tried leaving it run overnight again... looks like it might be working again... will have to keep an eye on it. Otherwise, I'll just boot into vista when I'm heading off to work... (Vista always seemed to get the job done, that sounds SO wrong!)
I'm wondering if some of Estonia's top producers are hit with the same problem I am. We both fell off around the 4th...
YUP, after the most recent update, looks like I am back in the game... no clue as to what was wrong, but glad to be producing again!
If you have any trouble with Win7 at all, it is most likely a driver issue. Be sure to look for updated video, network, and chipset drivers for your machine specifically for Windows 7.
As I said before, I have been folding on two different Windows 7 machines since the RTM became available in August and have not had any problems with the GPU console client. In fact I am getting about 10 to 20% better production.