Well that is very clever except the facts are what I posted above according to the news.
Now I am not saying that the refinieries don't pick inopportune times to do maintenance shutdowns on themselves, cutting production even more - which causes the price to rise again . But even if they have all the supply in the world we still don't have enough refinery capacity for the ever increasing population of the U.S.A. .
The population and the demand for oil/gas and electricity is increasing yearly but we have not built any new refineries in over 25 years. But in order to guarantee that there is enough supply in this country they do go up on the price to limit it or ration it. Only people who really want to keep going like there is no tommorrow, will keep on gas guzzeling. The rest of us will limit our trips, vacation plans, etc to save money - which then will cause more gas to stay on the market longer. IF enough people do this, the price will then go down -do to the gas companies no longer selling enough and eventually they will catch up with more refined oil/gas and they will have to go down in price to sell it.
Remember just a few months ago like in February they were paying about 2.25 a gallon and cars like the PRius hybrid cars were not selling across the country. Now the demand is high and the supply is low and the price is going ever higher so they can limit the supply and prevent the potential of running out of gas at stations around the country.
JUst watch what happens if the hurricane season is as bad as in 2005. Remember when Katrina, then Rita , then Wilma hit on the gulf coast? Eight out of ten refineries were down due to flooding and damage and gas went up to $3.07 a gallon. That is a direct cause of supply staying the same but the refinery capacity went down.
Now I don't see that there has been that much change in the market ,other than the refineries doing their usual spring maintenance and and the fact that we consume on a national basis more than we refine on a daily basis, but the way it is rising right now is in my opinion , due to emotional apprehension of what may come. Meaning we are all speculating that the price will go over $4.00 a gallon by summer so we are all looking for it to do so. The gas companies are playing into that a bit and gouging the sh*t out of us . It is kind of like the stock market, EXcept they are playing with the American peoples lives and the economy of the entire country will suffer possibly to the point of recession , due to the fact that most of us will have to cut back our spending, vacations,trips, resteraunts, movies etc, to just keep our autos going and keep within our budgets.
But that being said this is the very application of the laws of supply and demand. IF everyone would cut back on consumption of gas , we could limit the price from going skyhigh.