Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

I had an 84 rabbit diesel 4 cylinder, great little car that I wish I hadnt sold years ago, though it took a little longer to accelerate it would get up and move, the only problem was that if I got it up to 80 on the freeway it would stall out when I came to a stop but would start back up.
I had an Isuzu Diesel truck for about 15 years. Finally the body rusted out but the engine was one of the lowest maintenance vehicles I ever owned.

Plus- ( Illegal) you can buy home heating fuel oil #2 and it is the same as the diesel you buy at the stations. You may add some detergent and add kerosene in the winter but basically that will save you all the taxes. Back during the Carter rationing days I had our trucks fill up from the boiler tanks a couple of times when we couldn't find diesel.
I think that people forget that normal oil change and tune up aside a diesel engine generaly gets twice the life of a gasoline engine. Mercedes has a poster touting one or more of its 300's that has passed the million miles mark, so does toyota and volkswagon and I think that the big three may also have bragging rights for this aswell and all of this before the engines needed to be overhauled.
Gas holding at $3.30/gal here; but diesel is up to $3.00. Headed to Memphis on Thursday and will check them there as well. Wife got E85 for $2.30 a few days ago. Seems we may have another transfer in the works in the next month or so.
I filled up (10+ gal) on the way home yesterday for $3.29?/gallon. Usually I'd wait until Tuesday, but it was the cheapest I have found around here without driving miles out of my way. Diesel is still hovering around $2.80/gal which doesn't make sense unless Mr. Landis is right and all the oil companies are taking advantage of the last months of the Bush presidency and gouging us while they can still get away with it.

They must have shown An Inconvenient Truth at my son's school or something. He says my next car needs to be a hybrid, or else we'll be underwater when the icecaps melt. (We're at 590' above MSL, so we're not in danger from that aspect of Global Warming, but I wonder how that will affect his generation when they get to call the shots?) I wonder how Art Linkletter would have responded to that "Kids Say the Darnedest Things?"

I wonder how he'd feel if I raided his College Fund to make the deposit on the Tesla roadster? ;) ("I have some good news and some bad news. The good news: I saved the planet by getting a car that doesn't burn fossil fuel. The bad news: you're not going to college and you won't be able to get a job that will pay enough for you to be able to buy gas for your car...")
Paid$ 2.99 yesterday at Heb gas station which is one of the lowest ones in my area. Chevron had $3.09 at their station. That 3.09 is what I paid right after Hurricane Rita in 2005. THat is the most I have ever paid. It looks like its time to cut some extras out of my budget, like personal spending.
I beat the sawtooth price function again! Today, on my way home from work, the gas station that I paid $3.29? for regular yesterday was at $3.59? (:eek:), close to a 10% jump!
Holding at $3.47...$75 to fill up my Truck this afternoon...(our part of the state is the highest) My Car pool buddy talked to a former co-worker who works at the refinery 40 miles north, said they are supposed to be producing 70,000 gallons of gas a day, are actually producing around 90,000...
It is $3.20 here. Cost me $71 to fill up both cars and they weren't empty.

Just over the river in WV it is $3.44
JUst wait till 7/04/07 . I am sure it will be close to $4.00 by the holiday. Boy I am sure that the oil companies are going to get a big bonus this year.
Paid $2.99 at the RaceTrac gas station on my way to work. It cost me $69 to fill up my truck. :( I was expecting it to be at least $75 though.

If it gets to where it takes over $100 to fill up my truck that's the point I will trade it in for a fuel efficient Toyota. I would hate to do that since we need my truck for stuff for the house.

We're going on a trip to Corpus Christi this weekend with a married couple friends of ours. Not looking forward to the gas cost, though Corpus is supposed to have the cheapest gas in the state.