GEOSATpro HDVR3500 - New DVBS2 STB - Photos and Initial Testing

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Also noticed Galaxy 15 @ 133.0W missing.

that was years ago. ;)

To add something useful to this post, I did find something annoying while scanning debate feeds tonight. In blind scan mode, the reading of the tables and writing of the channels was inconsistent. One scan would report the lock of a newsfeed channel, scan it's tables and write the channel(s) to memory. Scanning channel at a different time later in the evening would come up with "failed" when it was unable to find any video or audio services to write to memory whereas earlier it found video services to write to memory. Certainly a head scratcher to see a few channels each scan with the known SR's of cnn, cbs, fox, etc. show a lock yet "failed" result while others are just fine to get written to memory. I think I may investigate further to see if "failed" is because that frequency and service ID already exist in the receiver's memory rather than "failed" because it wasn't able to find any appropriate audio/video services in that digital signal.
I would like to very transparently review what happened from "greatest thing on earth to WTF" as one of the forum participants described.

In the process of preparing this receiver to the market, due to en obvious error, the current chip was mixed with an upcoming chip.

For the spec hunters, we will bring a new model to market, code named REX. You are welcome to contribute to the wish list. Just start your post with header "Wishlist for REX"

You bring up starting a new discussion on a new receiver called "REX" before you bring out a firmware update to address some issues with the current brand new receiver?

That is like saying that the HDVR3500 IS a "WTF" receiver!

Instead of coming forth and saying you are working on a firmware update you bring up about a new receiver.

There is a mighty long road to hoe to gain back the trust that was already lost.

You began in other posts that you did not tell the dealers it was a quad core processor, now here you say that there was a mix up in the current chip with an upcoming chip.

I for one would much rather you deal with the issues that can be dealt with on this receiver in a timely fashion before going off about some new receiver!

Are people to be duped again on the next receiver and taken for a ride while you take their hard earned $$$'s.

I for one did not return the 3500 for a refund as I thought it had some value if several issues were dealt with, now I am not sure that was the right decision because of your posts!

I will think twice or three times in the future before purchasing a receiver that you bring to the market place as you are losing my trust in what you are saying here.
We are working diligently and hard to address the obvious and not so obvious issues.

I will update everyone on the pending issues in the next day or so.

Thank You Eugene looking forward to the updates for the 3500.
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I appreciate Satellite AV clearing the record on providing resellers with the wrong chipset data. Yes, I was extremely disappointed and felt blindsided when I learned that I had been provided the wrong chip set specification and even more so that the incorrect chipset information was not corrected, challenged or brought to my attention. I and the other resellers deeply regret passing this information on without verification.

I have provided many hours of testing at no charge and provided dozens of .ts recordings and detailed descriptions for their engineers to correct function and improve features of this model. I obviously did not and still do not view this as a WTF product. Wallyhts and I are simply trying to make it right with our customers who may have based their purchase on our incorrect specification by offering refunds and in-store credits. These refunds are not based on the function and features of the unit.

We have been told that a firmware update is pending to address many of these issues. The ball is now in their court. Will the unit function properly or not. A timely release of firmware to address the operational issues will go a long way in addressing all of our concerns.
skysurfer said:
I think I may investigate further to see if "failed" is because that frequency and service ID already exist in the receiver's memory rather than "failed" because it wasn't able to find any appropriate audio/video services in that digital signal.

I have found that "failed" is displayed when no Audio or Video service is logged, no new Audio or Video service is logged, no Audio or Video service matching the search parameters is logged, or the transponder is no longer active.

I never liked this term, but it seems to be favored on most STBs in recent years. Certainly is a catch-all word! :)
You began in other posts that you did not tell the dealers it was a quad core processor, now here you say that there was a mix up in the current chip with an upcoming chip.
The chip number was misquoted, and I apologize. The actual chip number contains quite significant difference in specs and whole range of things. I have personally not uttered cores to anyone, that is why when we found out the wrong chip number was mentioned, I reported the correct chip number to all parties.

If you are not satisfied with the unit, please return it and you will be refunded.
I have provided many hours of testing at no charge and provided dozens of .ts recordings and detailed descriptions for their engineers to correct function and improve features of this model.
Brian, every effort towards this unit is appreciated. Every item on the request list has been communicated to the engineers and there is a release that will be available today for testing. Some of the features have been added and bugs addressed.
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I appreciate Satellite AV clearing the record on providing resellers with the wrong chipset data. Yes, I was extremely disappointed and felt blindsided when I learned that I had been provided the wrong chip set specification and even more so that the incorrect chipset information was not corrected, challenged or brought to my attention. I and the other resellers deeply regret passing this information on without verification.

Brian you based your info on information you were given; I do not hold you responsible for that.
I do get a bit more angry when they start talking about the next receiver before they have remedied the issues that they can on the current one. This is what will make this receiver a "WTF"!

If they address the issues to the best of the ability great, but it is way too early to begin even discussing the next one IMO! Makes it appear they have already given up on this one!

All I keep hearing from SatelliteAV is, if you don't like it he will refund your money.
If he is going to back up the receiver what I am looking to hear is that they are working on a firmware update to address specific issues.

I still believe the receiver can hold promise but not in it's current state!

I know that addressing this out here in the open in not a good thing for Brian or Wallyhts who are selling them but
once it was brought up about "REX", I felt like this was nothing more than a ploy and this receiver will not be given a fair shake and those of us who purchased one are just told if you don't like it he will refund your money!
That is not a good business practice to alienate potential customers and that is what SatelliteAV is doing right now.
All I keep hearing from SatelliteAV is, if you don't like it he will refund your money.
If he is going to back up the receiver what I am looking to hear is that they are working on a firmware update to address specific issues.

Refund offer always stands. But sir, do you realize that every post I made, I mentioned that we are working on issues. We have a list of questions and requests we are accommodating. I was on vacation away from home and was unable to test latest software. We are not alienating customers. Brian and Wallyhts are my personal long time friends and our relationships go many years back and we are directly communicating day and night.

REX is not a decoy. I am saying, that we can work on a more potent receiver that will address the desired specs. There is a wish list that we all have. We want to install add-ons. We want to add spectrum analyzers, we want to run additional software that requires 2, 4 or more cores. That's why I am saying we can put up a project called REX. Can you tell me if you would like to do so? May I just transparently ask your opinion without being called a liar and that i ruined your trust? Do you think I intentionally gave the incorrect chip number? Will you at least understand that an error occurred and I apologize for it? Please, have mercy on my soul and give me a break.

Now, this does not stop our development. In the next few hours I will verify some of the updates I was expecting in the new software and will post them here for you to test it to pieces.
Brian, every effort towards this unit is appreciated. Every item on the request list has been communicated to the engineers and there is a release that will be available today for testing. Some of the features have been added and bugs addressed.
As a previous Openbox S9 owner I am all so familiar with firmware updates. I probably downloaded a dozen or more firmwares that were supposed to fix this and to fix that. Some issues like the clock were never fixed. To me the continuous firmware improvement has been the norm. It was a good thing that the unit did not have a limited number of flashing of a new firmware to it or I would have used my flash attempts up quickly. It is promising to hear that a new firmware is about to be tested for the HDVR 3500 and I hope that all goes well with the testing and that the new version will test good and be ready to publish soon. I am waiting patiently because I realize that everything has to be tested forward and backward and up and down through all of the features to make sure that everything works as intended. If the firmware writing is pushed we will end up with another 935 beta version. My unit so far has provided some good viewing and has been very promising. I am optimistically looking forward to an even better system. Keep up the good work!
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Speaking from experience, I always have at least one if not two generations of product in development at any time. I am not defending or chastising anyone.... just introducing a reality check. :D

Time for a time out ..... :fencing

My next post in this thread will be after the release and testing of the next firmware update. :)

Adios Amigos!

Well, this has been one big crazy roller coaster ride with this receiver, but we customers aren't being left holding the bag here. I hope that the dealers aren't in any way either! Dealers and SatAv are willing to accept returns and refund anyone who wants to return their receiver, so that's good, can't really reasonably expect more than that.

I'm keeping mine, because it is nice as a sat receiver and will be even better once all of the little bugs are fixed. It is a real bummer on the specs thing, I'm thinking that it probably won't be much good for XBMC/Kodi or IPTV with the resources it has, but hey, @#$* happens. Maybe it will, maybe they can pull that off, we will see. Myself, I didn't buy it for that, that would've been like a extra bonus, so it doesn't matter much to me.

I really like the MicroHD that I have and I like this receiver even more, so I'm good with it.

One lesson learned here for SatAv hopefully, is that specs do most certainly matter! I very rarely buy anything without knowing specs and evaluating performance, had I bought this receiver mainly for the streaming features and not the FTA side of it, it would've gone back. I don't go for the fastest, latest and greatest, but I do check whether something can do what I want efficiently. As it is though, it is a very promising FTA receiver. Get going with the firmware updates, Eugene!
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Get going with the firmware updates, Eugene!
A Raine, I appreciate the support. We do think the specs matter and this was an error.

The newest firmware v. 937 is available for manual USB update:

This addresses some errors. Recording and playback. This does not include the motor positions, we have not yet approved that one. You can now drop down the list of Transponders in Manual Scan.
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Gentlemen, let me explain, these are not public release files, they are working files that achieve specific points in the development, so it is not a version that will be posted to all owners. The reason we can not post all files, because they have to be tested for all major performance standards. So install with caution and report the bugs, every report is taken seriously as if it was a new sale.

Thank you,
Has this been reported?:

I reordered and renamed the channels on many satellites. Mostly C-band in my case.

Then I just did a ku-band scan of Galaxy 19, saved the scan, and all the channels are back in their original order on all satellites. I just restored the memory and tried it again, scanning in Eutelsat 113, and same thing. All the channel lists are back in their original order.

It looks like the receiver rewrites the entire channel list when you save a new scan. (The new names on the satellites other than that scanned are not reset)
Did this happen after the update as a result of the update?

Did you restore the list from the USB drive and it still lost your channels or did it just rearrange them?

Do a factory default, make sure you complete the step one and two of the initial set up, make sure select blue button on c
Step 2, then green button to exit, then load the channels from USB.

This could also be this version error, if it is, we will correct it.

Please comment on my questions, thank you
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