Hybrid LNBF and 3 Wallys

Figured I'd bump my old thread after a year and a half.

So we decided to upgrade our RV and now it's time to do this all again!

This new RV already has a 3rd TV mounted so we got around to buying a 3rd wally. I re-did the previous install with the power inserter and channel stack 4 way splitter.

After much frustration with trying and failing to get Sat 129 to come in, i gave up and went inside to find that
Wally one immediately got signal and didn't require a check switch even though it hasnt been on in over a month. To my surprise I still had HD channels. I then found out online that dish discontinued 129.. what a way to find out.. Anyway, wally 1 is correctly identifying as Hybrid 1000.2 WA.

Wally two was identifying the switch as a Quad, another check switch then it identified it as a Twin. After a full reset and check switch it finally identified as Hybrid 1000.2 WA.

The new wally took a while to activate but it finally went through, however it says:

Switch: None
Reception: Verified

It only sees one sattelite, I dont recall if it's 110 or 119. Either way, it's not working correctly.

If anyone has any ideas I'm open to them. My next step will be to redo the cable terminations on this run and see if it helps. They don't exactly do a good job on them, all of the cables that came with the TVs all had the ends pull off with minimal effort.
You need a dish pro plus lnb with a dish pro hybrid 42 switch, then that feeds the channel stack splitter.
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You need a dish pro plus lnb with a dish pro hybrid 42 switch, then that feeds the channel stack splitter.
I think I saw somewhere that you can use a Hybrid and just put the power inserter of the first in a stacked power passing splitters, but we never got those and I've never actually installed Wallys this way
I re-read through this thread after seeing tjbostons reply last night and found where I had posted a schematic found on the dish outdoors website that has the power inserter between the wally and the channel stack splitter and got a reply saying it was the only permitted way of connecting it.

This schematic i found on dishformyrv.com shows the power inserter between the main wally and the splitter.


This is the correct configuration and the only one on a portable Dish that is actually permitted by Dish Network. If you wanted any other setup here, you would need a switch.

Currently I have it between the splitter and the dish. I'm not sure electrically how its different besides maybe adding resistance for all of the wallys instead of just one. I'll try reconnecting it this way and see if that works.
Figured I'd bump my old thread after a year and a half.

So we decided to upgrade our RV and now it's time to do this all again!

This new RV already has a 3rd TV mounted so we got around to buying a 3rd wally. I re-did the previous install with the power inserter and channel stack 4 way splitter.

After much frustration with trying and failing to get Sat 129 to come in, i gave up and went inside to find that
Wally one immediately got signal and didn't require a check switch even though it hasnt been on in over a month. To my surprise I still had HD channels. I then found out online that dish discontinued 129.. what a way to find out.. Anyway, wally 1 is correctly identifying as Hybrid 1000.2 WA.

Wally two was identifying the switch as a Quad, another check switch then it identified it as a Twin. After a full reset and check switch it finally identified as Hybrid 1000.2 WA.

The new wally took a while to activate but it finally went through, however it says:

Switch: None
Reception: Verified

It only sees one sattelite, I dont recall if it's 110 or 119. Either way, it's not working correctly.

If anyone has any ideas I'm open to them. My next step will be to redo the cable terminations on this run and see if it helps. They don't exactly do a good job on them, all of the cables that came with the TVs all had the ends pull off with minimal effort.
The 129 satellite has been decommissioned. All of the channels that were on it were moved to 110/119. Don't wrack your brains looking for it, all is well.
The 129 satellite has been decommissioned. All of the channels that were on it were moved to 110/119. Don't wrack your brains looking for it, all is well.

Lol I found that out the hard way. Last time we went camping during the 4th of July I had a small sliver of trees and mountain, was only able to get 119 and 129 and had any HD channel we normally watch. I was reading some posts here last night and it seems they were far into the migration from 129 at that point. I'll have to find an updated channel per sattelite listing, it would be nice if all the channels we watch were on 119.
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Hooked everything up according to the previously posted diagram from dish. Sattelite Dish to Channel Stack Splitter, power inserter on the DC Pass Out to Main wally.

Check switch completed on the offending wally in question, reported as SW42 and had 110 and 119, did not show a slot for the now defunct 129 like the other wallys do.

Did another check switch.. This time reported switch as SW44, showed sat 110 and 119 with no 3rd slot for 129.

Every subsequent check switch thereafter showed Switch None same as yesterday.

It's worth noting that both the good wallys have external hard drives connected and we paid for the dvr functionality.

Next test was to disconnect the 2nd non-main good wally and reset all wallys. Same result, main wally is fine and reports Hybrid Triple WA.2, offending wally reports None.

I plan to now make the offending wally the main wally and disconnect all wallys.
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Anticlimactic ending... It's no longer the offending wally but the offending cable between the now good wally and the wall...

I'm a little rusty terminating cables and I must not have pushed the cable in all the way inside the 90° connector. All is well now. 3 Wallys running through channel stack 4 way splitter to Dish Pro Hybrid LNBF. Power inserter between main wally to dc pass output port on splitter.

Playmaker and Wally

Joey 4s.
