Genie client (c31?) won't power back up

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The HR34 does have a power saving option, and I just turned it off. Rebooted the C31 (can't adjust power saving from the C31), still won't turn on using any of the power buttons on the remote or the box.

I tired that as well, it was suggested on Direct TV technical forums, didn't fix the issue (that was before the resolution issues). Btw, I put a watt meter on the clients, when turned on they draw about 6 watts and when off about 4 watts.

My wiring is very simple. New RG6 from dish to 8 way splitter inside the house, from the splitter RG6 to H34 and each client(no additional spliters). All wall connectors replaced to support 3 GHZ signal. For a network connection I have Cat 6 running from LAN port on H34 to my router (same line was used for VIP722 and never had any issues). I tested everything with CAT 6 connected and disconnected, each time resetting everything (all this done before reloading firmware and resolution issues).

My installer said that he did 4 similar installs since he did mine and didn't have a single issue. Hopefully replacing the H34 tonight will resolve it all.
I'd be very interested to know if that works. I'm still not sure how a network issue would keep a box from powering on, even using the power button on the box itself. That's why I thought the first box was just bad, had a bad power switch or something. My guy should be coming back on Saturday.

Also, since we're theorizing a network issue, I'm reminded I have a Cinema Connection kit. Wondering what bypassing that and going right into the HR34 would do...
My installer called and is going to leave a really long run of coax for me to connect my client directly to the splitter, just to eliminate one more possibility of there being a problem with the cable in the attic.
Swapping the H34 fixed the resolution issue but not the power on issue. Installer is on the phone with Direct and they have no clue....
Straight run from the splitter did nothing to fix the power on issue. He said he did an install with 3 clients this morning, everything powered off and on just fine, set up same as mine (more clients, obviously). He's going to call in the AM, hopefully get this fixed this weekend. I'd settle for swapping for an H25 at this point.
Straight run from the splitter did nothing to fix the power on issue. He said he did an install with 3 clients this morning, everything powered off and on just fine, set up same as mine (more clients, obviously). He's going to call in the AM, hopefully get this fixed this weekend. I'd settle for swapping for an H25 at this point.

I'm surprised they didn't just replace the one(s) that are not powering up.
Me neither. Like I said, I figured it was a power switch issue and would be fixed by a new box. I will say my installer has hung right in there, trying everything he can think of to fix it. He brought the cable by after he was off work, had his family in the car from what I could tell. I think this install is bothering him almost as much as it's bothering me, and I really appreciate him working on it. I can't really say much bad about DirecTV when they have kept trying hard to fix it. I'm confident they'll make it right one way or another.

Is there any way to give a good recommendation to an installer?

Wow ....
Didn't expect that.
My installer left and said he will be back this weekend as well. He spent 3 hrs on the phone with Direct support, they have no idea what is causing the issue. One question on the network part. Like I said before, I've been playing with this setup and I noticed that the c31 clients are showing up on my home router and are getting IP's assigned to them. Shouldn't they be getting an IP from the H34 only? From what I know the network connection is needed for internet app only and on demand stuff. I wonder if that is causing a conflict. I'll be playing with it some more tonight.
strogonowski, is yours the thread in the DTV forums? If so, that thread says the power issue got fixed, or was it just temporarily? I've been following that thread in hopes of getting an answer, but if it's your thread, I can stop watching it!
Yep, it is mine. There was a period of time where the units worked ok for few hours when I reloaded firmware on the H34 but I disconnected the unit from the router before the upgrade and didn't reconnect it. Once I reconnected H34 back to the router issues returned but I didn't want to spent anymore time on this because of the resolution issue. Now that I have a new H34 and resolution is ok I'll try that again tonight if I have time. That's why I'm thinking it has to do with the network and the way it talks to it. I asked the installer to use the external DECA to test it but he said that DECA is build into the H34. Will see.
I should be able to try taking the router out of the equation and see what happens. Still interesting that network could affect a power switch.

Yep, it is mine. There was a period of time where the units worked ok for few hours when I reloaded firmware on the H34 but I disconnected the unit from the router before the upgrade and didn't reconnect it. Once I reconnected H34 back to the router issues returned but I didn't want to spent anymore time on this because of the resolution issue. Now that I have a new H34 and resolution is ok I'll try that again tonight if I have time. That's why I'm thinking it has to do with the network and the way it talks to it. I asked the installer to use the external DECA to test it but he said that DECA is build into the H34. Will see.
I should be able to try taking the router out of the equation and see what happens. Still interesting that network could affect a power switch.
So I did it again. Disconnected the H34 from the router and reset the H34 and all clients. Approaching 1hr, so far all is good, I can turn clients off and on without removing power (both, the remotes and button on the box work).

If it stays that way I'll make the installer install external DECA next to the splitter and the router in the basement and will see what happens.

I still don't like the fact that C31 clients are hitting my router and are assigned an IP from it, not sure if it supposed to be that way or not. By getting an IP from the router they might be confused and hitting the router instead of the HMC. This might cause them to not receive proper handshake from the HMC and they are staying off till the reset. Once the reset occurs they talk to the HMC first and power on. I think they should only see the HR34 network and nothing else. All internet content should be delivered to clients by the HMC server. For now this is my theory which should be easily fixed by software upgrade. I'll make sure we talk to Direct tomorrow and discuss this. Don't want to call them today and get stuck with first level and start resetting everything again. :mad:
strogonowski said:
So I did it again. Disconnected the H34 from the router and reset the H34 and all clients. Approaching 1hr, so far all is good, I can turn clients off and on without removing power (both, the remotes and button on the box work).

If it stays that way I'll make the installer install external DECA next to the splitter and the router in the basement and will see what happens.

I still don't like the fact that C31 clients are hitting my router and are assigned an IP from it, not sure if it supposed to be that way or not. By getting an IP from the router they might be confused and hitting the router instead of the HMC. This might cause them to not receive proper handshake from the HMC and they are staying off till the reset. Once the reset occurs they talk to the HMC first and power on. I think they should only see the HR34 network and nothing else. All internet content should be delivered to clients by the HMC server. For now this is my theory which should be easily fixed by software upgrade. I'll make sure we talk to Direct tomorrow and discuss this. Don't want to call them today and get stuck with first level and start resetting everything again. :mad:

They're working correctly. When ever you install a CCK or CCK-W the receiver(s) look to the router for an IP address. They talk to each other just like computers would. If you disconnect your system from the Internet and then restore defaults on the system they'll look to share one of the SWM channels in the directv system to get their IP address.
So I did it again. Disconnected the H34 from the router and reset the H34 and all clients. Approaching 1hr, so far all is good, I can turn clients off and on without removing power (both, the remotes and button on the box work).

If it stays that way I'll make the installer install external DECA next to the splitter and the router in the basement and will see what happens.

I still don't like the fact that C31 clients are hitting my router and are assigned an IP from it, not sure if it supposed to be that way or not. By getting an IP from the router they might be confused and hitting the router instead of the HMC. This might cause them to not receive proper handshake from the HMC and they are staying off till the reset. Once the reset occurs they talk to the HMC first and power on. I think they should only see the HR34 network and nothing else. All internet content should be delivered to clients by the HMC server. For now this is my theory which should be easily fixed by software upgrade. I'll make sure we talk to Direct tomorrow and discuss this. Don't want to call them today and get stuck with first level and start resetting everything again. :mad:

That's how it is supposed to be. When there is no router, the DECA system creates its own addresses. When there is a router, the router allocates addresses via HDCP.
Thanks for the info, it will make things easier to troubleshoot today. So it has been about 12 hrs after the reset without the network connection and the C31 are working fine. I can turn them off and on without any problems and everything seems to be working the way it should. So now I need to figure out why the network connection is causing problems. Is there a limit on the length of the network cable? Mine is about 30 feet long going back to the basement directly to the router. Or perhaps an issue with the firmware.... When the unit is plugged into the router everything is working fine as far as the internet applications go (Pandora, etc...) on the HR34 and the C31 clients.
From the sounds of it when you connect your Ethernet cable to your HR34 you are disabling the internal DECA pieces. This is what also happens with the HR24 when you connect it to your Ethernet. This is most likely how it communicates to the C31's. I think that the reason that I have had no issues so far is that I have a broadband connection kit on mine. I have an Ethernet drop at my HR34 but I figured I would just use the kit since it was free.
How about that. Taking the cinema connection kit off the router fixed the power issue. I don't know what that means from an installer point of view, but that's the first thing that's worked. My guy should be coming out today, so I'll let him know.
How about that. Taking the cinema connection kit off the router fixed the power issue. I don't know what that means from an installer point of view, but that's the first thing that's worked. My guy should be coming out today, so I'll let him know.

Let me know how it goes. Got my installer here, we put wireless kit on to eliminate physical connections. Same thing, the minute HMC is attached to the network.
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Hr34 issues


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