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I got the T7400 for the same reasons. I was gonna build a new PC for my main rig, and still might, my aging i7-2600 was cool five years ago.
But also wanted a better dedicated folding machine. The T7400 fits the bill nicely, and has two GPU slots. :)
Also it is better even if it had one CPU than the dual core 1.5Ghz machine I am using now for a dedicated folder.
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Hah! Looks like BadBirdies might have gotten their wings clipped! We're five days away from flying past them!

And smasho! Congratulations on "smashing" through to 100,000,000 Points! It's a four-way tie for who reaches 200,000,000 next.

BM_Bowles has reached 6,000,000 Points! Congratulations to your efforts!

And just like that, I'm relegated back to my usual fourth-place Folder of the Team...
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The 970s seem to be great folders. I got a string of core 21 WUs this week and my gaming PC with two 970s claimed it would get nearly 600,000 points per day. This is without any CPU folding on that machine.

Of course, my numbers aren't nearly that high because I play games on my PC pretty often during the evening and I'm still not quite ready for the energy bill spike that would come with running 2 970s at full load 24/7.

In January I set my PC to wake up every morning around 6:00am with a 5 hour sleep timer so I was folding for 5 hours per day 7 days per week. The problem with this is that WUs would often not complete in the same day they were started and I would lose points for not doing it as quickly as possible.

I'm trying something new now and it seems to have had a positive impact on my points totals. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I boot up the folding client before I go to work and let it fold all day. Just before I go to bed I hit the finish button that allows the computer to finish its current WUs while I sleep but not start new ones.

On Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays I leave my PC in sleep mode except for my personal use on it. I give it a break from folding and also give my electric bill a bit of a break. This seems to be having a nice impact on my points totals because every work unit is being finished quickly instead of folding for 5 hours and then having to wait until the next morning to finish the WUs.

I'm also folding on 2 i5-4590s at the office on 3 cores 24 hours per day. They each claim to pull in 10,000-11,000 points per day.
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Well, I did what I said I'd do, and WTF (What The Fold)?

I moved the GTX 750 Ti into the T7400's second PCI-e x16 slot. Uh, FAH Control is reporting a PPD that is higher than the GTX 970! Like I said, What The Fold?

We'll see if the wackiness continues after the first WU on the 750 Ti finishes. But it definitely likes the full 16-lane PCI-e 2.0 slot in the Dell better than the 4x PCI-e 1.0 slot in the old Mac Pro...

Edit: Okay, something is definitely amiss here. I wonder if FAH Control is reporting the Slots properly. My GTX 750 Ti says 262K PPD and my GTX 970 says 56K PPD. That's just the opposite of what I would expect from these two cards. Perhaps I need to run the FAH Client installation again?
I saw the same crazy thing back in the summer. My curiosity was, I wonder how much the 660 would do if it had a full lanes and not crippled, by the older PC it was in. Also while I'm at it, will the 960 produce the same in the older computer?
How much does the PCI lanes and the CPU-Speed and cores, really effect a GPU folder. I knew what is should be, but just couldn't help myself one eveing. I set both to finish and then shut them down and swapped the cards around.
Ok this is where I saw crazy the 660 in the i7 quad core machine was reporting 330K+. I knew that could not be right. After a few hours it dropped to around 70K.
BTW the 960 in the older was getting average 130K a day and it gets 160K a day average in the faster machine.
After a couple of days I swapped them back. So it was only a 20-30K a day difference.
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I think F@H console has issues with dual video cards and how it assigns them. I had a devil of a time getting the program to run the second slot only and it stills IDs it as slot 00
I can't believe it! It happens every time. The price has dropped on those cards. Minutes after I buy them. I've been stalling for days waiting for that price drop too.
I know what you mean. I hate when that happens.
I did get a new phone little bit back and caught it on sale, next day it was back up $75 more. I was glad I pulled the trigger when I did.
I'm going to leave the T7400 alone for a few days. I think the Identification is off, not the performance, and the net result is more overall PPD for all my machines. That may be enough to keep me in the Top 5 Folders after it all shakes out...
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