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Ok, here's my setup:

Vista Home Premium, Radeon x1650 256MB PCIx 16x(Driver version 8.383.0.0, I think this is the latest driver). Catalyst version 07.6.

When I run, everything is ok. Even exiting, it seems ok. But when I restart, I get an error, it submits the incomplete results and fetches a new work unit.

I am running the SMP client as well. Both in different directories, and the SMP client is ID #2.

Any thoughts?
You say it happens when you restart, do you mean restart the PC? or just close and restart the client?

Is the client starting automatically when you log in?

Are you running the new beta version 5? I have read that that beta is only working on x1900 and x1950's right now. I just loaded the new version now that I am home from traveling and it's working fine for me on my x1950 card.
Ah, the Linux box just died again. It's not looking too good for any kind of PC work, now... :(

The KNOPPIX CD has an extensive memory test, so I'll start that and see how far it gets. Maybe it's a bad DIMM? (at least that's replaceable) Otherwise, I think it's going on the scrap heap.
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Nah, that Gateway has a pitiful integrated video card, and was over $1k. I got the CompUSA Acer for $735 after rebate. Pretty sweet deal. :)

No luck installing XP on it tho (no SATA drivers). I wonder if I could install XP on an external USB drive? Vista sucks for games. No EAX and no cut-scenes support with DX10. What were they thinking???

Anyways, I start up the GPU client by hand. And the problem is when I start/stop the client, not reboot the computer. I leave this computer on all the time, but I need to stop the client when I play a game. So after I'm done with the game, I restart the client, and that's when I get the error. I was using build 5 from the forum's, not the official download link. Seemed ok on the 1650.

Nah, that Gateway has a pitiful integrated video card, and was over $1k. I got the CompUSA Acer for $735 after rebate. Pretty sweet deal. :)
Is this the deal? Acer Aspire E700-UQ660A Minitower - ASE700-UQ660A - Computers » Desktop PCs

I'll be nice and won't point that out to my coworker. He's a new Dad and what with the lack of sleep and all, he doesn't need to hear something like "you spent $400 more than you had to." To be fair, though, the BB deal includes the monitor and printer/scanner, plus the nearest CompUSA is over 80 miles away.
No luck installing XP on it tho (no SATA drivers). I wonder if I could install XP on an external USB drive? Vista sucks for games. No EAX and no cut-scenes support with DX10. What were they thinking???
That's weird, my son's Dimension 4700 is XP Home and is running off a SATA drive. Acer doesn't have XP SATA drivers for their hardware?
No XP drivers on the Acer website. The SATA controller is Intel(R) 82801HR/HH/HO SATA RAID Controller.

I wonder if I could just use Intel XP drivers?


If you have a way to back up anything that you've done and want to keep, I'd certainly give it a try. Who knows? Maybe the Windows XP SP2 disk has the necessary drivers already...

When you exit the client I assume you are right-clicking and choosing exit right?

After doing that, does it leave any processes open in task manager? There should be 2 of them ( fahcore_10.exe and the full executable name) when it is running, but not after you close it.

Also, have you tried to just PAUSE the client when you want to play a game?
Will pause work? If so, I can do that! I usually right click and exit. I have not checked for remaining processes. I will re-install the client (with XP now) and see how well it works.

BTW, just got XP installed. Phew, it was a hassle finding drivers, but everything seems good! Much better than Vista!

I use pause when I play Command and conquer and it works fine, but then again, I don't have the other problems you are having either.

Try it and let us know.

Have you seen this thread over at the F@h forums? :: View topic - GPU Client EUEs on startup/shutdown of client

The last post states

I had some problems on re-starting the gpu client with EUEs on my 512MB Sapphire x1950pro. Odd as it sounded to me I tried adding the -local flag for the console client and since then my gpu client has not returned any EUE, though it does get re-started regularly enough for me to credit the -local flag with solving the issue on my computer.

I wonder if it would help you

Also, in this thread :: View topic - Early Unit End
they talk about a 114 error in the log file and have some info on it that may help you.
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Wow, a few events from the 4th: The team broke into the top 400 (currently 397th); Gbjbany passed 100,000 points; and my combined total passed 200K points. SatinKzo should hit 200,000 later today as well!

:welcome to our newest member, SKrueger!

Finally, I'd guestimate the SatelliteGuys.US team is about four days away from breaking 2 million points. We should have completed 5,500 Work Units by then, too. Way to Fold, Team! :up :up :up

We do need to watch our membership levels; it looks like we peaked a couple of weeks ago and have been losing people since then:


  • team_size_chart.png
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I haven't watched our overall stats lately, but just noticed that we have almost 10 members cranking out at least 1000 pts a 24 hour period! Very cool!
Well, I gave the GPU client another try under XP, and it slows my system down to a crawl. So I'm giving up on it on my 1650 card. Maybe if it was a 1950 card it would be ok, but no go on the 1650. No big deal, that SMP client is really pulling in the points.

Yeah, I am not sure on the 1650. Some say it works well, but others say what you say!

Either way, it's a pretty nice card so at least for gaming you are all set. What was the RAM on it? Were you using anything like ATITools to OC it?

I use a sapphire x1950 with 512meg GDDR3 on it. I use ATITrayTools for OC and I get 1% of the WU done every 7 minutes.
256 MB ram on board (XP shows 512 MB for some reason, but I think the ATI drivers correctly identify it at 256 MB). No overclocking on anything on my system. I'm running it 24/7, I don't need to add any more stress/heat. :)

The PS3 Points are usually 287 per WU, but I notice that some are now anywhere from 210-412. My PS3 usually gets the 287 units, but I did get a 412 unit once. The 287 units can crank out 3 wu's per day if the ps3 just folds all day.

I notice today that we have 4 members averaging over 2500 ppd and 8 over 1000 ppd. Way to go guys.
Hmmm, PS3 for $499 yields 1.75ppd/$, while the Acer Q6600 that John picked for $735 should yield over 2.4ppd/$. Sony needs to cut the PS3 price a bit more before I'd get one.