Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

I just changed mine to $150.00 for both my wife and myself for this month from $125.00 last month. I see it going up to $185.00 or even $200.00 by the summer at the rate they are going. Which means we will be cutting out the Xm sat radio and possibly the gym membership. Have to raise money from somewhere and I am not getting any raises again by the cheap ass state of TExas. The sad part is we live about 3 minutes from work. We shop in town and we rarely go out side of town anymore since the origional gas hikes in 2005. Sat tv is the one thing we actually pay for every month since we won't be doing any trips or vacations this year AGAIN. So I guess for Sat companies this is a good thing. The more we have to stay home, the more tv we watch.
Well that is very clever except the facts are what I posted above according to the news.

Now I am not saying that the refinieries don't pick inopportune times to do maintenance shutdowns on themselves, cutting production even more - which causes the price to rise again . But even if they have all the supply in the world we still don't have enough refinery capacity for the ever increasing population of the U.S.A. .

The population and the demand for oil/gas and electricity is increasing yearly but we have not built any new refineries in over 25 years. But in order to guarantee that there is enough supply in this country they do go up on the price to limit it or ration it. Only people who really want to keep going like there is no tommorrow, will keep on gas guzzeling. The rest of us will limit our trips, vacation plans, etc to save money - which then will cause more gas to stay on the market longer. IF enough people do this, the price will then go down -do to the gas companies no longer selling enough and eventually they will catch up with more refined oil/gas and they will have to go down in price to sell it.

Remember just a few months ago like in February they were paying about 2.25 a gallon and cars like the PRius hybrid cars were not selling across the country. Now the demand is high and the supply is low and the price is going ever higher so they can limit the supply and prevent the potential of running out of gas at stations around the country.

JUst watch what happens if the hurricane season is as bad as in 2005. Remember when Katrina, then Rita , then Wilma hit on the gulf coast? Eight out of ten refineries were down due to flooding and damage and gas went up to $3.07 a gallon. That is a direct cause of supply staying the same but the refinery capacity went down.

Now I don't see that there has been that much change in the market ,other than the refineries doing their usual spring maintenance and and the fact that we consume on a national basis more than we refine on a daily basis, but the way it is rising right now is in my opinion , due to emotional apprehension of what may come. Meaning we are all speculating that the price will go over $4.00 a gallon by summer so we are all looking for it to do so. The gas companies are playing into that a bit and gouging the sh*t out of us . It is kind of like the stock market, EXcept they are playing with the American peoples lives and the economy of the entire country will suffer possibly to the point of recession , due to the fact that most of us will have to cut back our spending, vacations,trips, resteraunts, movies etc, to just keep our autos going and keep within our budgets.

But that being said this is the very application of the laws of supply and demand. IF everyone would cut back on consumption of gas , we could limit the price from going skyhigh.

And don't forget what has happenned more recently with Hugo Chavez ousting everyone out of Venezuela. Next its the banks there I here, he'll take em over!
I just changed mine to $150.00 for both my wife and myself for this month from $125.00 last month. I see it going up to $185.00 or even $200.00 by the summer at the rate they are going. The sad part is we live about 3 minutes from work. We shop in town and we rarely go out side of town anymore since the origional gas hikes in 2005. Sat tv is the one thing we actually pay for every month since we won't be doing any trips or vacations this year AGAIN. So I guess for Sat companies this is a good thing. The more we have to stay home, the more tv we watch.

Heck, we are up to $250 for fuel. But my wife is an Executive Director with the Pampered Chef, so she goes through a tank a week with her CRV. I usually get two weeks on a tank for me.

We do go on road trips, but not a lot. Yellowstone will be our big vacation this year, but its worth the cash. AND yes, Satellite TV is the primary entertainment stuff we spend money on. Maybe dinner out once a month.
Well that is very clever except the facts are what I posted above according to the news.

I wasn't trying to be clever but just stating it as I see it not how some dimwit on the news wants us to believe because he may have been told by some super manipulative official with the oil industry. You may be too young, or old enough but conveniently forgot what happened in the 70's... TWICE!

In '73-'74 There was this shortage, we were all told by the oil industry and the news, repeating... over and over that the oil supply is running out. Then once the prices were all stabilized at double what it was 6 months earlier, the truth became known to all. What was clever as you said was that the oil transporters (barges) kept the oil supply off shore creating an artificial shortage to make the panic in the entire industry. I worked in the chemical industry back then and was moved by my company from R&D to a buyer and seller of BTU's. Energy units rather than pounds of raws. Traditional PA's didn't know how to do this because they could only think in $/pound. Anyway. that is what happened and once the prices stabilized at a higher cost per gallon of gasoline, the industry returned to normal trade. Again, there was bo shortage. It was just an artificial shortage to get the price they demanded. Then again in '76 they tried the same thing and the shortage sacre repeated. People, many like you are doing today, beleive the scare tactics generated by the source- the oil industry and then proliferated sacre by the news media.

Hey! wake up call... fool me once, maybe twice, but you've got to be an idiot bafoon if you believe this shortage BS a third time. Heck the oil industry is soooo arrogant this third time that they don't even create the artificial shortage with lines and government intgervention . They just create the inflated prices and we pull up and fill up.

Do I believe we will run out if we keep this consumption up? Of course I do. That is simple science. Do I believe we will run out of source raws in the ground this year, next year, etc at our current world wide consumption rate? Hell no! I do believe that people may create artificial shortages for business reasons just as was done in the past and this can and will affect prices. This is why I an very strong on getting independent of foreign oil first and second, independent on fossil fules for transportation (aka Exxon mobile, etc) I feel we really need more wind power and ethanol production. Comp-etitriopn from alternative energy sources will rid us all of these strangle holds by the Arabs and Oil industries.

Repeating Law of supply and demand- We have the supply but demand more for it.
But Don , you have to acknowledge some things first.

1) We as a nation consume over 9.1 billion barrels of oil DAILY but we only refine and create for use 8.5 billion barrels a day. Simple math will tell you that if you consume more than you refine on a daily basis , the price will go up to limit the demand for the supply.

2) We have not built any new refineries in this country for over 25 years. Domestic production is about all but shutdown in this country.

Now if you acknowledge these two FACTS , you have to think what happens if the refineries do a spring or summer shut down for maintenance like they do every year at this time? Well the supply goes down even more forcing more price hikes to limit the demand for the supply.

Now as to my age I am 44 soon to be 45 in July. I remember the gas lines and the fears about we were running out of oil but I was a pre teen boy when that happened. Was it artifically created by the oil industry? Probably. But when ever Opec wants more money, they limit the production of oil which will cause us to go up on the price to limit the demand for the smaller supply of oil/gas.

I also remember first hand 2 years ago in the summer of 2005 when the gulf coast where I live, was hit by Katrina, then Rita which hit my hometown, and then Wilma. About 8 out of 10 refineries were flooded out and they couldn't get them back on line for about 2 months. The prices here at home after Rita were about $3.06 a gallon. Again the supply was limited so the price went up to limit the demand for it.

Also remember that oil is used for more than just gas tanks. Electricity is created with it in some areas , hence the outrageous fuel sur charge on my electricity bill monthly. We as a country all use more and more computers, cable boxes, dvrs, freezers, a/cs , big screen tvs, etc. The demand is going higher every year. Remember the black out in the northeast a few years back ? The demand was high because we keep growing as a nation ,whether by natural born here or by illegals running across the border daily, and still no new refineries have been created . I think we are over 300 million now as told by the last census and that doesn't inlcude the count for the illegals in the country.

Do I think that the oil companies are gouging us ? YES. Under a Republican like Bush who is a war profiteer , it is very easy. Is he going to demand that they limit price hikes? Hell no, because he personally is benefiting . We all know he is in the pockets of the oil industry and has given them every tax break in the world to create more supply and have they done that? NO, they have pocketed it with big corporate bonuses. But conspiracies theories and personal political beliefs aside, you can not argue with the logic and the FACTS that there have been no new refineries built in this country for over 25 years and that we consume more than we refine on a daily basis.

IN the end if we would develope more alternative energy sources here at home like wind, solar and hydrogen fuel cell cars, we could end the cycle of abuse by Opec, the domestic oil companies and others who profiteer off the backs of the working people in America. But I say again there is still a simple law of supply and demand at work here . The more we grow as a nation and the more we wait to create more refineries or alternative fuel sources, the more the price will go up to limit the demand for the supply. IT is already at work in Europe where the price is over 6.00 - 9.00 a gallon . Mass transit seems to be their answer , that and staying close to home. THe same will happen here if we do nothing to change this. We will all be working and living close to home to avoid paying for the ever increasing demand for gas .
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Show me the gas ;ines, the signs that says no more gas until tomorrow, Then I'll agree there is a shortage. As long as the highways stay packed, people still buy gas guzzelers, and we have no brownouts as the oil burning power plants shut down due to no oil, then the cost we pay is what I said, You can producw thpose figureS but in reality, the diffewrence keeps meeting the demand with no interruption.

Sorry for the typos but I'm typing in the dark. :) No shortage just doing this while driving down I95.

PS Gas dropped 55 cents a gal when I left NY state.
I think the real terrorists are the oil companys... :(

What we need is leadership that will place a real investment into an alternate energy source. I think all of us are aware that coming up with a solution isn't something that will make us more financially secure overnight. As somebody already said, though, there is a pattern: The fuel will, in my opinion, not likely hit $4 / gallon this summer (unless we have a hurricane -- because God knows, they'll use a hurricane as an excuse from here on out) in rural areas like mine. You can call me wishy-washy because I have said several times that I think it will get to $4 gallon everywhere (but I think it depends on hurricanes). I think the odds of that happening are similar to the odds of the Royals winning the World Series. In my area (north Georgia) the trend is something like this: It'll inch upward to a new high -- let's say $3.50 / gallon this summer (as an example). When everybody becomes outraged (and why they aren't already is beyond me) and goes to talking about other solutions nationwide, it comes down to about $2.15 / gallon here. Then, it slowly inches back upward. You'll see $4 gallon in some places this summer I'm sure (California, for example). In rural areas like mine, probably not quite yet. Regardless, electric and hybrid cars are looking like a better investment all the time. In my situation, it'd probably "even" out. I did speak to my employer the other day (about 50 miles round-trip) about the possibility of telecommuting in the event that prices went REALLY high. It doesn't seem to be a problem for about two days out of the five day work week (Monday - Friday). I can get great gas mileage on my Frontier (even though it's a crew cab) and, thankfully, the girls don't mind driving here or playing video games, renting movies on DISH, or just hanging out (but this is a SMALL college town so, to many people, that's not too surprising). I can go six days to work before needing to refuel. If I'm going in three days a week and spending two at home (if it passes), I should be able to go about two weeks on a tank -- which will save me some money.

I know I'm beating the horse to death -- but I hope there is never another "oil man" that is elected to office. It becomes all about tax breaks for the oil companies and the profits (under this leadership) have been unreal -- we've been gouged and our leaders (ALL OF THEM) have sit on their @$$ and watched.

Show me the gas ;ines, the signs that says no more gas until tomorrow, Then I'll agree there is a shortage. As long as the highways stay packed, people still buy gas guzzelers, and we have no brownouts as the oil burning power plants shut down due to no oil, then the cost we pay is what I said, You can producw thpose figureS but in reality, the diffewrence keeps meeting the demand with no interruption.

Sorry for the typos but I'm typing in the dark. :) No shortage just doing this while driving down I95.

PS Gas dropped 55 cents a gal when I left NY state.

I believe the shortage and "peak oil" is much like the hurricane. It's just an excuse to raise the prices. I don't think either are quite valid. Just the other night, my uncle (he and my Dad are twins) told me that, in the 62 years he had been alive, Katrina was the first time he could EVER remember seeing prices rise due to a hurricane.

I believe him -- as I know him to be very honest about all topics. It might not have been a first, but it probably was in our area (rural). I would say it rose close to 18 cents in one afternoon. Heck, some of the little shops had changed prices on my way home (I work in a city of about 30,000) to $5 and $6 / gallon. I'm a blue belt in karate -- which the Indian didn't know -- but as I was in the rush to fill up (as everybody was that evening) and had agreed to UNGODLY prices of $3.00 (because I was suckered into believing there was no more gas and I needed another week's worth of work for the check) -- I saw that worthless piece of crap come out and change the sign to $5 gallon. I was OUTRAGED and I went (along with some man I didn't know) and told him I'd beat his @$$ so quick it'd make his head spin and serve my time in jail for doing it if he charged me that after I had STARTED pumping at $3 (which was already ridiculous). He invited me inside and give me the difference (as he changed the prices in the pump after I had already begun filling up). The other guy was bigger, though, and he gave him his refund first.

I just changed mine to $150.00 for both my wife and myself for this month from $125.00 last month. I see it going up to $185.00 or even $200.00 by the summer at the rate they are going. Which means we will be cutting out the Xm sat radio and possibly the gym membership. Have to raise money from somewhere and I am not getting any raises again by the cheap ass state of TExas. The sad part is we live about 3 minutes from work. We shop in town and we rarely go out side of town anymore since the origional gas hikes in 2005. Sat tv is the one thing we actually pay for every month since we won't be doing any trips or vacations this year AGAIN. So I guess for Sat companies this is a good thing. The more we have to stay home, the more tv we watch.

Yes, very good for DISH and DirecTV. I also read in one article that, since the original hikes in 2005, companies like NetFlix had really done well (even better than before) and the video games were increasing their sales -- simply because people can't afford to get out too much anymore. As I have already said a ton of times, we live in a rural area with the nearest mall being about 25 miles away (one in one direction and the other in the opposite direction). My Mom (as well as the girl I used to see) are just two examples I know of that quit shopping at the mall and began to purchase EVERYTHING online after those first hikes. Most of the companies I have bought from offer free shipping and I can wait a couple of days for something to arrive in the mail.... I guess the point is, I plan my trips extremely carefully now and I think about simple things like burning about 13 miles (roundtrip) for a fast food burger. So, in some ways, I guess it's made me healthier, too. I just buy what I need at the store and eat a ton of salads.

I am going to have a talk with my business partner today and going to demand that we charge $10-15 more per install to anybody that wants internet service to cover fuel expenses depending on their location. If the people complain then I will tell them not to get mad at me, get mad at the oil companies, because this is a surcharge that in reality is being charged by the oil companies. Our F-150's are gas hogs at around 10-15 mpg.
I wonder what price per gallon would end traffic jams? 5 bucks? 10 bucks?

gas is a huge expense for me in field service.

if terrorists attacked some refineries wonder what gas would go to?

have had service calls at places like this they grill you before entrance. about smoking etc.

imagine what some small planes loaded with explosives could do:(

just over 3 bucks a gallon in cleveland yesterday. we were there visiting
Show me the gas ;ines, the signs that says no more gas until tomorrow, Then I'll agree there is a shortage. As long as the highways stay packed, people still buy gas guzzelers, and we have no brownouts as the oil burning power plants shut down due to no oil, then the cost we pay is what I said, You can producw thpose figureS but in reality, the diffewrence keeps meeting the demand with no interruption.

Sorry for the typos but I'm typing in the dark. :) No shortage just doing this while driving down I95.

PS Gas dropped 55 cents a gal when I left NY state.

There is a web story right now on the web on the Abc news website that talks about everything I've been saying. It goes into great lengths to explain the current refinery problems , the fact we haven't expanded enough and have to import more oil from foreign sources. It also talks about the hurricanes in 2005 causing prices to go the highest they have ever gone in Sept. of 2005.

Here it is :
Mike- you and many others will find comfort in the BS presented in these news stories fabricated by oil interests. But, the reality speaks louder and stronger for those who won't be fooled by these ridiculous oil company fairy tales. Plenty of supply, no shortage. Period! You have to be real stupid to believe me if I tell you I can't sell you any product because I have a shortage, but if you pay me 3 times what you did before, I'll sell you all you want!

If you want you will fall for any silly story they will give you. What will it be tomorrow- Gas went higher this month because of Global warming? Maybe it hasn't rained in months in north Florida. How about gas went higher because we have a stanglehold on the American way of life and we choose to profit from it.
... You have to be real stupid to believe me if I tell you I can't sell you any product because I have a shortage, but if you pay me 3 times what you did before, I'll sell you all you want! ...
I agree. Consumption has actually risen over the last few years. There's no shortage of product.

As I've said before, if people will buy just as much at $3.25/gal as they do at $2.50, why wouldn't they (we, actually :) ) charge the higher price. Duh.

Ask McDonalds what it would do if higher prices didn't affect sales...