Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

I want my Tesla, but for some reason the wife doesn't agree. Something about spending money for a car that doesn't fit the whole family and cost as much as our house doesn't make sense to her. If we lived in California, the AC Propulsion eBox might make more sense, though...

Oh, and our gas jumped up to $2.99/gal for unleaded regular. Let's see, I drive about 16,500 miles a year and my car gets 22mpg on average, so I spend ~$2,250 a year on gas, plus four oil changes @ $30. It will take about 40-41 years to break even with the Tesla :( I guess the Ed Begley, Jrs. and Tom Hanks of the world will have to make Electric cars affordable for the rest of us.
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I've said it once and I'll say it again -- and will likely always say it. I've did my best to be patriotic. I support our troops and will always support what they do. It is the bravery of men and women like them that make the country what it is. However, it's the stupidity of men like our President that make the country what it is as well. I swear: I questioned the fact that people would actually leave our country for the northern border. I no longer question that method of thinking. Here's an idiot that simply brings up that fact that they (the people overseas) are quite used to paying nearly $7 / gallon for gas.

Bush doesn't realize it (as he doesn't realize many things) but it's going to tear our economy to shreads. People (like me) are having it tough enough with gas prices at $3 / gallon and to see it rise the way it has -- without any extra turmoil or weather occurances -- is downright scary. The fact that many are predicting $4 / gallon by Labor Day is scary to me and I no longer have any doubts that we'll see it. We'll see it but the question is during what part of his Presidency. I'm only 25, so some of you may simpy call me ignorant, but I can never recall seeing gas surge at the mention of a hurricane -- as it has did recently.

Even more scary is the fact that this isn't a problem that has an overnight solution. Send out all the forwards you want about "not buying gas on May 15", but it's not as simple as that. I'm not sure what the solution is: But we need to find one very quick! This is a problem that will potentially bankrupt the people of the United States.
I wish I had my moped that I had when I was 14 back in 1984. The 1.5 gallon tank would take less than $1.50 to fill up. I think gas was around .75 or .80 a gallon :)
The cost of fuel has little to do with the person sitting in the White House. Sorry, but Bush can't magically make the price drop.

Our country has allowed itself to become hostage to the volatile oil market over the last decades. Years ago we should have taken steps to be energy independent, but we didn't. It would have been costly and political suicide for anyone who voted to cause the change.

There's no apparent reason for oil suppliers not to charge higher prices. Consumption hasn't dropped as prices rose. The only solution for most is to change personal habits and make choices that result in less need for fuel.
Without turning this thread into Pit material, think about about all the R&D that could have been put into Electric vehicles (improving Lithium Polymer batteries, increasing DC motor efficiencies, making more effective solar panels, etc.) with the hundreds of billions of dollars that went into the Iraqi Invasion and Occupation.

Our prices are still at $2.99, but my coworker that lives about 25 miles closer to Chicago reported they were up to $3.19. One of the gas stations I stop at has just put in new pumps. How much you want to bet that this pump can be programmed for prices that exceed $2.99/gal?
Without turning this thread into Pit material, think about about all the R&D that could have been put into Electric vehicles (improving Lithium Polymer batteries, increasing DC motor efficiencies, making more effective solar panels, etc.) with the hundreds of billions of dollars that went into the Iraqi Invasion and Occupation.

Very well said!
Well this is REDICULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3.19 for a freakin gallon of gas!!!!! I can see it goin to $3.50 easily. Before long those expensive electric or hybrid vehicles will not seem so expensive at the rate we are going. Oil companies are shooting themselves in the foot because this is how we will get off their oil.

I think there may be a pattern. They will jack the prices up to a higher level each time then drop it back to prevent us from going to a permanent solution. They get these little spikes of profits this way and make us glad to see it back down to $2.50 a gallon which is still way too high.
I think the real terrorists are the oil companys... :(


$3.09 for 87 (midgrade) the other day. It cost me over $40 to fill my stinking camry. Pissed me off. I am fully expecting to pay $3.50 - $4.00/gallon when we go to Yellowstone this summer. It takes a bite out of the fun of road trips.

Fricking oil companies should rot in hell...
Up to $3.59 gal. here in the Sierras. 9cent hike yesterday. Most in one day since Katrina. But they don't have an excuse today.

(I've been here a year today and still classified as a junior member)
(I've been here a year today and still classified as a junior member)
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I spent ten minutes in a Gas Line (ah, shades of 1973...) to top off my tank at the last station to have "cheap gas" at $2.99. All the local stations are now $3.19:mad:

We could have bought my wife the Prius last year, but did we? Nooooooooo..... Oh, well...
Well the news the other day said that in America we use like 9.1 billion barrels of oil a day to run our country. The refineries in America only refine like 8.5 billion barrels of oil into gas for our uses. This is what causes the price to rise. IT is called the law of SUPPLY & DEMAND. If we want the price to go down we need more refineries. Just imagine if the gulf coast gets hit by more hurricanes , knocking out more refineries like in 2005. The gas price could go well over $4.00 - $5.00 a gallon because once again, the supply is limited and the demand is high , hence the higher prices.
Mike there is a new definition for law of supply and demand-

We have the supply, but demand more for it!

Nowhere on my travels on the East Coast including Grand Cayman for a few days, have I seen "out of gas" signs. The traffic doesn't appear to be affected, heavy as usual. But the cost has risen from 2.68 per gallon when I began this trip to today at 3.39. That's a pretty hefty increase over 6 weeks. Fortunately for me, I'm on business so I bill for the expenses. In addition, the hotel costs have gone up 15-20% since last year at the same places. Food is about the same, Tolls went up about 12%. Many stations in the NE are selling E-10 gas too for these higher prices. According to many, their cars get less mpg with ethanol blends. This fact adds to the cost increase while not obvious to the buyer.
Mike there is a new definition for law of supply and demand-

We have the supply, but demand more for it!

Nowhere on my travels on the East Coast including Grand Cayman for a few days, have I seen "out of gas" signs. The traffic doesn't appear to be affected, heavy as usual. But the cost has risen from 2.68 per gallon when I began this trip to today at 3.39. That's a pretty hefty increase over 6 weeks. Fortunately for me, I'm on business so I bill for the expenses. In addition, the hotel costs have gone up 15-20% since last year at the same places. Food is about the same, Tolls went up about 12%. Many stations in the NE are selling E-10 gas too for these higher prices. According to many, their cars get less mpg with ethanol blends. This fact adds to the cost increase while not obvious to the buyer.

Well that is very clever except the facts are what I posted above according to the news.

Now I am not saying that the refinieries don't pick inopportune times to do maintenance shutdowns on themselves, cutting production even more - which causes the price to rise again . But even if they have all the supply in the world we still don't have enough refinery capacity for the ever increasing population of the U.S.A. .

The population and the demand for oil/gas and electricity is increasing yearly but we have not built any new refineries in over 25 years. But in order to guarantee that there is enough supply in this country they do go up on the price to limit it or ration it. Only people who really want to keep going like there is no tommorrow, will keep on gas guzzeling. The rest of us will limit our trips, vacation plans, etc to save money - which then will cause more gas to stay on the market longer. IF enough people do this, the price will then go down -do to the gas companies no longer selling enough and eventually they will catch up with more refined oil/gas and they will have to go down in price to sell it.

Remember just a few months ago like in February they were paying about 2.25 a gallon and cars like the PRius hybrid cars were not selling across the country. Now the demand is high and the supply is low and the price is going ever higher so they can limit the supply and prevent the potential of running out of gas at stations around the country.

JUst watch what happens if the hurricane season is as bad as in 2005. Remember when Katrina, then Rita , then Wilma hit on the gulf coast? Eight out of ten refineries were down due to flooding and damage and gas went up to $3.07 a gallon. That is a direct cause of supply staying the same but the refinery capacity went down.

Now I don't see that there has been that much change in the market ,other than the refineries doing their usual spring maintenance and and the fact that we consume on a national basis more than we refine on a daily basis, but the way it is rising right now is in my opinion , due to emotional apprehension of what may come. Meaning we are all speculating that the price will go over $4.00 a gallon by summer so we are all looking for it to do so. The gas companies are playing into that a bit and gouging the sh*t out of us . It is kind of like the stock market, EXcept they are playing with the American peoples lives and the economy of the entire country will suffer possibly to the point of recession , due to the fact that most of us will have to cut back our spending, vacations,trips, resteraunts, movies etc, to just keep our autos going and keep within our budgets.

But that being said this is the very application of the laws of supply and demand. IF everyone would cut back on consumption of gas , we could limit the price from going skyhigh.
Mike there is a new definition for law of supply and demand-

We have the supply, but demand more for it!

Nowhere on my travels on the East Coast including Grand Cayman for a few days, have I seen "out of gas" signs. The traffic doesn't appear to be affected, heavy as usual. ...
Why should they (we, actually :)) charge less? Why sell it for $2.50/gal when the demand remains unchanged at $3.50?

The solution at the personal level is to change habits and cut back on consumption, but that doesn't appear to be happening.
I really don't think if we change our habit's it will make a bit of difference... the Oil companys are going to gouge us for everything they can while they can until or if there is a new power source or government intervention... we are the Cash Cow for them...
I really don't think if we change our habit's it will make a bit of difference... the Oil companys are going to gouge us for everything they can while they can until or if there is a new power source or government intervention... we are the Cash Cow for them...

Once again, I concur.

They gouge us because they can. The government refuses to seriously consider regulation.

I just added $50 per month to our family budget allocated to gas. :(