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We need to talk Jay from Jayz2cents into using that big machine he built with 3 Titan X's, to fold for team SatGuys. :D
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I think he mentioned he is going to have one in one machine and two in the new one.
The 960 takes one 8-pin or two 6-pin to one 8-pin adapter if you have an older supply.
Yes. I will have the 960 & 980 in one machine and a 980 in another. I am not running the two 980's in the same machine just to spread the power requirements over two power supplies.
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Got some more servers up, these are just my work machines and don't include my home machines.
I got my GTX 980 today. Got it swapped out with the 960. Its up and running!. Now just waiting for the new machine to arrive this week with the other 980 in it. After I make sure its running ok after a week, I will add the 960. So I will have 2 980's and 1 960 running for the team!
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Well I think I'll have to step it up a bit. The 4 clients in the quadcore are not efficient. I finished off the WUs and looking into replacing the twin GT9800's with a another pair of GTX750Ti cards. So far I have located a pair of cards for $208 shipped (Newegg) Still shopping though. :)

My gut tells me you would be better off with a single 2GB 960 for around $190 but that's probably just the gamer in me. I don't actually know how two 750Ti stack up against one 960 in folding performance.
If I were Magic Static, I would get one 960 now if the budget don't allow for two and get another 960 later.
One 960 will pump out the same as two 750Ti's.
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I'm partial to this model. This is the Satellite Guys Amazon link by the way.

Amazon product ASIN B00SC6HAS4
I have 2 of the 970s in this design and I really like them. They have a nice factory overclock and they are really quiet. Plus EVGA's headquarters are in the US.
I'm partial to this model. This is the Satellite Guys Amazon link by the way.

Amazon product ASIN B00SC6HAS4
I have 2 of the 970s in this design and I really like them. They have a nice factory overclock and they are really quiet. Plus EVGA's headquarters are in the US.
Yep that is the exact one I have. Really like it.
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Appreciate the feedback guys. :) But my thoughts were toward the size and power requirements of the 750s. Powered totally through the PCI bus, no power connections. I'm not a gamer per say but have enjoyed many versions of Final Fantasy from the very first one ;) I will experiment with my spare 750 and see if I can get good results with the older motherboard (Asus ROG Maximus III Formula) It may be I will upgrade the current pair of 750s in my main machine and move those to the folding machine.
I have a question on setting the GPU and CPU and different folding speeds. I have the GTX 980 with the folding power set on full. Since the CPU is just sitting there, I would like to have it run on low. When I add the CPU slot and set it on low it also changes the GPU to low. Is there any way to set them independently?
Appreciate the feedback guys. :) But my thoughts were toward the size and power requirements of the 750s. Powered totally through the PCI bus, no power connections. I'm not a gamer per say but have enjoyed many versions of Final Fantasy from the very first one ;) I will experiment with my spare 750 and see if I can get good results with the older motherboard (Asus ROG Maximus III Formula) It may be I will upgrade the current pair of 750s in my main machine and move those to the folding machine.

Well here is one more thing to keep in mind. The GTX 960 draws about 120-130W under load depending on which model you buy. Each 750Ti draws 60W under load so your total power draw will be about the same whether you use two 750Ti or one 960.

As you said though, most 750 Ti models can draw their power directly through the motherboard so if your power supply doesn't have a spare PCIe cable it might be the way to go.
Since I'm not a gamer I'm not real versed in the GPU options and specs. The MB I mentioned before only has two PCIeX16 2.0 slots and they run at 8X when both are used. Will that reduce the folding power of a 3.0 card?
It's normal for PCIe slots to run at x8 when two are used. For SLI systems the spec is that both must run at x8. Some motherboards are only capable of running the second slot at x4 and that is not compatible.

I also know that PCIe 2.0 doesn't really slow down even the fastest cards. I haven't heard specifically about the combination between x8 and PCI 2.0. I doubt it will be a problem for a 750Ti though.
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I did a quick inventory of the folding machine. It actually has plenty of room and lots of power supply (Corsair AX860) since I pulled the tuners out of it. I may have to look at the 900 series cards.
View attachment 113790

Looks like it's already running a SLI system. That power supply should easily be able to handle two 960s if you decide to really go crazy with the folding habit.

Edit: It looks like you have a very good cooling setup too.

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