GEOSATpro HDVR3500 - New DVBS2 STB - Photos and Initial Testing

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I was talking about an outdated version of TWiT, nothing to do with porn.
I am just clarifying the term "big brother" I used. The reason we had to customize the experience on HDVR3500, because unfiltered programs contain porn and other offensive material that we can not defend.

We chose remove offensive unfiltered listings of programs in XBMC.

TWiT is not offensive, but the process of filtering offensive applications limited automatic update. We will fix automatic updates in XBMC.
That's fine for GloryStar Mode, but in FTA mode it should be left to the user what they want and don't want.
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For the record, I agree with Eugene also. Without getting political its his company and I respect him for it, and he should not have to violate his beliefs.
Are there ways for the end user to install ..ahem.. additional unlisted addons?
You know, of the filtered variety?:coco

Not that I would ever watch any of that stuff,
just asking for the benefit of others that may be interested!:rolleyes:
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That's fine for GloryStar Mode, but in FTA mode it should be left to the user what they want and don't want.

But wait there's more:

What if your watching something let's say a rogue porn clip gloryhole and it freezes at the best part then you will be happy eugene removed the porn :) lol

Joking aside I think that would be hard without having two different firmwares

Maybe 2 firmware one just for GS and hobby?
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Whether you like porn or not:
"Believe it or not, porn was the main driving force for innovation long before the internet. It's just one of the reasons VHS tapes won out over Betamax. Porn drove the DVD business next and revolutionized subscription-based premium services, first on TV and then on the internet. Without porn, we would be years behind where we are today with the technology we depend on in our lives. Most recently, the porn industry has driven mobile and live-streaming services."

Porn was a huge technology driver.
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After I post the Video that shows you instructions to install whatever you desire or you may want to "analyze". After I show you how to install add-ons i get this?

I am no judge weather Al Gore or Donald Trump, I am no judge weather you should shoot Cecil the Lion or sell baby parts. But I removed porn and pirated materials from the receivers in all modes. The receiver is a computer, and this up to the user how he wants to use it.

Some one help me get the message across. Christian or Muslim, you have a freedom to do what you want. Just don't ask me to do the choices for the customers. I would like this to me my last post on this.
Are there ways for the end user to install ..ahem.. additional unlisted addons?
You know, of the filtered variety?:coco

I see now its post #345 to add zip files for addons.
Missed that sorry.
I tried the Weather app and the Google Maps but in both of them there were no LOCATIONS loaded so am wondering if anyone has a list of locations loaded to be able to use this feature? I get a message that there is not a location list. I tried to follow the instructions in section 6.5 in the user manual but received the "no location list message". With laptops and I-phones this is not a big deal to me but it is there and I was trying it out.
This error was noted. We added Fahrenheit option and another option which killed the location. I will update you when it's fixed.
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Whether you like porn or not:
"Believe it or not, porn was the main driving force for innovation long before the internet. It's just one of the reasons VHS tapes won out over Betamax. Porn drove the DVD business next and revolutionized subscription-based premium services, first on TV and then on the internet. Without porn, we would be years behind where we are today with the technology we depend on in our lives. Most recently, the porn industry has driven mobile and live-streaming services."

Porn was a huge technology driver.
You are right about that. For the first few years, that was hardly all the prerecorded tapes that were sold, until the studios figured out how to turn home video into a revenue stream.
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This error was noted. We added Fahrenheit option and another option which killed the location. I will update you when it's fixed.
OK, Thanks, I am not complaining or throwing darts but I do realize the stage of the development of this unit model and am just being a team member to help make this model to be the best that it can be. I am taking advantage of the old saying, "get all that you can while the getting is good". After all the better it becomes the better unit that I / we all will end up with...hehe
Something for the to-do list when the updates get around to fixing the appropriate section of the code:

It took me days to notice the video resolution is listed on the main "info" bar. When using channel up/down, that resolution does not get changed right away when the new tuned channel pops in. It is especially noticeable when you have a HD/SD mixed channel mux and you see the former HD tuned channel resolution still displayed on the info bar right after tuning a SD channel. If you wait for the "info" bar that appears right after tuning to go away and then bring it back up with the "info" button, the resolution is properly shown on the reappearance of the info bar. Summary: the issue is not refreshing to correct the video resolution immediately upon tuning a channel since it shows the right resolution if you wait for the initial info bar to go away and then redisplay it with the "info" button press.
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