Losing HD Absolute. Any suggestions?

I asked him why I got the letter since that was how I read it too. His answer was that if I make any changes after Feb 1, then I would automatically get changed to the Top 200 package.

But what does it exactly mean "If I make any changes after Feb 1, then I would automatically get changed to top 200"? So, if you decided to change from ABS to dish America on Feb 5th, then they would automatically put you in the 200 instead?? Or does it mean that if you make a change like add a sports package, and they would automatically switch you from ABS to the 200 since it was a change? I am confused.
From what I've gathered, this is a bug in the chart. ie. I don't think any DA (silver/gold) subs have msnbc, regardless of what the chart says.
Yeah, that's why I asked about it in this thread. When E* added msnbc HD way back when, we didn't get it in Absolute, cause it launched about a month after E* stopped adding non-Platinum channels to Absolute. I really wanted that channel, and when I saw it "added" to the DA Silver/Gold packages chart, I considered switching, only to find out it wasn't in the package. Kinda silly that the chart has been wrong for a year...
Yeah, that's why I asked about it in this thread. When E* added msnbc HD way back when, we didn't get it in Absolute, cause it launched about a month after E* stopped adding non-Platinum channels to Absolute. I really wanted that channel, and when I saw it "added" to the DA Silver/Gold packages chart, I considered switching, only to find out it wasn't in the package. Kinda silly that the chart has been wrong for a year...

What else is not accurate on the DA Silver/Gold packages chart?
Anyone know if you can continue to access data on EHD and DVR if service is canceled? Them giving a $10/month credit may not be enough to keep me. Still completely undecided.
Right, it is the slowest offered here, too. At least it is dedicated; I'm on cable now. How often do you need more than 6 Mbps? I am in IT and I never need more, though it is always nice to have more.

As far as bundling, it DOES save money. If I add my current internet price with my Feb 1st Dish price, it is the same as U-Verse. If I didn't use a lesser-know, cheap, VOIP then a triple play would save more. Anyhow, there is no contract, so no big deal.

I download allot lately and the speed I get at times seems to bog down. So I wish I had even more than the 10 max I get but the price was too much for me.
IIRC RSNs were the first "carrot" that Dish offered to HD Absolute subs to get them to switch. And it probably would have worked over time, if Dish hadn't shot itself in the marketing foot by continuing to add HD channels to the Absolute package - DUH. Not that I'm complaining -- we've enjoyed getting more HD for the same money :)

FWIW Most of the movies we record/watch are on the EPIX, RETRO & INDIE channels. The best Dish "package" for us would be Locals Only + Platinum. But somehow I don't think Dish will agree to that deal :rolleyes:

Talon Dancer
I've pretty much decided to make the switch to Directv -- it's just a matter of timing. For my configuration, it works out to a $324 2-year savings (with the Costco $180 cash card included) to switch to Choice Ultimate rather than America's Top 250 + Platinum (assuming I would get a $10/month credit from Dish -- I haven't talked to them yet). In the third and following years, it would cost me $12/year more for the Directv package. Both packages are similar. Please note that the $200 AAA offer becomes $120 when you subtract the online only $5 credit for 12 months and the free shipping ($20).

The main reasons I will switch are:

MLB channel
Full time HD RSN's
Vastly superior NHL CI -- twice as many HD games
Savings of $324 over the first 2 years

My timing issue is that I have paid for my NHL CI in full as at 1/2/11. I doubt Dish will give me credit fior the second half of the season if I leave and Directv won't let me have it free. If I can keep my CI with a minimal package and minimal cost, I may opt to keep Dish as well as Directv until the NHL season is over...

BTW, I really object to Dish's policy of not telling you what credit they will offer until you contact them. It seems Charlie just can't resist playing hardball -- even when it is with his own customers!
iml said:
I've heard the exact same, PQ on u-verse was terrible, haven't used it myself, just info from a few friends who have (most of which dumped it because it was so bad).

I'm surprised at the skepticism of U-Verse. I've been debating if it is because this is a satellite forum or because their cell network stinks or what.

They won JD Power & Associates' awards for their service & Consumer Reports rates then #2 (behind Verizon Fios) way ahead of #8 Dish Network... I guess I'll find out soon myself.
The wife showed me the letter when I was in town for the holidays. Really disappointing.
Three and some odd years doesn't qualify a package as being refered to a "grandfathered". We decided to take a chance and ante-up for the new "HD Only" that didn't have much to begin with, in the hopes that it would develop into a decent package. And it did, although I was disappointed it stopped just short of including Fox News. Why shouldn't we get to continue to reap the rewards for being the first group of investers in Dish's venture into HD programming?
I've given Dish plenty of money over the years. I don't want to hear any crying about losing money. Just make a reasonable rate adjustment. They didn't complain about all the money we were sending in for their fledgling HD project.
And please, don't anyone tell me what they can do legally. What is legal isn't always right.

It didn't have everything I wanted. But I was really happy with the value. It had a lot of what I liked with out all the garbage that comes with most programming packages.
Now they're planning to yank the rug out from under us.

I'll not jump ship immediately if they actually take HD Absoute away from me. It's too much trouble to change my setup with my 722 feeding 3 tvs in my house and the 2 hard drives full of stuff. I'll probably take the discounts and switch to AT120, HD life, Plat for a year. But Dish is opening the door to losing my loyalty. I'll be looking at other options in the meantime.

There's nothing on tv worth more than $40/mo. There comes a point for me where I just say 'to hell with all of it'.
Not sure why you're not seeing it unless it is a regional thing. I just went back to an old saved cart and this is what it looks like for me after 12 months. The $99 is because I added 2 HDDVRs at the time.


As for the AAA credit, I wonder if it cancels out other promotions as well. If you do a Google search for AAA and DirecTV, you'll come to their direct page, but it's missing some of the offers listed here.

It's a regional non-offer in SoCal, I used zip code 90210 to see the monthly charges and the $14 discount for months 13-24 doesn't show up. The AAA credit will keep you from getting the $100 referral credit, you can't get both.

I canceled Dish last nite, had Direct installed in the afternoon, everything is up & running so no sense in keeping Charlie around:D

I got an email this morning, here's a link to how Dish wants to win subs back:
DISH Network - We Want You Back

Not much of a carrot, in my view:(

I'll report back in a coupla weeks on my Dish/Direct comparison.
There's nothing on tv worth more than $40/mo. There comes a point for me where I just say 'to hell with all of it'.

I hear yah. The ONLY thing keeping me with a paid provider right now is the fact that I like sports. ESPN3 has gotten pretty good lately but still not HD and they're the only one that I've can get dependable live downloads on. If sports start being able to be streamed in HD live over the internet consistently, I would definitely drop pay TV all together and just make sure I had a really fast internet service. All the other stuff we watch, it seems we can get through other venues cheaper... a virtual a la carte that the cable/sat companies don't want to give us.
A chat from customer

Chat that a customer did w/ them recently (I got this from the other site). This is the reason why I will wait till the 1st & to deal w/ E*. I love chat it's so permanent. I always save mine so I have documentation of what has taken place.

Welcome to DISH Network Chat.
(04) Tu T2P Jeremy B.ZA6: How may I help you?
Tom: I got a letter saying Absolute was going away Feb1st. I was looking at your America 200 on-line at the $15 discount $39.99. Can I get that with the free Platinum for 12 months, and free HD for life? I also see you have a 30th anniversary free Premium movies for 12 months, can that be added? This seems to be the "deal" going around. ###-###-####
(04) Tu T2P Jeremy B.ZA6: I'd be happy to assist you with that.
(04) Tu T2P Jeremy B.ZA6: The letter explains the offer for the Absolute, $10 off for 12 months, HD Platinum free 12 months and the HD for life offer.
(04) Tu T2P Jeremy B.ZA6: On 02/01 is when the changes will be made and the 30th anniversary gift.
(04) Tu T2P Jeremy B.ZA6: You should get the Starz free for a year at that time.
Tom: I hear many Absolute customers getting a $15 discount (to the $39.99 advertised for new customers). That would increase my bill by $10 (and all I get is a bunch of new SD channels). I'd probably accept that. I need to see what Direct is offering before I decide.
Tom: If I do nothing, isn't Absolute Grandfathered?
(04) Tu T2P Jeremy B.ZA6: No longer.
(04) Tu T2P Jeremy B.ZA6: I understand your concern, unfortunately as the letter details we are ending that package, which is why we are offering what we have for those customers.
Tom: So I need to call in to get the $15 discount (rather than the $10 one)?
(04) Tu T2P Jeremy B.ZA6: You can contact us after the change is made on 02/1 then we would be able to assist.
Tom: Will do. Thanks
Tom: So I need to call in to get the $15 discount (rather than the $10 one)?
(04) Tu T2P Jeremy B.ZA6: You can contact us after the change is made on 02/1 then we would be able to assist.
Tom: Will do. Thanks

Isn't Dish raising their prices Feb 1? The $15 credit (rather than the current $10) would pretty much make it a wash...
All I could get out of the guy was the $10 off...not $15. He made some comments that he was surprised I had this package for so long and they never really offered it. I told him well it was easy...called up a retailer and ordered it...very easy to get.

Dropped my HBO and went with the deal. I will check prices and such of things next year when this runs out. Nice while it lasted!