Join the SatelliteGuys Folding@Home Team!

Anyone notice Team FTL, the first team on our flank? They are averaging well over a million points a day!
Congrats to the Scorpion for hitting the 6 Million mark.:up :D I got back up to the 9K ppd yesterday but the Team dropped off by 10K to 96K ppd.:eek: 2.5 days to overtake the AVS Forum.
I've been getting the 5903 and 5904 Projects on the GPU clients that take about 10 hours to complete but give 1680 points each.
Congrats to the Scorpion for hitting the 6 Million mark.:up :D I got back up to the 9K ppd yesterday but the Team dropped off by 10K to 96K ppd.:eek: 2.5 days to overtake the AVS Forum.
I've been getting the 5903 and 5904 Projects on the GPU clients that take about 10 hours to complete but give 1680 points each.

The point drop was probably my bad... Tuesday I had an Anti Virus Client Update that killed a file server and domain controller so that wrecked havoc on my work machines wu's. As if that wasn't bad enough I lost power that same evening late at home and lost my 4 units at home overnight. I have been getting the 5903 and 5904 flavors also. Added a gpu client to my AMD rig for a total of three in that machine so my point's should hopefully pickup a little. :hungry: That was really stuffing my case to the max, It Is so bad now that the hard drive carrier is sticking out so I'm envious of anyone with a new case... SCORPION..!!! :up:D

Fold On..!!!

Wow! 6,000,000 points! Congratulations, Scorpion.sting!!! Fold, on, Wayne. (Fold on, Garth.)
Anyone notice Team FTL, the first team on our flank? They are averaging well over a million points a day!
There's a good reason their team's got "FTL" in their name...:eek:

AVS Forum, under 1.5 days... Heh-heh-heh...
107K points yesterday. I got my two machines up to 11k. We have two teams in our sights. The AVSForum with 55 active members and MajorGeeks with 77. We should pass AVSForum on Saturday and MajorGeeks next week.:D We did pass Team MacNN last night. Only 10 Million points between us and 100th place.:eek:
110K Team points yesterday and we passed the AVSForum.:up :D Next up , the MajorGeeks. Only 260K points away and we are gaining by 39K a day.
Congrats to Plazzman for reaching the 2 Million mark.:up :D We are gaining on the MajorGeeks. We should overtake them this week.:D
Thanks for the congrats guys. I want to send my congrats also to Plazzman for reaching the 2 million mark. I have been working on my machines and also building my new one....yes I went ahead and got everything for my new build and I am testing it now with folding. Seems to be pretty quick but thats what I expected.
Thanks Voyager and Scorpion.Sting for the welcome to the 2 million club. ;)
Glad that scorp got his new toy up and running with that new case. :up
I had a rough weekend of folding as I had none of my PS3 wu's return to Stanford but that seems to be fixed now. I also still have a wu stuck in my que on my home SMP Client since last Friday that doesn't look like it is going to make it back either.:rolleyes:

As a side note I also found out that running media player on the computer with one song on repeat with my 3 9800 gtx's helps keep the point's up? They supposedly fixed that but if I don't run it while the computer is just running the smp client and the gpu clients the gpu clients point's go down.. Just a heads up..

Fold On.!!!

I think I need to shut down my one ATI HD4850 GPU2 Folder. The GPU temp has been steadily increasing over the last couple of months and is now over 100?C. I've heard that the fans in the ATI cards tend to die and the fact that the ATI CCC reports the fan speed is 100% just means the fan voltage is maxed out, not the actual fan speed.

Congratulations, Plazzman, and damn! 31K Points per day? You'll be passing me soon enough!
Damn, Team FTL is averaging 1.1 Million ppd.:eek: Looks like they are gonna blow past us later today.:( Watch out for that blur of light as they shoot by.;) They have 5,550 active folders in their group.
Thanks for the congrats Foxbat! Yes I have had the same issue with just about every older ATI card I had except for the 2 3850 but they weren't in service long enough for the fans to go bad. Yep bringing up the tail end of the top 5 but I'm way behind.. :hungry:

Fold on !!

Looks like Team FTL is having some problems with their warp drive. They've dropped from warp 9 to warp 6.;) They are still gonna pass us today though.:( SatelliteGuys are only two days away from passing the MajorGeeks.:D
Team FTL did pass us yesterday but is still experiencing problems with their warp drive. Dropped from 1.283M points on 3/29 to 376K points on 4/1. Looks like they are down to warp 3.;) SatelliteGuys should pass the MajorGeeks later today.:D
Team FTL looks bogus. They have over 21,000 members, but maybe 8,000 that could be considered "active". I wonder if this is an example of a bot net that Stanford may disqualify. Did you see they lost over 100 million points the week of February 15th?

Edit: Ah-ha! Bogus, indeed: It looks like someone slipped a FAH Client install into some hacked software, so not only were you getting "free" Dreamweaver, you were contributing your CPU's spare cycles to Team FTL. I wouldn't be surprised to see Team FTL disappear from the radar screens.
Whilst i dont agree with the implementaton in this case, it is actually not a bad idea
If it was an option at inastall time, Much like users get the option install the google toolbar or msn toolbar etc. I wonder how much more good they could do for science?