Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

$2.47 in North Georgia where I live. As for asking Bush to do anything - HA!! Bush will continue to do what he has done all along (sit back and let his pockets get full). He has no sense of concern for the American people or the economy and is one of the most arrogant and self-centered people I can name (that you all would know)...

Bush is not going to do a darn thing about the gas. He mentioned something about having the cheaper methanol made in greater supplies or something like that but how long is that going to take?
Bush is not going to do a darn thing about the gas. He mentioned something about having the cheaper methanol made in greater supplies or something like that but how long is that going to take?

Years. Hell, I'm 24 (I'll be 25 on Friday) and I may be dead and gone before all of those changes are fully implemented.

$2.69 here.

I drive 50 miles round trip each way.

I'm looking to get either a cheapy commuter car, or a motor scooter to drive back and forth to work.
$2.76 here today. Used to drive 172 miles round trip each day. Now it's about 6 blocks each direction (I still drive when weather is icky or I'm running late).
Bush is not going to do a darn thing about the gas. He mentioned something about having the cheaper methanol made in greater supplies or something like that but how long is that going to take?
I give Bush credit for spotlighting alternate fuels in the national debate. I believe he actually wants to see ethanol become more widely available. We have to get past the mindset that its production requires the use of corn. Researchers are developing processes to use other biomass and it's just a matter of time until we produce all the ethanol we want.

The problem is that influential people/companies with vested energy interests will fight it every step of the way. Oil companies and others who benefit from the status quo have been successful in preventing congressional and administrative actions that threaten their entrenched interests.