I have an imac with os 9 that I would like to put FAH on but I cant update really any of the software for the internet talk about a pain.
Maybe we need a "Show us your Folding Farm" thread?I wonder what Sam Pattersons' rig is that he's producing that many points? He's kicking some major ass. Good job
I wonder what Sam Pattersons' rig is that he's producing that many points? He's kicking some major ass. Good job
I have some serious issues lately with WU's not uploading. Right now I have 12 WU's that are sitting in queue on my machines. All this started on the 18th of May. It's happening at work and at home.
check out http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/user_future.php?u=244359&f=365
Sam Patterson is the man to watch![]()
If you have it as a service, you should be just fine without having to be logged in.Here's probably a dumb question.
At the end of the day I usually reboot my work PC. Does it have to be logged in for the client to run?
I built a machine for my parents for Father's Day, and I wanted it to burn in for a couple of days before I took it too them, so I thought, why not put Folding@home on it. That is a good burnin test for memory, and other system resources. Got a nice little boost in my scores from it also!
I knew I should have installed FaH on my in-Laws' Macs last weekend. But I was going to let them get credit for the WUs, not me (seems only fair...) I don't know that they would be inclined to leave their machines on 24x7 to Fold, though, so it's best that people Fold who are dedicated to Folding.sampatterson said:I built a machine for my parents for Father's Day, and I wanted it to burn in for a couple of days before I took it too them, so I thought, why not put Folding@home on it. That is a good burnin test for memory, and other system resources. Got a nice little boost in my scores from it also!
Must be something in the air...Foxbat: I had 2 clients hang last night at work. Right around 8pm and 9pm.
Good to hear the servers are starting to unclog at Stanford. That seems to be all anyone posts about on their Forum: "Where's my WU?" & "Why won't Server a.b.c.d Accept my Results?"It looks like one of my lost WU's finally uploaded last night, Down to 11 of them stuck in the queues.