Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

Mike- you and many others will find comfort in the BS presented in these news stories fabricated by oil interests. But, the reality speaks louder and stronger for those who won't be fooled by these ridiculous oil company fairy tales. Plenty of supply, no shortage. Period! You have to be real stupid to believe me if I tell you I can't sell you any product because I have a shortage, but if you pay me 3 times what you did before, I'll sell you all you want!

If you want you will fall for any silly story they will give you. What will it be tomorrow- Gas went higher this month because of Global warming? Maybe it hasn't rained in months in north Florida. How about gas went higher because we have a stanglehold on the American way of life and we choose to profit from it.

Okay Don you are free to believe anything you want about it. I will listen to the news stories "fabricated by oil interests".

Enough said.
Dang, it was $3.25 for mid-grade today. Lets see, two weeks to Memorial Day; it will keep going up $.12 per week, and hit $3.50 right on target! :(
heh... and NBC Nightly news was reporting that the further you are from a refinery the higher the prices...I am 40 miles away from one.:rolleyes: and if I look close I can see Oil Wells from my house... and have a natural gas pipeline running through my property... ;)
$2.85 at sams club in athens GA, other locations run $2.98 - $3.09 regular unleaded. Talked to my uncle tonight and regular unleaded in Canton / Westland Michigan is $3.40 a gallon.
heh... and NBC Nightly news was reporting that the further you are from a refinery the higher the prices...I am 40 miles away from one.:rolleyes: and if I look close I can see Oil Wells from my house... and have a natural gas pipeline running through my property... ;)

Then why are we paying much less than you, Don? Last night Hess was $2.91 I don't know where the nearest oil wells are nor the nearest refinery is but it sure isn't proportionately closer that they are from you to account for a 40 cent difference.

The whole reasoning is a lie! The trouble when you lie is your stories have to remain consistent. The oil companies are lieing to the public and they continue to mix up their stories from one week to the next. The reporters are not doing any indepth investigations on this.

The truth is it has nothing to do with supply, or distance from the refineries. IT all has to do with greed, plain and simple. Believe the supply story if you want but you are one who is the sucker. Problem is the rest of us who know what's going on can't do anything about it.
I should learn to keep my mouth shut. Went out to fill the tank tonight and gas went up to 2.98 at Hess. But the real aholes, Exxon is at 3.35! I even saw a few people buying that overpriced greed.
So I buy Hess and get their 5% discount.

Who else here is taking advantage of the discounts via credit cards? When you first sign up for 90 days, its 10% Plus they take it right off your bill statement.
I am sure the oil companies will report 400% increas in profit this quarter... I sold my car when Gas prices started to rise and went from 1.40 to 1.80 per gallon. I thought at that point that those prices were insane but now it is just plain stupid. I have gotten used to public transportation and taxi. I live in the city and it is easier for me.

Since I sold the car, I have saved money even though I take taxi and public transportation to do most of my errands and sometimes I even rent a car.
Up to $3.30 in SE Missouri today; up .10 in 2 days. Glad I read about Ice's (I think) E85 truck... We just bought a 2008 Avenger R/T with E85 engine. Saw E85 for $2.30/gal Wednesday.
Ive started to look at diesels lately, the fuels now cheaper and that hasnt happened since junior took up where his daddy left off. Theres a local guy who refines used cooking oil and tends to have alot more than he can use so he sells it cheap and Ive been looking more and more through the home made biofuels wich makes it more interesting.

Gas jumped up to 20 cents at some stations this week, no telling how bad it will be over the holiday but I bet the national average hits $4.00 and I think the stores are banking on this causing people to change their travel plans. Over the holidays we usually ship out a fair amount of ice cream and other holiday specific foods but today we were shipping out twice the normal amount of these foods.
We thought about diesel too, but at near $2.90/gal and lack of power and SMELLY, we could not resist the E85 and the tax breaks you can find.