Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

This is just a thought for survival, so don't beat me up on it,... OK?

I haven't looked at it yet but maybe someone has and knows the answer-

Are the Oil company stocks paying out huge dividends now because of the obscene profits they are reporting? This would be yet one other way of reducing the out of pocket cost of gasoline, by owning stock in these companies.

In the past year, I have had problems in finding E-85 along my travel route to save anything at all. I did find one near VA Beach but it only saved me about 30 cents and the performance was equal to low test gas I normally buy. The other way I save is to buy gas on a cash back discount CC now which is at 5%, not much but it all helps. In buying stock in these companies, if there are any dividends, this could offset your cost as well. On the flip side of this idea- I have never really seen much payback on stocks so it is probably not really worth the effort. I was just looking for any thought from the rest of you.

Probably, the best idea I have had is to vote out all incumbents and clean house in the government. Put the power back in the people where it belongs. Heck, we'll probably see EXXON change its name to Exxanol before that happens.
They say that E-85 does not give you as good gas mileage (perhaps 30% less) than regular 87 unleaded gasoline. I am so very surprised that the government has not stepped in more to do something about these insane gas prices.

Oil companies are just shooting themselves in the foot as this will speed up alternative fuel sources for vehicles. These gas prices are totally rediculous. I think $2 is even a high price to pay per gallon let alone $3 or more. Can't charge customers a surcharge for gas on service calls, they will have someone else or Dish Network do it since many of them do not charge those fees. It comes right out of our pockets.
They say that E-85 does not give you as good gas mileage (perhaps 30% less) than regular 87 unleaded gasoline. I am so very surprised that the government has not stepped in more to do something about these insane gas prices.

Oil companies are just shooting themselves in the foot as this will speed up alternative fuel sources for vehicles. These gas prices are totally rediculous. I think $2 is even a high price to pay per gallon let alone $3 or more. Can't charge customers a surcharge for gas on service calls, they will have someone else or Dish Network do it since many of them do not charge those fees. It comes right out of our pockets.

I'm not surprised at the government's lack of wanting to deal with this. This is making many of them richer. :(

I'm looking at alternatives as well, and my wife and I are going to go over our budget tonight and start cutting out expenses to compensate for the higher fuel prices.
If we did not have as high of gas prices then our economy would be that much better. People have less money for other things. I just heard on the news as I was typing this that we had the biggest plunge in oil in 3 months - down $2.50 a barrel, and Exxon stocks are down and that the supply is up.
Stargazer- There is much BS about E-85 not being as efficient as Gasoline. It is indeed all BULL sh*t! Such tactics designed to keep people afraid of E-85.
While it is true that putting E-85 in a car not designed for E-85 will suffer a considerable drop in efficiency, fact is that using E-85 in a vehicle designed to burn it is quite a savings in cost per mile. Now you will get a tad less mpg with E-85 but the latest calculated price on E-85 with that 15% gasoline price gouge but the ethanol fair cost, will still save you cost per mile. The problem many are seeing in states where E-85 is abundant is that the companies selling it are price gouging E-85 unfairly to profit off it. If the fair price on E-85 is, say $2.00 per gallon and the gas price is $2.90 per gallon, why would you sell E-85 for $2. Better for your profits to sell it for just under the gas price, right?

You are right about the effect of gas prices on the economy. Some comodities directly affect the economy such as electricity, transportation fuel, food, etc while other stuff doesn't, such as cost of stereo equipment, TV services, etc.

I knopw that back in the late 70's and 80's, even in the 90's inflation % was a hugely reported item in the news, but in the past 6 years with the Bush Administration, it has been a news figure that seems sequestered. Inflation is huge, I can sense it!

I am fortunate, however in that in my business I CAN pass along the cost of transportation as that is how I originally set up my contracts with my clients. While gas price is affecting the business to a minor degree, It really represents a smaller picture in the overall billing.

Another thought- Many people in this country DID ramp up their gas guzzlers in the past 6-8 years. I see more and more people buying huge SUV's and big PU Trucks that get under 15 mpg. Auto mfg's are discontinuing the mini van because it has lost popularity to the SUV. The mini van has nearly double the hauling capacity and gets about 50% higher fuel efficients. I get 24 mpg with a full 800pound load of equipment on my trips. My daughter has a 15 mpg SUV and is feeling the crunch now. I have suggested she doesn't need that guzzler and shoud consider trading it in on a hybrid or even a small used Honda, since her husband has a mini PU Truck anyway.

There are all sorts of ways a person can cut fuel costs, but as long as they insist on the big ineficient vehicles, they will just have to get used to the idea of a $400 / month transportation energy cost.
Anyone see the Good morning america tv segment on abc on gas prices yesterday ?

They said if the outside temp is above 60" that the gas expands and end result u end up filling up less gas into your car then it says on the gas pump meter at the gas station...
Yes, I saw that piece, and I had to chuckle. They even got a physicist to participate, lending credence to their case.

For those who didn't see it, the argument is that fuel volume increases as the temperature rises (quite true). Pumps are designed to deliver the right amount of fuel at a temperature of 60 degrees, so we're being "shorted" by a measurable amount as the air temperature rises. A physicist demonstrated the effect by dunking a full flask of liquid into a warm bath and then seeing it overflow as it expanded.

The problem with the argument is that only a small amount of the total fuel you buy is potentially affected - just what's already in the hose. The temperature of the fuel in the ground isn't affected by the daily swings in air temperature, so the vast majority of what you get is near the 60-degree figure. The fuel expands after it's warmed in your tank, of course, but the tank is designed to deal with it.

It makes for good alarmist reporting, though.
Sounds like something to make news that is almost irrelevent. You are going to lose so little gas due to temps above 60 that it is not even worth worrying about. It would make more sense to talk about other things that cause gas mileage to go down such as car windows rolled down, underinflated tires, etc in which I have even heard that they do and that they do not cause gas mileage to go down.
When I was in Grand Cayman two weeks ago I had to fill up before returning the renal car, a Daihatsu, micro mini car. I had a half tank to fill but the price was very confusing at the pump. Didn't know if it was liters or gallons, Cayman $ or US but when I went to pay the lady told me it was $38 US. ... The price of being a tourist outside the US, I suppose.
Gas is up to $2.99 per gallon here now. This is rediculous! Getting into wireless internet business and am going to have to charge a gas surcharge on all installs, price will be $5-$10 more to pay for the gas expense since we will have to run truck/suv and those things suck the gas. Hard to have others keep a family with gas taking a big chunk of it. Got to pass the cost along to the consumer now.
Ours here is I believe $1.04 a liter.........there are 3.7854118 liters in a gallon so it's more like $3.94 a gallon.............OUCH!!!!! I still fill up across in International Falls MN where is's still under $3 a gallon.
Although checking out national averages, Victoria BC is the highest at $1.185 a liter which works out to a whopping $4.48 a liter.............holy crap!!!!