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I don't know what Windows 10 update is doing, but twice now it's messed up my desktop. When it does I keep getting error messages that a nvidia dll is not valid for my machine (or something like that) and I look and find that my fancy schmancy video card is running a generic driver. Pulling my hair out, uninstalling all nvidia programs, re-downloading the files from them, and reinstalling gets me back going.

And why does the update have to uninstall - of it's own accord - several programs that I use?
I don't know what Windows 10 update is doing, but twice now it's messed up my desktop. When it does I keep getting error messages that a nvidia dll is not valid for my machine (or something like that) and I look and find that my fancy schmancy video card is running a generic driver. Pulling my hair out, uninstalling all nvidia programs, re-downloading the files from them, and reinstalling gets me back going.

And why does the update have to uninstall - of it's own accord - several programs that I use?

this is what i did:
Thanx for the tip.

However, once I got to Device Installation Settings I got a different option "Do you want to automatically download manufacturers' apps and custom icons available for your devices? It was set to yes and I changed it to no, hope it works.

I'm a big enough boy to keep my drivers current without any help from Redmond.
I may need to back out my NVIDIA drivers form the other day. My Mac Pro with the GTX 960 card has been throwing errors ever since I updated last week:
01:49:56:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 300000 out of 2000000 steps (15%)
01:49:56:WU01:FS01:0x21:Bad State detected... attempting to resume from last good checkpoint
01:53:07:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 220000 out of 2000000 steps (11%)
01:56:19:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 240000 out of 2000000 steps (12%)
01:59:31:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 260000 out of 2000000 steps (13%)
02:02:43:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 280000 out of 2000000 steps (14%)
02:30:24:WU01:FS01:0x21:Completed 300000 out of 2000000 steps (15%)
02:30:24:WU01:FS01:0x21:Bad State detected... attempting to resume from last good checkpoint
02:30:25:WU01:FS01:0x21:Max number of retries reached. Aborting.
02:30:25:WU01:FS01:0x21:ERROR:Max Retries Reached
02:30:25:WU01:FS01:0x21:Saving result file logfile_01.txt
02:30:25:WU01:FS01:0x21:Saving result file log.txt
02:30:25:WU01:FS01:0x21:Folding@home Core Shutdown: BAD_WORK_UNIT
02:30:25:WARNING:WU01:FS01:FahCore returned: BAD_WORK_UNIT (114 = 0x72)
02:30:25:WU01:FS01:Sending unit results: id:01 state:SEND error:FAULTY project:9634 run:1 clone:3 gen:82 core:0x21
As a result, my daily Points production is even lower than ever!
Boy, that was unpleasant. I got a bunch of WUs on my GTX 960 client that seem to take forever to Fold, and they returned 4,900 Points for the effort. My daily average slipped even more. Things seem to have returned to normal, though.
Yeah I got some 17's that brought mine down. Back to 18's on both machines now.
Pssst... Don't look now, but we crept up a spot to #103!!!
Not only that, but we also went past 900,000,000 Points!!!
So we are looking at 1 Billion points between the middle to end of January at this rate. :)
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Man, my oldest Folders are really taking a beating with these Core 21 GPU Projects. I'm not sure if it is the PCIe v1 architecture or the older generation CPUs being unable to push the data to the NVIDIA hardware fast enough, but I'm easily seeing 75% of the potential Points of the older Projects.

I just have other, more pressing things to spend money on, like Christmas presents and a Kitchen remodel (no, really, this IS important! The potential to contribute to a possible cure to testicular cancer. I know it doesn't help you, but think of the men in your family! ;););))
I just have other, more pressing things to spend money on
I know what you mean. I almost pulled the trigger on a 970 over black Friday. Had it in the cart and went through all the steps down to the last submit button, and decided I better wait till after Christmas.
I'm thinking about putting my gaming PC into use for this. My dad has been battling Parkinson's for over a decade and is in the early stages of Alzheimer's as well. It's not likely that any of this research would benefit him but if it can some day prevent other families from having to go through this it would be great.

I have a pretty nice gaming PC that I think would be useful for folding. I have an i5-4690k overclocked to 4.4GHz and 2 GTX 970s in SLI. Can folding take advantage of my CPU and GPU power at the same time? Is it compatible with SLI systems or will only one 970 be working?

I also have some concerns about running this PC at full usage non-stop. It seems like that would be bad for both the longevity of my system and my electricity bill. I don't mind this running in the background when my PC is idle or when I'm playing less demanding games.

Will it still allow my PC to go into sleep mode or does the workload prevent this? I feel more comfortable with it running 4-5 hours per night while I'm home than having it run all night and when I'm at work.
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SLI is not needed for folding. It will use both your GPU's and your CPU at the same time if you wish.
However, with two 970's running, the PPD(Points Per Day), will make what the CPU does nil. Plus it frees up the CPU to send the data back and forth.

I run two computers 24/7 and have for almost a year and no issues. Most of the work is on the GPU's, but I am sure it is shortening the lifespan of my PC's.
I am always upgrading them so much though so.... :)

Yes, running 24/7 you will note a power bill jump, but it is not that bad, the 900 series of GPU's Like the 960, 970, 980, 950, etc. Have really good chip-set that use way less power than their predecessors.
Alright. I'll download and get started then. I guess I'll just have it run on my GPUs and leave the overclocked i5 out of the equation.

I think I created an account and joined the Satellite Guys team a few years ago but I only messed with it for a little bit on a weak home office PC. Hopefully I can still remember my account info.
Make sure also to get a PassKey.
After 10 consecutive WU are finished and uploaded within a certain amount of time you will get more points.
Make sure also to get a PassKey.
After 10 consecutive WU are finished and uploaded within a certain amount of time you will get more points.

Ok. Do you run on medium or full power? Also, even though I disabled the CPU folding slot HWInfo shows that 3 of my CPU cores are averaging about 45% usage and one of them is averaging about 80% usage. Is this normal when you only have GPU folding enabled?
Medium or Full either one for using GPU's only. It is mainly for CPU folding. However, if you go to LOW it will stop your GPU's until the computer goes idle.
Yes, it does increase CPU usage, somewhat.
Thanks a lot. The program says my points per day will be 565,129. In reality they won't be nearly that high because I don't think I want to push my hardware hard enough to run it 24 hours a day. It will likely just be on in the evening when I'm home from work.

On top of that I play games on this PC almost every night and that will cut into my score too.

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