Join the SatelliteGuys Folding@Home Team!

Look out! BadBirdies are on our tail!

And we are slipping a little as we're now looking at 4am as when we pass PC Magazine for #99! (I'm not changing my Avatar... Maybe when we get to 90!)
Yeah we are up with the BIG boys now. There will be a lot of back and forth from here on today we are 99 then 98 and then 97 and then back to 98 - 97 - 96 - back to 97 -96 -95 etc....
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If SatGuys keeps up our current 2 million ppd, we should have no problem staying in the top 90. :biggrin
Looking at the Teams List, sorted by 24 hour Points Average, we are headed to the Top 60s:
Screen Shot 2016-01-11 at 8.54.59 AM.png

I found a refurbished HP z600 Workstation at NewEgg that has dual Xeon 4 core CPUs, a pair of PCI-e x16 slots, and no OS for $260. I've been looking for a replacement to the old HP xw8200 and this seems to be a good compromise between cost, capability, and performance. I'd then be able to slide a GTX 970 or 980 in there as well as the old GTX 750i without taxing the included PS.

Edit: Well, rats, I guess I waited too long. Now the one seller is out-of-stock and the price is over $600 from the other sellers. Foo!

Edit#2: We are less than one week away from the Billion Points! Maybe we should buy PowerBall tickets to commemorate?
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It's that mix of GPU projects we've been getting. My GTX 960 isn't producing like it use to. The only good thing about it is it appears to be fairly non-discrimanetory.

1,000,000,000 Points in 60 hours.
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3-6 Hours away from the Billion... Almost there...

Edit: On a related topic, I was able to find and order a Dell T7400 dual 3.0 GHz Xeon quad-core processor workstation for $256 on Amazon (used the SatGuys link, too, Scott.) It has no OS, but that's actually better since I'm just loading Ubuntu 14.04 anyway. Hopefully that comes before February (w/free shipping; 2-day was an extra $130!) so I can try and raise the game a bit. This will retire the HP xw8200 which has been acting a little wonky since my last NVIDIA update. I'll take the GTX 750 ti card and move it to the new box, plus I'm looking at adding another GTX 960 or 970 to the new box. That looks to be another $250-350.

Boy, for we better help find a cure for all these diseases before too long. I'd hate to think that we've actually been designing a new sugar substitute or something!
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The machine that I was folding on is doing some pretty intense productive work at this time (yeah, I know, pretty rare for a Windows machine). Not many spare cycles to donate.
That sounds familiar. Back when I started Folding I was also using my Mac Pro for Lightwave, a 3D rendering platform. When it was crunching away on a movie, Folding all but stopped.

We appreciate the contribution and hope you can spare some more cycles when you can. It's a great way to heat a room up, which (as I type this) helps take the edge off the 8? F outside temps.
I started with Imagine on my A3000, then got Lightwave on the A4000-040 at work. Video Toasters were the best! Some amazing SF came out of the Amiga/NewTek combination, "Babylon 5" being the most recognized. "SeaQuest DSV" was on NBC.

Sadly, the only connection to the Video Toaster at work now is my mousepad. The A4000 with VT is in a stack of retired hardware.

Disappearance - 103 W AMC1/Spaceway 1/DirecTV 10/DirecTV 12

Software Update Coming
