.

That doesn't mean your Getting charged $6 extra if you only have one receiver on your account.
Or $3 Each if you only Have 2.

Its called Addtional Receiver Fee "lease Fee"or "Mirror fee"

Was $5 its Now $6!

  • 2 Room System is $6 Was $5
  • 3 Room system is $12 Was $10
  • 4 room System is $18 Was $15
  • 5 Room System is $24 Was $20
  • 6 Room System is $30 Was $25
Add this to your Base pack Price
Add $10 for HD
Add $7 for DVR


Please look at DirecTV's wording:
***Lease for first two receivers: $6/mo.; additional receiver leases: $6 month. each.

Maybe this is why "everyone made this sound so difficult."
Just to add to this comment, also D* doesn't charge you $17 for a second receiver like E* does. You can add a second HDDVR or HD receiver and it's $5 for the second receiver, well $6.00 comes Feb. 1st. The first receiver has no charge.

all I have is the 1st rcvr. A 622.. HD downstairs, SD upstairs. 2 tuners+OTA is 99% more than enough for us.

So ANY fee for a 2nd rcvr (which will be needed to get equivalent function from D*) is "extra" vs. my current cost.
all I have is the 1st rcvr. A 622.. HD downstairs, SD upstairs. 2 tuners+OTA is 99% more than enough for us.

So ANY fee for a 2nd rcvr (which will be needed to get equivalent function from D*) is "extra" vs. my current cost.
Well , Any D* setup would provide more function then your 622
If you did the HR24 and H24 with MRV and the OTA Module, you would already be way ahead of the 622 for your 2 rooms.
  • Both rooms would be HD
  • Both would be DVR, with 100 Hours HD recording capacity.
  • Both rooms can access over 6,000 free VOD
  • 3 Satellite tuners will be shared,instead of the 622's two only.
Your price
Choice Select $44.99 "Equal to top 120"
Choice $60.99 "Equal to top 200"
Choice Extra $65.99 " E* has no package Equal"
Choice Ultimate $70.99 " Equal to top 250"

Plus add your
HD,DVR and MRV fee = $20
Addtional Room $6
OTA Module $$$$ Around $40-50.

This is without new customer discounts.

So your looking any where between
$71-$97 per month.

Yea, a Far Cry from HD absolute prices, But face it Its over!:)
Well, Dish has officially lost me as a customer. DirecTV is being installed on Tuesday.

For other people potentially in the same situation:

Thanks to the person who suggested looking for AAA discounts on DirecTV. There is currently a 20-month $10 credit available to AAA members. Note: this does NOT stack with the current "bonus" 12-month $5 credit being offered at on DirecTV's website.

I am getting an HD DVR, a 2nd HD receiver, whole-home DVR service, and Choice Extra.

Total equipment cost: $21.70 (shipping fee + tax). This is free on the DirecTV website, but the AAA offer doesn't include free shipping.

Programming costs after various credits, since they have different durations:

Months 1-12: $39.99/month
Months 13-20: $44.99/month
Months 21-24: $54.99/month

Even at its highest in months 21-24, it's still cheaper than what Dish was willing to do for me, since the only credits they would offer me lasted only 12 months.

The equipment, package, and options I'm getting are exactly as shown below, but with the above pricing when all is said and done.


You do have it, you just have to scroll over to the 13th month to see the credit. It should be at the top right of that page.

If a $10/20 month AAA discount does apply, then that's pretty good too, even if it invalidates the other $5/12 month discount.
I don't know if this means anything or not, but I just got billed for my HD Absolute package from 1/17/11 - 2/16/11. I know they can/will prorate billing, but one would think they'd only bill thru 2/1 if the package was ending on that date.
I never had Absolute because it didn't fit what I wanted in channel selection. For those that did, I feel your pain.

But I'm not sure that switching to another provider is the answer either. Yes you can get some great deals as a new customer, no denying that. But you do lose some national HD channels in the process if you go from E* to D*. You pick up some sports and if that is more important than the national HD, that could be the reason.

D* has MRV and that certainly is a benefit for some, but not all. In my case, I have 2 HDDVRs because one is mine, the other is my adult son's and we have totally different viewing preferences. For me, MRV wouldn't have any value.

With D*, I would have to have 3 HDDVRs to get the functionality I get from the 722K and 612 I currently have. While that would be doable, it would be irritating.

Lastly, with D* anything short of the HR24 for HDDVD would be a non-starter. The others are just too darned sluggish.
Well , Any D* setup would provide more function then your 622
If you did the HR24 and H24 with MRV and the OTA Module, you would already be way ahead of the 622 for your 2 rooms.
  • Both rooms would be HD
  • Both would be DVR, with 100 Hours HD recording capacity.
  • Both rooms can access over 6,000 free VOD
  • 3 Satellite tuners will be shared,instead of the 622's two only.
Your price
Choice Select $44.99 "Equal to top 120"
Choice $60.99 "Equal to top 200"
Choice Extra $65.99 " E* has no package Equal"
Choice Ultimate $70.99 " Equal to top 250"

Plus add your
HD,DVR and MRV fee = $20
Addtional Room $6
OTA Module $$$$ Around $40-50.

This is without new customer discounts.

So your looking any where between
$71-$97 per month.

Yea, a Far Cry from HD absolute prices, But face it Its over!:)

Well for Absolute package holders they are offering the top 200 w/ HD for life free , Platinum for the 1st year free, and $10 credit per month. So that comes out to right at 45 per month for 1st year and 55 the second year. If you want to keep Plat then the 10 per month will apply. I only have the 722k but for me to have the same thing w/D* I would need 2 of the HR 24's. Reason is the HR 24 can only record 2 things at once where as the 722k can record 4. If I go w/the 250 package it will just be 55 per month then 65 the 2nd yr. Yes I will go from 30 a month to 45 but that's allot better than the prices you are talking about. This isn't being a fan boy just stating that D* will cost me more per yr even w/ the new customer discounts & I would lose several HD channels. It is only an advantage to stay with E* at least for the 1st yr. I guess that I would get some more RSN's for my area from D* and that might make a difference to some, it won't to me (I don't watch sports).

Hopper seems excesively loud...all the time

Receiver fee breakdown and install question

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