Also noticed Galaxy 15 @ 133.0W missing.
that was years ago.

To add something useful to this post, I did find something annoying while scanning debate feeds tonight. In blind scan mode, the reading of the tables and writing of the channels was inconsistent. One scan would report the lock of a newsfeed channel, scan it's tables and write the channel(s) to memory. Scanning channel at a different time later in the evening would come up with "failed" when it was unable to find any video or audio services to write to memory whereas earlier it found video services to write to memory. Certainly a head scratcher to see a few channels each scan with the known SR's of cnn, cbs, fox, etc. show a lock yet "failed" result while others are just fine to get written to memory. I think I may investigate further to see if "failed" is because that frequency and service ID already exist in the receiver's memory rather than "failed" because it wasn't able to find any appropriate audio/video services in that digital signal.