GEOSATpro HDVR3500 - New DVBS2 STB - Photos and Initial Testing

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Did this happen after the update as a result of the update?

I think it happened before. I haven't blind scanned much on here because I've been renaming channels and organizing them and blind scanning overwrites the names. I did once notice before that channels had been rearranged, but at the time I didn't think anything of it and just put it down to a glitch.

Did you restore the list from the USB drive and it still lost your channels or did it just rearrange them?

The receiver isn't losing any channels. It's reorganizing them back to the order when they were scanned. So if the list for, say, Anik 107W was channel A, B, C when scanned, but I reorganized it to C, A, B. After blind scanning on another satellite and saving the result, the Anik list was back to A, B, C.

I have to save for this to happen. Blind scanning alone doesn't result in any changes. I suspect it's something to do with the way the new services are written to the program table.

When this happened the first time, I restored the list from the USB. I had saved it earlier this evening before I upgraded the firmware.

I can make the file available, if you can't replicate it.

Do a factory default, make sure you complete the step one and two of the initial set up, make sure select blue button on c
Step 2, then green button to exit, then load the channels from USB.

Done.and it's still happening.

Let me know if I can help some more.
Martyn, this is helpful.
Let me understand what would be the best scenario.

1. Would we want the original organized blind scan to stay the way it was organized including the names of channels untouched during additional blind scan?
2. Would we want the blind scan to check if the channel that is found to be identical to the organized list to be discarded?
3. Would we want the blind scan to add the channel that was found, but has different a. channel name, b. vpid, c. apid to be added to the end of the organized channel list?

Please confirm if our designs match.

Thank you
I think it happened before. I haven't blind scanned much on here because I've been renaming channels and organizing them and blind scanning overwrites the names. I did once notice before that channels had been rearranged, but at the time I didn't think anything of it and just put it down to a glitch.

The receiver isn't losing any channels. It's reorganizing them back to the order when they were scanned. So if the list for, say, Anik 107W was channel A, B, C when scanned, but I reorganized it to C, A, B. After blind scanning on another satellite and saving the result, the Anik list was back to A, B, C.

I have to save for this to happen. Blind scanning alone doesn't result in any changes. I suspect it's something to do with the way the new services are written to the program table.

When this happened the first time, I restored the list from the USB. I had saved it earlier this evening before I upgraded the firmware.

I can make the file available, if you can't replicate it.

Done.and it's still happening.

Let me know if I can help some more.

I just installed the new firmware and have the same issue too, but as Martyn stated, it was happening before the new firmware install. Not losing any channels, just reorganizing them back to their original order.

Martyn, this is helpful.
Let me understand what would be the best scenario.

1. Would we want the original organized blind scan to stay the way it was organized including the names of channels untouched during additional blind scan?
2. Would we want the blind scan to check if the channel that is found to be identical to the organized list to be discarded?
3. Would we want the blind scan to add the channel that was found, but has different a. channel name, b. vpid, c. apid to be added to the end of the organized channel list?

Please confirm if our designs match.

Thank you

Option 1 sounds good to me, because I'd want the original organized list to stay untouched. But--what happens to newly scanned in channels on a second blind scan in that scenario? Added to the end of the list? It seems like there could be a lot of channels to go through, if all channels blind scanned a second time were just added to the end of the list, which could be a real pain on some sats with lots of channels.

Option 2 would depend on accuracy. If the receiver is accurate in identifying identical channels to be discarded, this sounds best to me. If the receiver miss-identified a channel and then discarded it, that wouldn't be good. Any new channels found on second blind scan would be added to the end of the list and the lists original organization and names preserved, I presume?

Option 3 would end up with a awful lot of channels to go through on sats with a lot of channels, if I understand correctly what you're describing. If the receiver added duplicates of existing channels in the list with different names,etc. Like on 97W Ku, blind scan finds around 200 channels for me, so with whatever is found on a second blind scan added to the end of the channel list with different names,etc, there could be 400 channels to go through? Unless the receiver is only adding new channels and discarding found channels that are identical to channels in the list?

The ability to easily organize channels within the channel list is great, by the way. One of the things that I really like about the HDVR3500. :)

I had a issue this morning which I'm not sure what's going on and the receiver has done it before a couple of times before the new firmware install, so I'll mention it. I leave the receiver powered on 24/7, same as I did with my MicroHD, and this morning when I got up it was very sluggish, a button press on the remote would take a good 40 to 50 seconds to show on the screen and a very long time to do any function. Cycling power returns it to normal every time it has done this, it only happens when the receiver has just sat through the night with no one using it and it doesn't do it all the time, obviously. If it happens again, I'll check over things and determine what I can about it.
I had a issue this morning which I'm not sure what's going on and the receiver has done it before a couple of times before the new firmware install, so I'll mention it. I leave the receiver powered on 24/7, same as I did with my MicroHD, and this morning when I got up it was very sluggish, a button press on the remote would take a good 40 to 50 seconds to show on the screen and a very long time to do any function. Cycling power returns it to normal every time it has done this, it only happens when the receiver has just sat through the night with no one using it and it doesn't do it all the time, obviously. If it happens again, I'll check over things and determine what I can about it.

Would be interesting to see can you telnet in tonight and type "free" this will show you memory status how much you have and how much is being used. Then tomorrow morning do the same thing and see what it says.
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Martyn, this is helpful.
Let me understand what would be the best scenario.

1. Would we want the original organized blind scan to stay the way it was organized including the names of channels untouched during additional blind scan?
2. Would we want the blind scan to check if the channel that is found to be identical to the organized list to be discarded?
3. Would we want the blind scan to add the channel that was found, but has different a. channel name, b. vpid, c. apid to be added to the end of the organized channel list?

Please confirm if our designs match.

Thank you
In the spirit of continuous improvements I have a few issues to consider or check out.
A.) My vote to the blind scan scenario would be #1 to leave the channels untouched as long as any new channels that are found are added to the end.
B.) The settings for the picture aspect ratio - FULLSCREEN, 4:3, or 16:9 does not seem to change anything.
C.) After I made a recording of a movie on GoldenHD when the recording reached the end the unit locked up requiring a power switch off and reboot.
I have been using the 937 beta version.
125W running for about 6 hours or so.

Looks like 49m of memory is free.


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Would be interesting to see can you telnet in tonight and type "free" this will show you memory status how much you have and how much is being used. Then tomorrow morning do the same thing and see what it says.

That's exactly what I was planning to do the next time it does happen. I suspected a memory leak, but it doesn't happen all of the time. It seems pretty random, enough that the first couple of times that it did it I thought, uh, it's just one of those things. This is right now:


Chances are that it won't happen tomorrow, but if it does, I'll check it.

I just noticed that I left my thumb drive in the front USB port overnight, which I usually don't do. I was trying out recording last night and forgot it in there. Might not have anything to do with it, but I'll leave it in there tonight, seeing as to how it was there last night and messed up in the morning. I'll try a few short test recordings too, seeing as how I did a few last night.
Here is with XMBC running.

Looks like under 2m is available.


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Figuring out Linux memory usage is tricky business. Here is a snipet from
the interwebs that puts it well.

"Linux uses memory very efficiently, any blocks not promised to some process is used to cache recently/frequently accessed files. So, it is typical for Linux to use 90% of all available physical memory not long after boot."

Are you actually running out of RAM? Maybe or maybe not.

The only way I now for sure is to look in syslog for messages related to Out of Memory errors.
Now where (or if) that resides in the receiver, I can't tell you that.
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C.) After I made a recording of a movie on GoldenHD when the recording reached the end the unit locked up requiring a power switch off and reboot.
I have been using the 937 beta version.
Mine required a power cycle too when I reached the end of a recording. Another time when it reached the end, it started playing something else and no longer responded to the remote control.

Also, with the newest build I still cannot use many XBMC plugins, including TWiT (The Week in Tech).

I bought this to replace my Vigica C90S, which works well with the TWiT plugin, but not DVB-S2.

It seems that very little progress has been made with this latest release, despite so many posts here describing problems. I wanted one box for satellite and IPTV and this one is not meeting my needs, so I am sending it back for a refund.
1. Would we want the original organized blind scan to stay the way it was organized including the names of channels untouched during additional blind scan?
2. Would we want the blind scan to check if the channel that is found to be identical to the organized list to be discarded?
3. Would we want the blind scan to add the channel that was found, but has different a. channel name, b. vpid, c. apid to be added to the end of the organized channel list?


I think I agree with others on here in agreeing with number one.

Basically, I want any personalization I've done - channel renaming and organizing - to be left untouched after a blind scan.

As for new channels, adding them on the end of the list is perfect because it means I can find them easily and decide what to do with them.

I think this is the way the MicroHD works now with the exception that it rewrites channel names. As I've mentioned before, I correct a lot of channel names to the actual channels and, in some cases like the 113W and 117W, sometimes add the country name so I know what I'm watching. Having a blind scan change all of my work is annoying!

As for what to add and discard, does the receiver also remember the original channel name and the customized name? If so, then it becomes easy. Identical services (matching with the original name, not the customized name, and PIDs can be discarded, new ones can be added. If not, then maybe you're adding everything except those services where the only difference is the name?

Brian did point out that this does mean that if a channel on 97W is changed and renamed, then the receiver wouldn't update the name. I'm not sure what people feel about that.

Did this make sense? If not, or perhaps even if so, we can have a couple of examples and ways the software would act.

Thanks for taking all these suggestions on.
I tried the Weather app and the Google Maps but in both of them there were no LOCATIONS loaded so am wondering if anyone has a list of locations loaded to be able to use this feature? I get a message that there is not a location list. I tried to follow the instructions in section 6.5 in the user manual but received the "no location list message". With laptops and I-phones this is not a big deal to me but it is there and I was trying it out.
Did this make sense?
Technically, we have already experimented with the original channel list in Glorystar mode. It is marked "unchanged". We allow channel names to be changed if the satellite operator changes the broadcast name. Also, with a master password, i can "open" channel management. Another words, I am already using these options for our Glorystar clients, because our aim is to bring automatically updated public channel list. So the Glorystar database is "managed" whatever the user scans on top is a separate database. So i am trying to see if we can "move" the new scanned channels into "permanent database" by basically saving the changes.

Now, i am hoping i am making sense :) let me stick to the three points and test how the implementation works out.
It seems that very little progress has been made with this latest release
I will try to be more diligent in documenting the changes addressed in the releases. The last release was not a full release.

Playback of recordings and motor positions are planned in the next release. The blind scan will be the one after that.

Please send me the link where you downloaded the TWiT, we can address individual add-ons.

keep the challenges coming
Also, with the newest build I still cannot use many XBMC plugins, including TWiT (The Week in Tech).

If you don't mind, can you download the TWiT add-on from save it to your flash drive.

Once downloaded, go to Menu > XBMC > Install from ZIP file > (navigate to the file) - you will see the notice "Installed"

Then go and play.

Here's video (hand held iphone) on how it works:

Please send me the link where you downloaded the TWiT, we can address individual add-ons. ... and I got it through the interface in the HDVR3500

XMBC->Settings->Get More Add-ons-> Add-ons->Video Add-ons->TWiT

Once loaded, I then try to access it and I get a message 'Add-on error!'


If you don't mind, can you download the TWiT add-on from save it to your flash drive.

Once downloaded, go to Menu > XBMC > Install from ZIP file > (navigate to the file) - you will see the notice "Installed"

Then go and play....
I didn't know you had it at that URL. It worked, thanks. Watching 'Ham Nation' now.

So the 'bug' is that the XBMC interface leads you to the old 2.07 version, and not the latest add-on.
So the 'bug' is that the XBMC interface leads you to the old 2.07 version, and not the latest add-on.

The working add-ons are priority. We will continue to provide updated versions in the XBMC store.

I had to remove/block the offensive and inappropriate content. The "big brother" control leaves some add-ons with older or outdated versions.

Manual add-on installation is available, but if we run into compatibility issues, we will address that with add-on providers.

Thank you
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