
Amish Satellite Technician
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Apr 13, 2005
Nashville, TN
I cancelled my Dish account a week ago due to the fact that I just don't freakin watch TV. I'm in an apartment (I did the install myself - DNS fufilment, 2 years running) and I don't have my OWN LNBF. If I returned the LNBF, they'd loose 3+ other customers. I did tell this to the Cancellation Department when I cancelled, and she said she put a note about it to wave the LNBF requirement.

Any advice? I don't want to get hammered by Dish for the LNBF.
If the person you talked to said you would get the fee waived, it should be, you may have to call back if you are charged however.
Why don't those other (3) customers have their own LNBs ?? I can understand a situation where they're sharing a dish, which is fine, but Dish supplied a dish, LNB, and possibly a multiswitch for each installation. Who has that equipment now ??

There are (4) separate accounts here.
I agree with you Hall and that's why E* is against sharing acounts. I know Zandarkoad is an installer and he was probably trying to help this customers but now that he's quitting, what happens to the other customers?

If I were in that situation, I would buy a LNB on eBay and tell the other customers to share the cost and then return the original LNB. But that's just me.
The reason the three other customers don't have their own LNBs is because the apartment complex has ONE dish and only one dish. No reason to put up a second. But yeah, if they get really pissy about it, I can just throw some legacy crap at them I guess. :rolleyes:

Oh, and this is NOT 'account sharing'. I repeat, it is NOT ACCOUNT SHARING. That is a big time no no, and very different than this. This is actually the exact opposite of account sharing. It's letting people who were REFUSED dishnetwork service in the past by the apartment management now have service with the stipulation that they use the dish that has been approved by the apartment management.
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I never said it was account sharing and in fact I guessed it was simply sharing a dish. In an apartment, that's a GREAT idea. My point is, these other (3) customers should have rec'd equipment as part of their sign-up deals. I know you can buy a used receiver, dish, LNB and call up Dish to activate things, but all (3) did this ?? I find that hard to believe. I have to think that at least one of them, if not all three, rec'd free equipment when they signed up. What they did with it since it technically wasn't needed isn't ZandarKoad's problem. Did they sell it ?? Did they give it to someone ?? Doesn't matter in the end.

Actually, I'm not exactly certain how dish handles those equipment credits. Each customer was signed up through the retail office I work for. So... they didn't really send me any gear for them (other than the recievers) because I told them I didn't need it. I would imagine my office would STILL get the equipment credits though for those installs... Which just means my retailing office is happier in the end.

And it was Randall who dropped the 'account sharing' term, not you Hall.
Ah, well then. I wouldn't really know first hand. I just read things on these forums.
When I install dish in any apartment or retirement communities I use as few dishes as I can, I may have 20 or more people sharing 1 dish. not everyone orders their installs through dish. us independants just use any close by dish if we can.

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