Join the SatelliteGuys Folding@Home Team!

tried leaving it run overnight again... looks like it might be working again... will have to keep an eye on it. Otherwise, I'll just boot into vista when I'm heading off to work... (Vista always seemed to get the job done, that sounds SO wrong!;))

I'm wondering if some of Estonia's top producers are hit with the same problem I am. We both fell off around the 4th...

YUP, after the most recent update, looks like I am back in the game... no clue as to what was wrong, but glad to be producing again!

If you have any trouble with Win7 at all, it is most likely a driver issue. Be sure to look for updated video, network, and chipset drivers for your machine specifically for Windows 7.

As I said before, I have been folding on two different Windows 7 machines since the RTM became available in August and have not had any problems with the GPU console client. In fact I am getting about 10 to 20% better production.
Sorry, I've been away from the Board for a while, and missed a few things, like Monday's TechChat, and this:
Congrats to SatinKzo for reaching 7 Million Points. :clap
Great Performances, SatinKzo!!! I hope to join you in a month or so, dust bunnies permitting.

I just applied the November Windows XP patches on my GPU2 clients; so far, no issues. :up
Is it common for everyone to stop getting points?

It is common for me to have a machine stop folding and I have to restart it. But, if you are folding then you should get points. Check to make sure you are the one listed as the user and satelliteguys is the team.
Is it common for everyone to stop getting points?
There are posts about this over on the Folding Forum. It may be related to Stanford installing new servers. I'm still getting and Stanford is still uploading WUs, we're just not seeing the results. Here's what Stanford has for me on their site:
Foxbat      Last updated: Wed Nov 11 18:00:00 PST 2009
                          Thu Nov 12 02:00:00 UTC 2009

Date of last work unit                 2009-11-11 02:09:12
Total score                            6398852
Overall rank (if points are combined)  822 of 1310604
Active clients (within 50 days)        6
Active clients (within 7 days)         6
I know that I've been submitting WUs all day according to my FAHLOG files.
Is it common for everyone to stop getting points?

From Stanfords website: Folding@home

November 12, 2009

stats hiccup -- we're on it

There was a problem with the stats server over the night. We got to it first thing in the morning (around 6:30am pacific time), but it looks like a few stats updates were missed. The missed data is backed up on another machine and we can re-enter it. However, we typically take a couple of days to re-enter it, to make sure it is done right.
So, the bottom line is that the stats system is back up, will we recredit some missing WUs not credited over the night, but this will take a couple of days to complete. Sorry for the delay on the recredit, but it's good to make sure we do it right, rather than in a rush.
From Stanfords website: Folding@home

November 12, 2009

stats hiccup -- we're on it

There was a problem with the stats server over the night. We got to it first thing in the morning (around 6:30am pacific time), but it looks like a few stats updates were missed. The missed data is backed up on another machine and we can re-enter it. However, we typically take a couple of days to re-enter it, to make sure it is done right.
So, the bottom line is that the stats system is back up, will we recredit some missing WUs not credited over the night, but this will take a couple of days to complete. Sorry for the delay on the recredit, but it's good to make sure we do it right, rather than in a rush.

I dont know, but I'm getting pretty tired of their constant Bullsh!t problems GPU EUE's, Server problems, I'm beginning to wonder what kind of a ship their running. FIX THE GPU PROBLEM.......... DAMN
If you guys wanna jump, I'm game... I've got stuff planned for the future!

As long as we keep on projects that help on Alzheimers and Breast Cancer...
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If you guys wanna jump, I'm game... I've got stuff planned for the future!

As long as we keep on projects that help on Alzheimers and Breast Cancer...
Exactly. These two examples happen to hit close to home, but all of the potential benefits make it worthwhile to me.

Fold On!
I am starting to get fed up with my ATI cards. I came home and found both rigs's GPU clients idle, one with a VU recovery, the other hit an EUE and was in a 24-hour time-out. Grrr™
Well, it looks like our points are being credited properly again. Now we just need to get credit for the day and a half that has not been credited. About a week to go before hitting #100.:D

Disappearance - 103 W AMC1/Spaceway 1/DirecTV 10/DirecTV 12

Software Update Coming
