Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

Let us simply place blame on the biggest ass our nation has ever witnessed! I'm sure it's something Bush would be pleased with. What, with all of us struggling to make ends meet due to high oil prices while (all the while) he continues to line his wallet with profits. He's the worst SOB this nation has (or ever will) see in a leadership role and I think there are many other things we should place square on his shoulders as well.

He's a worthless, sorry, good-for-nothing, arrogant, and ignorant waste of space.
Let us simply place blame on the biggest ass our nation has ever witnessed! I'm sure it's something Bush would be pleased with. What, with all of us struggling to make ends meet due to high oil prices while (all the while) he continues to line his wallet with profits. He's the worst SOB this nation has (or ever will) see in a leadership role and I think there are many other things we should place square on his shoulders as well.

He's a worthless, sorry, good-for-nothing, arrogant, and ignorant waste of space.

Now don't sugarcoat it ,Tell us how you really feel? :p

** I agree 1000% by the way.
Now don't sugarcoat it ,Tell us how you really feel? :p

** I agree 1000% by the way.

Thank God! I take it you aren't one of those people that passes me on the way to work every morning proudly displaying a "W" on your back bumper.

I haven't been to work this week (recovering from an oral surgery) but late last week as I filled up my truck (2001 Nissan Frontier Crew Cab), I complained about the prices (then at about $2.79) only to hear some redneck next to me proudly boast, "I'll pay $5.00 a G-D gallon to keep these G-D M F'rs like Clinton or Kerry out of office, G-D it, because that's how God wants it to be". So am I to assume God condones everybody that votes for Bush taking his name like that?

My friend, we live in a scary world. It has taken me up until this week to understand it, but we live in one.
Unfortunately no. I see in the future the price of gas going up more and more as the supply goes down and the demand gets higher . Especially with India and China pushing to industrialize their countries.

THe answer is to diversify our energy strategy and get away from oil .Especially foreign oil. I have seen many new electric cars on the ABC new site that the car companies are going to soon release to the public n the next few years. The problem is there isn't any infrastructure to support the new cars yet: THere is no hydrogen pumps at the gas stations YET.

THere needs to be more solar, wind, hydro-elec. energy used and maybe even ethanal , but I don't think that the last one will ever be any good due to the strain it will put on the price of food. IMagine the farmers growing corn just to make ethanol and it creates a high demand for it, which would cause the price of most food products to go up in kind. Almost all packaged foods have corn syrup in them as fillers and to hold them together and to make them taste sweet.
Maybe the American car companies can get their sales back up again if they can get alternative fueled vehicles on the market more. Has there been a relation to the American car sales dropping with the fuel prices increasing?

So basically we will not save any money using ethanol because what we dont pay in fuel we will pay in food prices.
Stargazer- There is much BS about E-85 not being as efficient as Gasoline. It is indeed all BULL sh*t! Such tactics designed to keep people afraid of E-85.
While it is true that putting E-85 in a car not designed for E-85 will suffer a considerable drop in efficiency, fact is that using E-85 in a vehicle designed to burn it is quite a savings in cost per mile. Now you will get a tad less mpg with E-85 but the latest calculated price on E-85 with that 15% gasoline price gouge but the ethanol fair cost, will still save you cost per mile. The problem many are seeing in states where E-85 is abundant is that the companies selling it are price gouging E-85 unfairly to profit off it. If the fair price on E-85 is, say $2.00 per gallon and the gas price is $2.90 per gallon, why would you sell E-85 for $2. Better for your profits to sell it for just under the gas price, right?

You are right about the effect of gas prices on the economy. Some comodities directly affect the economy such as electricity, transportation fuel, food, etc while other stuff doesn't, such as cost of stereo equipment, TV services, etc.

I knopw that back in the late 70's and 80's, even in the 90's inflation % was a hugely reported item in the news, but in the past 6 years with the Bush Administration, it has been a news figure that seems sequestered. Inflation is huge, I can sense it!

I am fortunate, however in that in my business I CAN pass along the cost of transportation as that is how I originally set up my contracts with my clients. While gas price is affecting the business to a minor degree, It really represents a smaller picture in the overall billing.

Another thought- Many people in this country DID ramp up their gas guzzlers in the past 6-8 years. I see more and more people buying huge SUV's and big PU Trucks that get under 15 mpg. Auto mfg's are discontinuing the mini van because it has lost popularity to the SUV. The mini van has nearly double the hauling capacity and gets about 50% higher fuel efficients. I get 24 mpg with a full 800pound load of equipment on my trips. My daughter has a 15 mpg SUV and is feeling the crunch now. I have suggested she doesn't need that guzzler and shoud consider trading it in on a hybrid or even a small used Honda, since her husband has a mini PU Truck anyway.

There are all sorts of ways a person can cut fuel costs, but as long as they insist on the big ineficient vehicles, they will just have to get used to the idea of a $400 / month transportation energy cost.

I have a Flex fuel minivan. And I can tell you in real world experence 90% freeway driving (60-65 MPH) that I get 25-26 MPG with unleded gas and 19-20 MPG with E-85. And my minivan can run up to 96% Ethanol (according to the manual).

That is about a 20% drop in MPG for E-85. So at $2.50 a gallon for regular I need E-85 to be at $2.00 to break even.
so true RVD!

I have an 03 ranger that can run on E-85 and I need at least .55 to break even. I did try it for a while. Not only did it screw up the truck (check engine light came on) but my milage went in the crapper (an outhouse with a deep hole) :)

I know the CEL light was due to 69,000 miles of unleaded then switching to E-85 and my O2 sensors spazzed out. My grandma has a 07 IMpala and thats all she uses (of course she bought it when they were giving that 1000 buck gas card if you bought one). Her milage isn't bad but if I took what they get versus what the sticker said, right now they are breaking even at .40 difference
I paid $2.76 a gallon yesterday for 87 unleaded.

I drive a 2007 Chevy Silverado Classic. It cost me $61 to fill up my truck.

I opted for the smaller V6, and I can get on average 17.5-18.5 MPG.
I'm in Vegas all week and 87 gas here is avg. 3.05 and about 100mi north it is 3.40 per gal.

I only ever had one opportunity to use E-85 in my Caravan and using the gas mpg meter in the console, I got about the same avg mpg as with gasoline. Less in around town averages. I did fill up from empty so there was no gasoline blending being done. The Caravan is a '99 and had about 110,000 mi at the time of this E-85 test. But unlike Iceberg's experience, I do keep my Caravan in top running condition with frequent tuneups and other PM's more often than the manual. My normal mpg runs 23-25 mpg but I also carry a full weight load of close to 1000 pounds on these trips. so mpg is low when driving around the city but better than average when on the highway ( inertia) Based on this I figured the E-85 does have less power transfer and the frequent start /stops/start of city driving is where the E-85 will suffer most, especially with heavy loads.

I have often agreed with several mechanic friends I know that if a car is designed around E-85, not a flexfuel, it will run just as efficient as one designed just for gasoline. As with any compromise, efficiency will suffer.