Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

The price keeps steadily (and sometimes not so steadily, with big jumps) rising, yet the media coverage seems to be nil. I guess as long as it stays under 3 bucks it seems "cheap" and not worth commentary.
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I do not see any news coverage on this either and I usually do on the local news when they say "pain at the pump" stories regularly. We deserve to have a good explaination as to why the sudden increase in gasoline prices. This IS insane! Right when we thought we was going in the right direction with going under $2 a gallon (in which in my book it should not get over $2 a gallon for a while).
There are no more real investigative reporters. They are just a bunch of kids doing their day's work in media to earn a paycheck. They find the easy stories to do. Unfortunately, the older experienced reporters are either jaded or paid off to keep their mouth shut. Or, they were fired from their big jobs because they misspoke at a cocktail party by saying something politically incorrect.
Looks like the gas prices are going to go up a bit then if they drop they will just be about the same price we are paying now and then we will be happy with what we are paying today.

10 years from now we will probably be happy to pay $3-4 per gallon by the time they get done with us.
I would comment on the price of gas. But damn...every time I brag a bit about how things seem cheaper here, it jumps up the very next day.

Soooo....I hereby declare: NO MORE COMMENTS from the webbydude. LOL
As I predicted, over the past few days the price of gas topped $3 a gallon, at least in some areas, and it made the news. Reasons for the increase included, price of crude went up and refinery maintenance. "Just because we can" was not listed as a reason.
Finally the local news had a report on the high gas prices. Said it was due to shortages because of issues at several different areas such as Ohio.
I saw some wild spikes in prices locally but tonight, I see many of those high stations have settled in on 2.50- 2.55. Bogy- If Iowa is hitting 3.00 this week, that is scary. What is E-85 doing this past week?
I saw on the news where Bush was going to have more Ethanol produced to get the prices back down or something like that.
Wish Bush would ask Congress to intro a Bill that would require all stations to offer E-85 by 2008, plus require all cars made to be flex fuel Vehicles.
Its all about the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

This affects the economy because if people have to put money into gas people have less money for other things.