Join the SatelliteGuys Folding@Home Team!

I got my PS3 at target (20gig model) for for $350 out the door with the 10% off coupon I had and and gift card I won at work. For that price, I figured at the time it'll be a nice BD player.
Our Team is closing in on 2,000,000 points (less than 11,000 points at the moment)! With the way we're Folding, we should cross over that boundary in 4 hours or so.

Hey, jgantert, gotta love that SMP client with a Quad core, don't 'cha? :)


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Yeah! the WU's that I had backing up (6 of them total) that complete between May 20th and May 28th FINALLY uploaded this weekend!
BTW, it's official. Sony is dropping the 60GB PS3 to $499 and adding an 80GB PS3 for the old $599 price.

We passed 2,000,000 points! Woo-hoo!

SatinKzo, I think you'll pass me to take #1 in less than 24 hours. It's been a good run...
I'll try to uphold the postion as best I can. JG is putting out pts like crazy, him and Sam could outpace me over the long run
Hmm.. at $499 I might add a PS3 to the folding farm. I need a new DVD player for the living room anyways :). Blue Ray is just gravy.

How hot does it get folding?
Its noisy and warm folding. It raises my non-air conditioned basement a noticable amount (maybe 10 degrees or so). I have AC in the house, but the vents in the basement are closed. Used to be the basement kept pretty cool year round, but with the PS3 in there, I find myself opening the vents when I'm in there.

Yeah, the PS3 does put off some heat. I have mine in the basement also and it coupled with the PC"s in the other finished room, I had to open one of the vents for AC. I can't say it's noisy though, I have never noticed mine.

on the other hand, I can close the vents in winter for heat.
I turned off my folding at home for the summer, I ran a few runs last week to test out my new cooling fan on my cpu, it works fine and keeps it in temp spec, but heats the room too much. When winter comes around I will probably fire it back up to heat the house.
Looks like I'm going to break 100,000 sometime tonight. :D

I've got another AMD64 set up, but I'm waiting until this heat breaks before powering it up. As it is, my office is about 10-12 degrees warmer than the rest of the house.
whoo-whoo. Moved up to satguy#9.

and back to 12 (where I really belong). See the below post from Foxbat.

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Wow, it's like SatinKzo passed me, and now my 202,633 points and 181 WUs have vanished! All that's registering are my original Foxbat@SatelliteGuys.US points. Time to go visit the FAH Forum...

Update: Others have reported this as well. I notice that SamPatterson is totally gone :eek: from the stats from 18:00 PDT. Hopefully, Stanford has it fixed before the next run.

Update II: Nope, the errors continue. It appears that the first instance of a user's name is where the points went. So, Scott's SatelliteGuys username is now associating with his old Sirius team (49633) with the result that he has suddenly out-produced everyone on the team by posting 93,096 points and 338 WUs! (see here: Scott's Sirius Backstage user stats) In Sam & my case, we both have our usernames associated with the Anonymous team 0, so our current stats are not getting tabulated to our team. That's why some of you have jumped up 2 or 3 places. The only reason I'm on the list is my original Foxbat account has the unique E-mail address.

Update III: Looks like the Pande Group was making some changes for V6: :: View topic - Stats goes crazy ! It's fixed for now.
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Looks like I'm going to break 100,000 sometime tonight. :D
Welcome to the 100 Grand Club, newsjunkie!

Who's going to be next? Scott? Or will it be Scorpion.sting? It's going to be close!
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Congrats newsjunkie.....You broke 100,000. :)

I'd like to thank all my adoring fans....without you, I'd never have gotten here :D

I looked at the trend over the next few days, and it looks like Scorpion.sting is going to overtake me in the near future. May not be possible to make the top 5 at this point without my own cluster, but it's going to be interesting to try....
Boy, pretty quiet on the Folding front... We're just moments away from SatelliteGuys.US Folding the 6,000th Work Unit! (current count is 5,997 WUs)

Also, from yesterday's Folding Fact of the Day:
Folding fact #18
The evolution of molecular mechanics:
1985 Myoglobin .30 nanoseconds (ns) simulation completed in 50 days on VAX Computer;
1992 HIV protease .10 ns simulation completed in 100 hours on a Cray comp.;
1998 villin 1000 ns simulation completed in 4 months Cray;
2001 B- Hairpin 38000 ns simulation completed in 8 days 5000 computer cluster of foldingathome.